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RA-2 Quality Control Reports

Quality Control Reports

Daily Quality Reports

The main objective of the RA-2 Daily Reports was to provide a daily monitoring of the mission and of the operational FGDR data processing chains. The daily reports allowed a quick detection of any anomalies in the instrument performance or data processing. The monitoring and reporting was performed using the QUADAS tool, which ingested the received products into long term databases and generated HTML reports. The QUADAS quality monitoring for RA-2 was implemented for all levels of production and included content and consistency checks.

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Cyclic Quality Reports

The FGDR RA-2 Cyclic Reports were distributed by ESA-ESRIN GMQ (IDEAS) to keep the community informed of any modification regarding the processor, updates of auxiliary products, data acquisition, processing and data quality. It was also used to report, on a regular basis, on the RA-2 instrument performance, anomaly investigations, and the status of calibration activities, validation and quality control activities. The Cyclic Report was composed of analysis results obtained by the IDEAS team (formerly known as the PCS Team).

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