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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.

    SENtinel-2 and FLuorescence EXperiment (SEN2FLEX) campaign combines different activities in support of initiatives related both to fluorescence experiments and Sentinel-2 initiative for prototyping of resolutions to meet mission requirements.


    The L-band Ocean Salinity Airborne Campaign (LOSAC) objective is to understand the nature of the wind driven signatures in order to evaluate if corrections are necessary prior to salinity estimations based on the radiometer signals.

  • LaRA

    To improve our knowledge of how best to measure ice thickness, the airborne Laser and Radar Altimeter campaign (LaRA) was carried out over the frozen expanses of northern Greenland.


    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).

  • Sentinel-3 OLCI Tandem 2018

    In 2018, a tandem campaign was conducted between the Sentinel-3A and 3B satellites to help test the future FLEX mission.

  • WISE

    The objective of WInd and Salinity Experiment 2001 (WISE 2001) was to get more data points and better wind speed (WS) measurements so as to reduce the sensitivity to WS uncertainty.

  • WaddenSAR

    The “WaddenSAR – Airborne bistatic C-band SAR experiment to demonstrate different acquisition geometries” was initiated to support the development of the Earth Explorer 10 Harmony mission.

  • AirScatterGNSS

    In this project an Airborne Wind Vector Scatterometer (AWVS) system was designed and built for measurements of sea surface backscattering from an aircraft.

  • AlpTomoExp

    The AlpTomoSAR experiment has been conceived to support studies related to SAOCOMCS tomography for mapping the 3D internal structure of glaciers.

  • CIMREx

    CIMREx airborne campaign aimed to sample the sea ice microwave emissions from various sea ice regimes around Svalbard and Greenland.

  • COSMO-SkyMed full archive and tasking

    The archive and new tasking X-band SAR products are available from COSMO-Skymed (CSK) and COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation (CSG) missions in ScanSAR and Stripmap modes, right and left looking acquisition (20 to 60° incidence angle). COSMO-SkyMed modes: Acquisition Mode Single look Resolution [Az. X. Rg, SCS] (m) Scene size [Az. X. Rg] (km) Polarisation Scene duration (seconds) Number of looks Multilook resolution (m) Geolocation accuracy ±3 s (m) [DGM, GEC, GTC] Stripmap Himage 2.6 x 3 40 x 40 Single: HH, HV, VH, VV 7 3 5 25 Stripmap PingPong 9.7 x 11 30 x 30 Alternate: HH/VV, HH/HV, VV/VH 6 3 20 25 ScanSAR Wide 23 x 13.5 100 x 100 Single: HH, HV, VH, VV 15 4 - 9 30 30 ScanSAR Huge 38 x 13.5 200 x 200 Single: HH, HV, VH, VV 30 25 - 66 100 100 COSMO-Skymed Second Generation Modes: Acquisition Mode Single look Resolution [Az. X. Rg, SCS] (m) Scene size [Az. X. Rg] (km) Polarisation Scene duration (seconds) Number of looks Multilook resolution (m) Geolocation accuracy ±3σ (m) [DGM, GEC, GTC] Stripmap 3 x 3 40 x 40 Single (HH, VV, HV, VH) or Dual (HH+HV, VV+VH) 7 2 x 2 4 x 4 6 x 7 11 x 14 3.75 Stripmap PingPong 12 x 5 30 x 30 Alternate (HH/VV, HH/HV+VV/VH) 6 1 x 2 2 x 5 12 x 10 23 x 26 12 QuadPol 3 x 3 40 x 15 Quad (HH+HV+VV+VH) N/A 2 x 2 4 x 4 6 x 7 11 x 14 3.75 ScanSAR 1 20 x 4 100 x 100 Single (HH, VV, HV, VH) or Dual (HH+HV, VV+VH) 15 1 x 3 1 x 5 2 x 8 20 x 14 23 x 27 35 x 40 12 ScanSAR 2 40 x 6 200 x 200 Single (HH, VV, HV, VH) or Dual (HH+HV, VV+VH) 30 1 x 4 1 x 7 3 x 16 40 x 27 47 x 54 115 x 135 12 Following Processing Levels are available, for both CSK and CSG: SCS (Level 1A, Single-look Complex Slant): Data in complex format, in slant range projection (the sensor's natural acquisition projection) and zero doppler projection, weighted and radiometrically equalised; the coverage corresponds to the full resolution area illuminated by the SAR instrument DGM (Level 1B, Detected Ground Multi-look): Product obtained detecting, multi-looking and projecting the Single-look Complex Slant data onto a grid regular in ground: it contains focused data, amplitude detected, optionally despeckled by multi-looking approach, radiometrically equalised and represented in ground/azimuth projection GEC (Level 1C, Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected): Focused data, amplitude detected, optionally despeckled by multi-looking approach, geolocated on the reference ellipsoid and represented in a uniform preselected cartographic presentation. Any geometric correction derived by usage of terrain model isn't applied to this product by default GTC (Level 1D, Geocoded Terrain Corrected): Focused data, fully calibrated with the usage of terrain model, amplitude detected, optionally despeckled by multi-looking approach, geolocated on a DEM and represented in a uniform preselected cartographic presentation. The image scene is located and accurately rectified onto a map projection, through the use of Ground Control Points (GCPs) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM); it differs from GEC for the use of the DEM (instead of reference ellipsoid) for the accurate conversion from slant to ground range and to approximate the real earth surface. The list of available data can be retrieved using the CLEOS COSMO-SkyMed products catalogue. User registration is required to use the catalogue. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • COSMO-SkyMed ESA archive

    The COSMO-SkyMed archive collection consists of COSMO-SkyMed products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. The following list delineates the characteristics of the SAR measurement modes that are disseminated under ESA Third Party Missions (TPM). STRIPMAP HIMAGE (HIM): Achieving medium resolution (3 m x 3 m single look), wide swath imaging (swath extension ≥40 km). STRIPMAP PINGPONG (SPP): Achieving medium resolution (15 m), medium swath imaging (swath ≥30 km) with two radar polarization's selectable among HH, HV, VH and VV. SCANSAR WIDE (SCW): Achieving radar imaging with swath extension of 100 x 100 km2 and a spatial resolution of 30 x 30 m2. SCANSAR HUGE (SCH): Achieving radar imaging with swath extension of 200 x 200 km2 and a spatial resolution selectable of 100 x 100 m2. Processing Levels: Level 1A - Single-look Complex Slant - (SCSB and SCSU): RAW data focused in slant range-azimuth projection, that is the sensor natural acquisition projection; product contains In-Phase and Quadrature of the focused data, weighted and radiometrically equalised.The processing of the 1A_SCSU product differs from that of the 1A_SCSB product for the following features:a non-weighted processing is performed, which means that windowing isn't applied on the processed bandwidth; radiometric equalisation (in terms of compensation of the range antenna pattern and incidence angle) is not performed; hence only compensation of the antenna transmitter gain and receiver attenuation and range spreading loss is applied. Level 1B - Detected Ground Multi-look (DGM): Product obtained detecting, multi-looking and projecting the Single-look Complex Slant data onto a grid regular in ground. Spotlight Mode products are not multi-looked. Level 1C - Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) and Level 1D - Geocoded Terrain Corrected (GTC): Obtained projecting the Level 1A product onto a regular grid in a chosen cartographic reference system. In case of Lev 1C the surface is the earth ellipsoid while for the Lev 1D a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is used to approximate the real earth surface. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica

    International Polar Year (IPY), focusing on the north and south polar regions, aimed to investigate the impact of how changes to the ice sheets affect ocean and climate change to the habitats in these regions. IPY was a collaborative project involving over sixty countries for two years from March 2007 to March 2009. To meet the project goal, world space agencies observed these regions intensively using their own Earth observation satellites. One of these satellites, ALOS - with the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor - observed these regions independently from day-night conditions or weather conditions. Carrying on this initiative, ESA is providing the ALOS PALSAR IPY Antarctica dataset, which consists of full resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR WB1 products (100 m spatial resolution) over Antarctica from July 2008 (cycle 21) to December 2008 (Cycle 24) and from May 2009 (cycle 27) to March 2010 (cycle 31). Missing products between the two periods above is due to L0 data over Antarctica not being available in ADEN archives and not processed to L1. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Envisat MERIS Full Resolution - Level 2 [MER_FRS_2P/ME_2_FRG]

    MERIS FR Level 2 is a Full-Resolution Geophysical product for Ocean, Land and Atmosphere. Each MERIS Level 2 geophysical product is derived from a MERIS Level 1 product and auxiliary parameter files specific to the MERIS Level 2 processing. The MERIS FR Level 2 product has Sentinel 3-like format starting from the 4th reprocessing data released to users in July 2020. The data package is composed of NetCDF 4 files containing instrumental and scientific measurements, and a Manifest file which contains metadata information related to the description of the product. A Level 2 product is composed of 64 measurement files containing: 13 files containing Water-leaving reflectance, 13 files containing Land surface reflectance and 13 files containing the TOA reflectance (for all bands except those dedicated to measurement of atmospheric gas - M11 and M15), and several files containing additional measurements on Ocean, Land and Atmospheric parameters and annotation. The Auxiliary data used are listed in the Manifest file associated to each product. The Level 2 FR product covers the complete instrument swath. The product duration is not fixed and it can span up to the time interval of the input Level 0/Level 1. Thus the estimated size of the Level 2 FR is dependent on the start/stop time of the acquired segment. During the Envisat mission, acquisition of MERIS Full Resolution data was subject to dedicated planning based on on-demand ordering and coverage of specific areas according to operational recommendations and considerations. See yearly and global density maps to get a better overview of the MERIS FR coverage.

  • CryoSat products

    CryoSat's primary payload is the SAR/Interferometric Radar Altimeter (SIRAL) which has extended capabilities to meet the measurement requirements for ice-sheet elevation and sea-ice freeboard. CryoSat also carries three star trackers for measuring the orientation of the baseline. In addition, a radio receiver called Doppler Orbit and Radio Positioning Integration by Satellite (DORIS) and a small laser retroreflector ensures that CryoSat's position will be accurately tracked. More detailed information on CryoSat instruments is available on the CryoSat mission page. The following CryoSat datasets are available and distributed to users: Level 1B and L2 Ice products: NRT, LRM, SAR and SARIn Consolidated Level 2 (GDR): (LRM+SAR+SARIN) consolidated ice products over an orbit Intermediate Level 2 Ice products: LRM, SAR and SARIn L1b and L2 Ocean Products: NOP, GOP and IOP Cryo-TEMPO Land Ice Cryo-TEMPO Winter Sea Ice Cryo-TEMPO Summer Sea Ice Cryo-TEMPO Coastal Ocean Cryo-TEMPO Polar Ocean Cryo-TEMPO Inland Waters Cryo-TEMPO EOLIS Point Products Cryo-TEMPO EOLIS Gridded Products CryoSat Quaternions Product. Detailed information concerning each of the above datasets is available in the CryoSat Products Overview. CryoSat Ice and Ocean products CryoSat Level 1B altimetric products contain time and geo-location information as well as SIRAL measurements in engineering units. Calibration corrections are included and have been applied to the window delay computations. In Offline products, geophysical corrections are computed from Analysis Auxiliary Data Files (ADFs), whereas in FDM products corrections are computed for Forecast ADFs. All corrections are included in the data products and therefore the range can be calculated by taking into account the surface type. The Offline Level 2 LRM, SAR and SARIn ice altimetric products are generated 30 days after data acquisition and are principally dedicated to glaciologists working on sea-ice and land-ice areas. The Level 2 FDM products are near-real time ocean products, generated 2-3 hours after data acquisition, and fulfill the needs of some ocean operational services. Level 2 products contain the time of measurement, the geo-location and the height of the surface. IOP and GOP are outputs of the CryoSat Ocean Processor. These products are dedicated to the study of ocean surfaces, and provided specifically for the needs of the oceanographic community. IOP are generated 2-3 days after data sensing acquisition and use the DORIS Preliminary Orbit. GOP are typically generated 30 days after data sensing acquisition and use the DORIS Precise Orbit. Geophysical corrections are computed from the Analysis ADFs, however following the oceanographic convention the corrections are available but not directly applied to the range (as for FDM). CryoSat Ice and Ocean products can be accessed through via an FTP client and HTTPS under the folders named “SIR_” followed by the data product type and the processing level (e.g., SIR_SAR_L2 for Level 2 SAR data). Additionally, data can be downloaded from all the other services listed in the How to Access Data section. Cryo-TEMPO Products The CryoSat ThEMatic PrOducts (Cryo-TEMPO) projects aim to deliver a new paradigm of simplified, harmonized, and agile CryoSat-2 products, that are easily accessible to new communities of non-altimeter experts and end users. The Cryo-TEMPO datasets include dedicated products over five thematic areas, covering Winter Sea Ice, Summer Sea Ice, Land Ice, Polar Ocean, Coastal Ocean and Inland Water. The standard Cryo-TEMPO products include fully-traceable uncertainties and use rapidly evolving, state-of-the-art processing dedicated to each thematic area. Throughout the project, the products will be constantly evolved, and validated by a group of Thematic Users, thus ensuring optimal relevance and impact for the intended target communities. More information on the Cryo-TEMPO products can be found in the Product Handbook and on the Project Website. The products can be accessed through via an FTP client and HTTPS under the folders named “TEMPO_POCA_(SI/LI/PO/CO/IW)", where the last two letters are the initials of the thematic area (e.g., SI stands for Sea Ice). Cryo-TEMPO EOLIS The CryoTEMPO-EOLIS swath product exploits CryoSat's SARIn mode and the novel Swath processing technique to deliver increased spatial and temporal coverage of time-dependent elevation over land ice, a critical metric for tracking ice mass trends in support to a wide variety of end-users. The dataset consists of systematic reprocessing of the entire CryoSat archive to generate new L2-Swath products, increasing data sampling by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude compared with the operational L2 ESA product. In addition, the EOLIS dataset is joined with the ESA L2 Point-Of-Closest-Approach to generate monthly DEM (Digital Elevation Model) products. This dataset will further the ability of the community to analyse and understand trends across the Greenland Ice Sheet margin, Antarctica and several mountain glaciers and ice caps around the world. More information on the Cryo-TEMPO products can be found on the Project Website and the products can be accessed through via an FTP client and HTTPS under the folders named “TEMPO_SWATH_(POINT/GRID)”, where the last word is used to choose between the available “Point” and “Gridded” datasets. Additionally, Cryo-TEMPO EOLIS products can be visualised and downloaded from the CS2EO Platform. CryoSat Quaternions Product This product contains the attitude quaternions for the CryoSat-2 mission. It is obtained starting from the corrected mispointing angles measured by the platform star trackers. More information on the product can be found in the Algorithm Description and Product Format Specification documents. The quaternions product can be accessed from the CryoSat CalVal FTPS server via an FTPS client, and are located in the “AUX_PROQUA” folder. Users wishing to access the quaternions products should request a personal account to be created by emailing the CryoSat Mission Geophysicist, Dr. Alessandro Di Bella (

  • Envisat ASAR AP Medium Resolution L1 [ASA_APM_1P]

    This ASAR Alternating Polarization Medium Resolution Image product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Alternating Polarisation Mode. The product has lower geometric resolution but higher radiometric resolution than ASA_APP and contains one or two co-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination sub modes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). This product has been processed using the SPECAN algorithm and contains radiometric resolution good enough for ice applications and covers a continuous area along the imaging swath. The ASAR AP L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_APM_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 150 m ground range x 150 m azimuth.

  • Envisat MERIS Full Resolution - Level 1 [MER_FRS_1P/ME_1_FRG]

    The MERIS Level 1 Full Resolution (FR) product contains the Top of Atmosphere (TOA) upwelling spectral radiance measurements. The in-band reference irradiances for the 15 MERIS bands are computed by averaging the in-band solar irradiance of each pixel. The in-band solar irradiance of each pixel is computed by integrating the reference solar spectrum with the band-pass of each pixel. The MERIS FR Level 1 product has Sentinel 3-like format starting from the 4th reprocessing data released to users in July 2020. Each measurement and annotation data file is in NetCDF 4. The Level 1 product is composed of 22 data files: 15 files containing radiances at each band (one band per file), accompanied by the associated error estimates, and 7 annotation data files. The 15 sun spectral flux values provided in the instrument data file of the Level 1 products are the in-band reference irradiances adjusted for the Earth-sun distance at the time of measurement. The band-pass of each pixel is derived from on-ground and in-flight characterisation via an instrument model. The values "Band wavelength" and "Bandwidth" provided in the Manifest file of the Level 1b products are the averaged band-pass of each pixel over the instrument field of view. Auxiliary data are also listed in the Manifest file associated to each product. The Level 1 FR product covers the complete instrument swath. The product duration is not fixed and it can span up to the time interval of the input Level 0 (for a maximum of 20 minutes). Thus the estimated size of the Level 1 FR is dependent on the start/stop time of the acquired segment. During the Envisat mission, acquisition of MERIS Full Resolution data was subject to dedicated planning based on on-demand ordering and coverage of specific areas according to operational recommendations and considerations. See yearly and global density maps to get a better overview of the MERIS FR coverage.

  • Envisat ASAR Global Monitoring L1 [ASA_GM1_1P]

    This product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Global Monitoring Mode. One product covers a full orbit. The product includes slant range to ground range corrections. This strip-line product is the standard for ASAR Global Monitoring Mode. It is processed to approximately 1 km resolution using the SPECAN algorithm. The swath width is approximately 400 km. The ASAR GM L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_GM1_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 1 km ground range x 1 km azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [ASA_IMS_1P]

    This data product represents a single-look, complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 ASAR data collected when the instrument is in Image Mode. Seven possible swaths in HH or VV polarisation are available. The product is primarily intended for use in SAR quality assessment and calibration or applications requiring complex SAR images such as interferometry, and can be used to derive higher level products. The spatial coverage is about 100 km along track per 56 - 100 km across track, and the radiometric resolution is 1 look in azimuth, 1 look in range. The file size is 741 Mbytes. It is worth highlighting that Azimuth pixel spacing depends on Earth-Satellite relative velocity and actual PRF and slant range pixel spacing is given by ASAR sampling frequency (19.208 Mhz). Auxiliary data include: Orbit state vector, Time correlation parameters, Main Processing parameters ADS, Doppler Centroid ADS, Chirp ADS, Antenna Elevation Pattern ADS, Geolocation Grid ADS, SQ ADS. Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Single-Look Complex L1 [ASA_APS_1P]

    This product is a complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument is in Alternating Polarisation mode. (7 possible swaths). It contains two CO-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination submodes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). In addition, the product uses the Range Doppler algorithm and the most up to date processing parameters available at the time of processing. It can be used to derive higher level products for SAR image quality assessment, calibration and interferometric applications, if allowed by the instrument acquisition. A minimum number of corrections and interpolations are performed on the data in order to allow the end-user maximum freedom to derive higher level products. Complex output data is retained to avoid loss of information. Absolute calibration parameters are available depending on external calibration activities and are provided in the product annotations. Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.