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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • 2022 SEASTARex

    The 2022 SEASTARex campaign over the Iroise Sea (offshore Brittany in France), is the first scientific demonstration and validation campaign for the SEASTAR satellite mission Earth Explorer 11 candidate.

  • ADAM Surface Reflectance Database v4.0

    ADAM enables generating typical monthly variations of the global Earth surface reflectance at 0.1° spatial resolution (Plate Carree projection) and over the spectral range 240-4000 nm. The ADAM product is made of gridded monthly mean climatologies over land and ocean surfaces, and of a companion API toolkit that enables the calculation of hyperspectral (at 1 nm resolution over the whole 240-4000 nm spectral range) and multidirectional reflectances (i.e. in any illumination/viewing geometry) depending on user choices. The ADAM climatologies that feed the ADAM calculation tools are: For ocean: Monthly chlorophyll concentration derived from SeaWiFS-OrbView-2 (1999-2009); it is used to compute the water column reflectance (which shows large spectral variations in the visible, but is insignificant in the near and mid infrared). Monthly wind speed derived from SeaWinds-QuikSCAT-(1999-2009); it is used to calculate the ocean glint reflectance. For land: Monthly normalized surface reflectances in the 7 MODIS narrow spectral bands derived from FondsdeSol processing chain of MOD09A1 products (derived from Aqua and Terra observations), on which relies the modelling of the hyperspectral/multidirectional surface (soil/vegetation/snow) reflectance. Uncertainty variance-covariance matrix for the 7 spectral bands associated to the normalized surface reflectance. For sea-ice: Sea ice pixels (masked in the original MOD09A1 products) have been accounted for by a gap-filling approach relying on the spatial-temporal distribution of sea ice coverage provided by the CryoClim climatology for year 2005.

  • Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud optical product

    The Level 2A aerosol/cloud optical products of the Aeolus mission include: Geo-located consolidated backscatter and extinction profiles Backscatter-to-extinction coefficient LIDAR ratio, scene classification Heterogeneity index Attenuated backscatter signals. Resolution: Horizontal resolution of L2A optical properties at observation scale (~87 km); Exceptions are group properties (horizontal accumulation of measurements from ~3 km to ~87 km) and attenuated backscatters (~3 km). Note: The resolution of "groups" in the L2A can only go down to 5 measurements at the moment, i.e. ~15 km horizontal resolution. This could be configured to go to 1 measurement - Vertical resolution 250-2000 m (Defined by Range Bin Settings).

  • Aeolus Level 2C assisted wind fields resulting from NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) assimilation processing

    The Level 2C wind product of the Aeolus mission provides ECMWF analysis horizontal wind vectors at the geolocations of assimilated L2B HLOS wind components. The L2C can therefore be described as an Aeolus-assisted horizontal wind vector product. The L2C is a distinct product, however the L2C and L2B share a common Earth Explorer file template, with the L2C being a superset of the L2B. The L2C consists of extra datasets appended to the L2B product with information which are relevant to the data assimilation of the L2B winds.

  • Aeolus preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers

    The Level 1B wind product of the Aeolus mission contains the preliminary HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observations for Rayleigh and Mie receivers, which are generated in Near Real Time. Standard atmospheric correction (Rayleigh channel), receiver response and bias correction is applied. The product is generated within 3 hours after data acquisition.

  • Aeolus Scientific L2B Rayleigh/Mie wind product

    The Level 2B wind product of the Aeolus mission is a geo-located consolidated HLOS (horizontal line-of-sight) wind observation with actual atmospheric correction applied to Rayleigh channel. The product is generated within 3 hours after data acquisition.

  • AfriSAR 2015

    During the AfriSAR 2015 campaign, shared between ONERA (dry season, July 2015) and DLR (wet season 2016), Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR airborne data set were collected over four test sites over Africa, therefore covering different forest structures.

  • AfriSAR 2016

    In order to further support the BIOMASS mission development, especially concerning the mission concept verification and the development of geophysical algorithms, ESA funded the AfriSAR campaign.

  • AfriScat

    AfriScat campaign, a follow on to TropiSCAT campaign, was to acquire long-term P-Band radar data in an African tropical forest.

  • AGRISAR 2006

    The AGRISAR 2006 campaign, carried out between 18 April and 2 August 2006, was established to address important specific programmatic needs of Sentinel-1 and -2.

  • AgriSAR 2009

    The AgriSAR 2009 campaign was defined to leverage the RADARSAT-2 mission to better understand and demonstrate the potential for GMES land monitoring user services, particularly in agriculture.

  • Airborne Quantum Gravimetry (AirQuantumGrav 2023)

    The campaign collected data from airborne gravity campaigns AirQuantumGrav in Iceland and GreenQuantum in Greenland during summer 2023 using iMAR strapdown gravimeter and GIRAFE cold atom interferometer.


    The fires observational campaign was performed during summer 2006 and dedicated to the study of fire emission in the spectral region VNIR-SWIR.

  • AirScatterGNSS

    In this project an Airborne Wind Vector Scatterometer (AWVS) system was designed and built for measurements of sea surface backscattering from an aircraft.

  • ALOS African Coverage ESA archive

    ALOS Africa is a dataset of the best available (cloud minimal, below 10%) African coverage acquired by AVNIR-2 in OBS mode and PRISM in OB1 mode (all Backward, Nadir and Forward views, in separated products), two different collections one for each instrument. The processing level for both AVNIR-2 and PRISM products is L1B. This dataset is a subset of the main ALOS AVNIR-2 and ALOS PRISM ESA collections. ALOS AVNIR-2: ALOS PRISM:


    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 AVNIR-2 (Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2) L1C data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone plus some worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage Time window: from 2006-04-28 to 2011-04-20 Orbits: from 1375 to 27898 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 670 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 370 to 5230. One single Level 1C product type is offered for the OBS instrument mode: AV2_OBS_1C. The Level 1C product is a multispectral image (three bands in VIS and one in NIR) in GEOTIFF format with 10 m resolution.

  • ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica

    International Polar Year (IPY), focusing on the north and south polar regions, aimed to investigate the impact of how changes to the ice sheets affect ocean and climate change to the habitats in these regions. IPY was a collaborative project involving over sixty countries for two years from March 2007 to March 2009. To meet the project goal, world space agencies observed these regions intensively using their own Earth observation satellites. One of these satellites, ALOS - with the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor - observed these regions independently from day-night conditions or weather conditions. Carrying on this initiative, ESA is providing the ALOS PALSAR IPY Antarctica dataset, which consists of full resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR WB1 products (100 m spatial resolution) over Antarctica from July 2008 (cycle 21) to December 2008 (Cycle 24) and from May 2009 (cycle 27) to March 2010 (cycle 31). Missing products between the two periods above is due to L0 data over Antarctica not being available in ADEN archives and not processed to L1. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • ALOS PALSAR products

    The dataset contains all ESA acquisitions over the ADEN zone (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) plus some products received from JAXA over areas of interest around the world. Further information on ADEN zones can be found in this technical note. ALOS PALSAR products are available in following modes: Fine Beam Single polarisation (FBS), single polarisation (HH or VV), swath 40-70 km, resolution 10 m, temporal coverage from 02/05/2006 to 30/03/2011 Fine Beam Double polarisation (FBD), double polarisation (HH/HV or VV/VH), swath 40-70 km, resolution 10 m, temporal coverage from 02/05/2006 to 30/03/2011 Polarimetry mode (PLR), with four polarisations simultaneously: swath 30 km, resolution 30 m, temporal coverage from 26/08/2006 to 14/04/2011 ScanSAR Burst mode 1 (WB1), single polarisation: swath 250-350 km, resolution 100 m, temporal coverage from 12/06/2006 to 21/04/2011. Following processing levels are available: RAW (Level 1.0): Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene SLC (Level 1.1): Slant range single look complex product. Not available for WB1 GDH (Level 1.5): Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product GEC (Level 1.5): Geocoded product. The table summarises the ALOS PALSAR offer. Instrument mode Product type Processing level description JAXA processing level equivalent Fine Beam Single polarisation (HH or VV) FBS_RAW_0P Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene 1.0 FBS_GDH_1P Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product 1.5 FBS_GEC_1P Geocoded product 1.5 FBS_SLC_1P Slant range single look complex product 1.1 Fine Beam Double polarisation (HH/HV or VV/VH) FBD_RAW_0P Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene 1.0 FBD_GDH_1P Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product 1.5 FBD_GEC_1P Geocoded product 1.5 FBD_SLC_1P Slant range single look complex product 1.1 Polarimetry mode (4 polarisation) PLR_RAW_0P Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene 1.0 PLR_GDH_1P Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product 1.5 PLR_GEC_1P Geocoded product 1.5 PLR_SLC_1P Slant range single look complex product 1.1 ScanSAR Burst mode 1 (single polarisation) WB1_RAW_0P Raw data generated by every downlink segment and every band. Divided into an equivalent size to one scene 1.0 WB1_GDH_1P Ground range Detected, Normal resolution product 1.5 WB1_GEC_1P Geocoded product 1.5


    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) L1b data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone, in addition to worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage outside of the ADEN zone. The full mission is covered, though with gaps outside of the ADEN zone: Time window: from 2006-07-09 to 2011-03-31 Orbits: from 2425 to 24189 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 668 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 55 to 7185. Two different Level 1B product types (Panchromatic images in VIS-NIR bands, 2.5 m resolution at nadir) are offered, one for each available sensor mode: PSM_OB1_11 -> Composed of up to three views; Nadir, Forward and Backward at 35 km swath PSM_OB2_11 -> Composed of up to two views; Nadir view at 70 km width and Backward view at 35 km width. All ALOS PRISM EO-SIP products have, at least, the Nadir view which is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the view ID according to the JAXA naming convention.


    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C data acquired by ESA stations (Kiruna, Maspalomas, Matera, Tromsoe) in the ADEN zone, in addition to worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage outside of the ADEN zone. With respect to the L1B collection, only scenes acquired in sensor mode with a Cloud Coverage score lower than 70% and a sea percentage lower than 80% are published: Orbits: from 2768 to 27604 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 665 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 310 to 6790. The L1C processing strongly improve accuracy compared to L1B1 from several tenths of metres in L1B1 (~40 m of northing geolocation error for Forward views and ~10-20 m for easting errors) to some metres in L1C scenes (< 10 m both in north and easting errors). The collection contains only the PSM_OB1_1C EO-SIP product type, using data from PRISM operating in OB1 mode with three views (Nadir, Forward, and Backward) at 35 km wide. Most of the products contain all three views, but the Nadir view is always available and is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the JAXA view ID naming convention.