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PALSAR Products Information

ALOS-1 PALSAR products are available via the ESA PALSAR data On-The-Fly (OTF) processing and dissemination system.

The service currently provides access from ESA's archive to the following PALSAR L1 high-resolution data products.

Note that there are differences between JAXA and ESA ALOS PALSAR CEOS product formats. The ESA L1.1 is in zero-Doppler and not beam coordinates. The signal data record headers also have a different format - the ESA "L1:1" products are basically identical to L1.5 products, aside from slant range projection/pixel dimensions.

ALOS-1 products follow the standard CEOS format convention. The dataset contains all ESA acquisitions over the ADEN zone (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) plus some worldwide products received from JAXA. Further information on ADEN zones can be found in this technical note.


Instrument mode

Product Type

Processing Level Description

JAXA Processing Level Equivalent

Fine Beam Single polarisationFBS_RAW_0PRaw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene.1.0
FBS_GDH_1PGround range Detected, Normal resolution productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
FBS_GEC_1PGeocoded productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
FBS_SLC_1PSlant range single look complex productWas 1.1 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
Fine Beam Double polarisationFBD_RAW_0PRaw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene.1.0
FBD_GDH_1PGround range Detected, Normal resolution productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
FBD_GEC_1PGeocoded productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
FBD_SLC_1PSlant range single look complex productWas 1.1 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
Polarimetry mode (4 polarisation)PLR_RAW_0PRaw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene.1.0
PLR_GDH_1PGround range Detected, Normal resolution productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
PLR_GEC_1PGeocoded productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
PLR_SLC_1PSlant range single look complex productWas 1.1 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
ScanSAR Burst mode 1WB1_RAW_0PRaw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene.1
WB1_GDH_1PGround range Detected, Normal resolution productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product
WB1_GEC_1PGeocoded productWas 1.5 but superseded by ESA CEOS product

Products Availability

The PALSAR OTF system provides direct online access to ESA's ALOS-1 PALSAR archive for ESA registered users, without the need to interface with the ESA Order Desk.

Data are accessible through the ALOS PALSAR On-The-Fly web interface

To access ESA missions and ESA Third Party Missions data, you need to create an EO Sign In account.

For all other enquiries, contact ESA's User Services Portal, TellUS.

