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  • Release of new Envisat SCIAMACHY reprocessed data

    ESA's Envisat SCIAMACHY mission, which ended operations in 2012, continues to yield valuable scientific insights through ongoing data reprocessing efforts.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 2 [SCI_____2P]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 2 Total column densities and stratospheric profiles v7.1 dataset is generated from the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. It provides atmospheric columnar distributions and stratospheric profiles for various trace gases based on the Level 1b version 10 products. This SCIAMACHY Level 2 dataset contains total column densities of O3, NO2, OClO, H2O, SO2, BrO, CO, HCHO, CHOCHO and CH4 retrieved from Nadir measurements. Additionally, cloud parameters (fractional coverage, top height, optical thickness) and an aerosol absorption indicator are enclosed. Stratospheric profiles of O3, NO2, and BrO are derived from limb measurements, along with flagging information for different cloud-types. Tropospheric NO2 and BrO columns are retrieved combining limb and nadir measurements. This SCIAMACHY Level 2 dataset version 7.1 replaces the previous version 6.01. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of the new datasets for optimal results. For limb O3 profiles, a separate product derived from the previous Version 6 processor is provided distinctly -> SCIAMACHY Level 2 - Limb Ozone [SCI_LIMBO3]. This is because the V7.1 limb ozone data is unsuitable for long-term change studies due to its divergent behavior from earlier processor versions, particularly from 2009 onwards. This divergence stems from residual deficiencies in the Level 1, resulting in a vertical oscillating pattern in the drift and bias profiles. In contrast, Version 6 limb ozone data does not exhibit these oscillations in bias and drift. Further details on this issue can be found in the latest README file. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file for essential guidance before using the data.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 2 - Limb Ozone [SCI_LIMBO3]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Ozone stratospheric profiles dataset has been extracted from the previous baseline (v6.01) of the SCIAMACHY Level 2 data. The dataset is generated in the framework of the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. For optimal results, users are strongly encouraged to make use of these specific ozone limb profiles rather than the ones contained in the SCIAMACHY Level 2 dataset version 7.1. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file (L2 v6.01) for essential guidance before using the data.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 1b [SCI_____1P]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 1b Geo-located atmospheric spectra V.10 dataset is generated from the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. This data product contains SCIAMACHY geo-located (ir)radiance spectra for Nadir, Limb, and Occultation measurements (Level 1), accompanied by supplementary monitoring and calibration measurements, along with instrumental parameters detailing the operational status and configuration throughout the Envisat satellite lifetime (2002-2012). Additionally, calibrated lunar measurements, including individual readings and averaged disk measurements, have been integrated into the Level 1b product. The Level 1b product represents the lowest level of SCIAMACHY data made available to the users. The measurements undergo correction for instrument degradation applying a scan mirror model and m-factors. However, spectra are partially calibrated and require a further step to apply specific calibrations with the SCIAMACHY Calibration and Extraction Tool [SciaL1c]. For many aspects, the SCIAMACHY Level 1b version 10 product marks a significant improvement with respect to previous mission datasets, supplanting the Level 1b dataset version 8.0X with product type SCI_NL__1P. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of the new datasets for optimal results. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file for essential guidance before using the data.

  • Fires on Samos Island (Greece) in July 2000

    Discover satellite images depicting the aftermath of the July 2000 fire on Samos Island, Greece.

  • An overview of the Aeolus mission

    In this overview video, ESA's mission manager, Tommaso Parrinello, describes the successes and challenges of this amazing mission, whose impacts will live long beyond its lifetime in space.

  • TanSat AGCS and CAPI products now available for users

    In the framework of Earthnet’s Third Party Missions Programme, ESA is opening a new TanSat collection to users, freely accessible and available worldwide upon submission of a fast registration.

  • TanSat AGCS and CAPI products

    The Atmospheric Carbon-dioxide Grating Spectrometer (ACGS) instrument is pushbroom spectrometer operating in NIR and SWIR bands which allows the measuring of CO2 mole fraction. The available ACGS products have a temporal coverage between March 2017 and January 2020 (not all days included in the time frame): L1A DS: Sample Dark Calibration sample product L1A GL: Sample Glint Sample products L1A LS: Sample Lamp Calibration sample product L1A ND: Principal-Plane Nadir Sample product L1A ZS: Sample Z-Axis Solar Calibration Sample L1B CAL DS: Sample Dark Calibration product L1B CAL LS: Sample Lamp Calibration product L1B CAL ZS: Sample Z-Axis Solar Calibration product L1B SCI GL: Sample Glint Science product L1B SCI ND: Principal-Plane Nadir Science product. The Cloud Aerosol Polarization Imager (CAPI) is a pushbroom radiometer in VIS, NIR and SWIR bands for the observation of aerosols and clouds optical properties. The CAPI products are available in a time range from July 2019 and January 2020 (not all days included in the time frame): L1A ND: Principal-Plane Nadir product L1B ND 1000M: Principal-Plane Nadir products at 1000 m resolution (1375 nm, 1640 nm) L1B ND 250M: Principal-Plane Nadir products at 250 m resolution (380 nm, 670 nm, 870 nm) L1B ND GEOQK: Principal-Plane Nadir georeferenced at 250 m resolution L1B ND GEO1K: Principal-Plane Nadir georeferenced at 1000 m resolution L1B ND OBC: Principal-Plane Nadir on-board calibrator product L2 ND CLM: Principal-Plane Nadir cloud flag product.

  • Aeolus Level 2C assisted wind fields resulting from NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) assimilation processing

    The Level 2C wind product of the Aeolus mission provides ECMWF analysis horizontal wind vectors at the geolocations of assimilated L2B HLOS wind components. The L2C can therefore be described as an Aeolus-assisted horizontal wind vector product. The L2C is a distinct product, however the L2C and L2B share a common Earth Explorer file template, with the L2C being a superset of the L2B. The L2C consists of extra datasets appended to the L2B product with information which are relevant to the data assimilation of the L2B winds.

  • ESA facilitates access to greenhouse gas data

    Canadian company GHGSat Inc., which offers high-resolution remote sensing of greenhouse gas emissions, air quality gas, and other trace gas emissions from any point sources in the world, is now an ESA Third Party Mission.

  • Greenhouse gas monitoring with the GHGSat mission

    Find out more about the GHGsat mission in our new infographic.

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, scientists are using ESA’s Earth observation archives to investigate atmospheric processes and their influences on the planet’s changing environment.

  • Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud optical product

    The Level 2A aerosol/cloud optical products of the Aeolus mission include: Geo-located consolidated backscatter and extinction profiles Backscatter-to-extinction coefficient LIDAR ratio, scene classification Heterogeneity index Attenuated backscatter signals. Resolution: Horizontal resolution of L2A optical properties at observation scale (~87 km); Exceptions are group properties (horizontal accumulation of measurements from ~3 km to ~87 km) and attenuated backscatters (~3 km). Note: The resolution of "groups" in the L2A can only go down to 5 measurements at the moment, i.e. ~15 km horizontal resolution. This could be configured to go to 1 measurement - Vertical resolution 250-2000 m (Defined by Range Bin Settings).

  • GHGSat

    The GHGSat mission is dedicated to measuring emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • GHGSat archive and tasking

    GHGSat data produce measures of vertical column densities of greenhouse gas emissions ((currently CH4, but eventually CO2), provided on a pre-defined area of 12 km x 12 km, from the full sensor field-of-view. GHGSat Catalogue and New Collect data are available in three different data types: Single Observation: a single observation of a scene. Monthly Monitoring: guaranteed 12 successful observations in a year over a given site (once per month or flexible best effort cadence depending on weather). Weekly Monitoring: guaranteed 52 successful observations in a year over a given site (once a week or flexible best effort cadence based on weather), to accommodate large & persistent monitoring needs. Data are provided as an Emissions package containing the following products: Abundance dataset (Level 2): Set of per-pixel abundances in excess of the local background (ppb) for a single species, and per-pixel measurement error expressed as a standard deviation for a single site on a single satellite pass. Data format is 16-bit GeoTIFF. Concentration Maps (Level 2): High readability pseudocolour map combining surface reflectance, and column density expressed in ppb for a single species in PNG format. The relevant abundance dataset is provided as well. Emission Rates (Level 4): Instantaneous rate for a detected emission from a targeted source estimated using abundance datasets from a single satellite pass and applying dispersion modelling techniques. The delivered product includes the emission rate estimate with uncertainty and key dispersion parameters (in CSV format) as well as the abundance dataset used for the emission estimate. This product is only delivered in the Emissions package if an emission is detected within the abundance dataset. The Level 2 products will be delivered regardless of whether or not an emission is detected. The properties of available products are summarised in the table. Band(s) / Beam Mode(s) and Polarisation SWIR (1635-1675 nm), multiple bands, unpolarised Spatial Resolution <30 m Scene size 12 km x 12 km Species Measured CH4 Geometric Corrections Radial distortion, perspective projection Radiometric Corrections Detector pixel response, ghosting, spectral response, atmospheric correction including trace gas modelling and surface reflectance Details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the GHGSat Terms of Applicability.

  • CEOS-WGCV ACIX II CMIX Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison Exercise Cloud Masking Inter-comparison Exercise 2nd workshop

    The CEOS-WGCV ACIX II 2nd workshop took place at Esrin, Rome in Italy from 3 December - 5 December 2019.

  • Aeolus preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers

    The Level 1B wind product of the Aeolus mission contains the preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers, which are generated in Near Real Time. Standard atmospheric correction (Rayleigh channel), receiver response and bias correction is applied. The product is generated within 3 hours after data acquisition.

  • Aeolus Scientific L2B Rayleigh/Mie wind product

    The Level 2B wind product of the Aeolus mission is a geo-located consolidated HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observation with actual atmospheric correction applied to Rayleigh channel. The product is generated within 3 hours after data acquisition.

  • SciSat-1: ACE-FTS and MAESTRO

    SCISAT-1 data aim at monitoring and analysing the chemical processes that control the distribution of ozone in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. It provides acquisitions from the two instruments MAESTRO and ACE-FTS. MAESTRO: Measurement of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Troposphere Retrieved by Occultation. Dual-channel optical spectrometer in the spectral region of 285-1030 nm. The objective is to measure ozone, nitrogen dioxide and aerosol/cloud extinction (solar occultation measurements of atmospheric attenuation during satellite sunrise and sunset with the primary objective of assessing the stratospheric ozone budget). Solar occultation spectra are being used for retrieving vertical profiles of temperature and pressure, aerosols, and trace gases (O3, NO2, H2O, OClO, and BrO) involved in middle atmosphere ozone distribution. The use of two overlapping spectrometers (280 - 550 nm, 500 - 1030 nm) improves the stray-light performance. The spectral resolution is about 1-2 nm. ACE-FTS: Fourier Transform Spectrometer. The objective is to measure the vertical distribution of atmospheric trace gases, in particular of the regional polar O3 budget, as well as pressure and temperature (derived from CO2 lines). The instrument is an adapted version of the classical sweeping Michelson interferometer, using an optimised optical layout. The ACE-FTS measurements are recorded every 2 s. This corresponds to a measurement spacing of 2-6 km which decreases at lower altitudes due to refraction. The typical altitude spacing changes with the orbital beta angle. For historical reasons, the retrieved results are interpolated onto a 1 km "grid" using a piecewise quadratic method. For ACE-FTS version 1.0, the results were reported only on the interpolated grid (every 1 km from 0.5 to 149.5 km). For versions 2.2, both the "retrieval" grid and the "1 km" grid profiles are available. SCISAT-1 collection provides ACE-FTS and MAESTRO Level 2 Data. As of today, ACE-FTS products are available in version 4.1, while MAESTRO products are available in version 3.13.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Geo-located atmospheric spectra [SCI_NL__1P]

    This data product covers geo-located, radiometrically and spectrally calibrated limb and nadir radiance spectra for Nadir, Limb, and Occultation measurements with additional monitoring and calibration measurements. The Level 1b product is the lowest level of SCIAMACHY data delivered to the users. The instrument Instantaneous Field of View (IFoV) is approximately 0.045 deg (scan direction) x 1.8 deg (flight direction). This corresponds to a ground pixel size of 25 km x 0.6 km at the sub-satellite point (nadir) and of 103 km x 2.6 km at the Earth's horizon (limb). Nadir measurements have a maximum swath width of 960 km (in scan direction) and a typical footprint of 30 km (along track) x 60 km (across track). Limb measurements have a tangent height range spanning from 0 to 100 km with 3 km vertical resolution. Azimuth scans are performed for constant elevation angle, typically 34 elevation steps per limb scan. Maximum azimuth range is +/- 44 deg relative to S/C velocity (Note that the azimuth range is adjusted to observe the same atmospheric volume as for nadir measurements within five minutes). The radiometric resolution is 16 bits, with a spectral resolution of 0.24 nm to 1.5 nm, depending on the spectral range. The Sun normalized radiometric accuracy is 2 to 3% in unpolarized light, and 3 to 4% in polarized light. The relative radiometric accuracy is less than 1% and the spectral accuracy spans form 0.005 nm to 0.035 nm. Individual measurements from dedicated monitoring states include: Sun over diffuser Subsolar calibration Spectral lamp measurements White light source measurements Elevation mirror monitoring (Sun/Moon) ADC calibration Level 1b products are corrected for degradation applying a scan mirror model and m-factors. The latest Level 1b dataset is version 8.0X.