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Wind Scatterometer (WS) Quality Control Reports

Products Availability

The ERS Scatterometer mission has been reprocessed with the Advanced Scatterometer Processing System (ASPS) facility, providing data with improved radiometric quality and spatial resolution. ERS-2 AMI Wind Scatterometer data set has been reprocessed covering the period from 30 December 1996 to 5 July 2011 (end of mission).

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Cyclic Reports

The cyclic reports include a summary of the daily quality control made within the IDEAS (Instrument Data quality Evaluation and Analysis Service) and various sections describing the results of the investigations related to the Scatterometer. In each section, results are shown from the beginning of the mission in order to see the evolution and to outline possible "seasonal" effects. An explanation for the major events which have impacted the performance since launch is given, and comments about the events which occurred during the cycle are included.

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ERS-2 Yaw Error Angle Monitoring - Weekly Reports

The full set of results of the yaw processing is stored in an internal ESA product named HEY (Helpful ESA Yaw). The estimation of the yaw error angle is based on the Doppler shift measured on the received echo (first three plots for the Fore, Mid and Aft antenna) and aims to compute the correct acquisition geometry for the three Scatterometer antenna throughout the entire orbit. The Yaw error angle information is also used in the radar equation to derive the calibrated backscattering from the Earth surface and to select the echo samples associated to each node in the spatial filter.

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Cyclone Archive

The activities of cyclone tracking were interrupted at the end of September 2001. The data used for these cyclone tracking activities are ERS-2 Fast Delivery scatterometer data.

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Telemetry Data

This section provides information related to the acquisition of the instrument telemetry data. The data includes instrument working modes, temperatures, currents and voltages of the transmitter and calibration chain, and finally the antenna temperatures.

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