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  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 1b [SCI_____1P]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 1b Geo-located atmospheric spectra V.10 dataset is generated from the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. This data product contains SCIAMACHY geo-located (ir)radiance spectra for Nadir, Limb, and Occultation measurements (Level 1), accompanied by supplementary monitoring and calibration measurements, along with instrumental parameters detailing the operational status and configuration throughout the Envisat satellite lifetime (2002-2012). Additionally, calibrated lunar measurements, including individual readings and averaged disk measurements, have been integrated into the Level 1b product. The Level 1b product represents the lowest level of SCIAMACHY data made available to the users. The measurements undergo correction for instrument degradation applying a scan mirror model and m-factors. However, spectra are partially calibrated and require a further step to apply specific calibrations with the SCIAMACHY Calibration and Extraction Tool [SciaL1c]. For many aspects, the SCIAMACHY Level 1b version 10 product marks a significant improvement with respect to previous mission datasets, supplanting the Level 1b dataset version 8.0X with product type SCI_NL__1P. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of the new datasets for optimal results. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file for essential guidance before using the data.

  • ERS ATSR L1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance [ER1_AT_1_RBT / ER2_AT_1_RBT]

    Band measurements with associated uncertainty estimates. The ERS-1/2 ATSR Level 1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance products (RBT) contain top of atmosphere (TOA) brightness temperature (BT) values for the infra-red channels and radiance values for the visible channels, when available, on a 1-km pixel grid. The visible channels are only available for the ATSR-2 instrument. Values for each channel and for the nadir and oblique views occupy separate NetCDF files within the Sentinel-SAFE format, along with associated uncertainty estimates. Additional files contain cloud flags, land and water masks, and confidence flags for each image pixel, as well as instrument and ancillary meteorological information. The ATSR-1 and ATSR-2 products [ER1_AT_1_RBT and ER2_AT_1_RBT], in NetCDF format stemming from the 4th ATSR reprocessing, are precursors of Envisat AATSR and Sentinel-3 SLSTR data. They have replaced the former L1B products [AT1_TOA_1P and AT2_TOA_1P] in Envisat format from the 3rd reprocessing. Users with Envisat-format products are recommended to move to the new Sentinel-SAFE like/NetCDF format products, and consult the ERS ATSR Product Notice Readme document. The processing updates that have been put in place and the expected scientific improvements for the ERS ATSR 4th reprocessing data have been outlined in full in the User Documentation for (A)ATSR 4th Reprocessing Products

  • FINESSE at Andøya 2023

    The Andøya campaign was undertaken in support of the Earth Explorer 9 Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission.

  • Fundamental Data Records for Radiometry [MWR_FDR___]

    This dataset is a Fundamental Data Record (FDR) resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project. The Fundamental Data Record for Radiometry V1 products contain intercalibrated Top of the Atmosphere brightness temperatures at 23.8 and 36.5 GHz. The collection covers data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions, and is built upon a new processing of Level 0 data, incorporating numerous improvements in terms of algorithms, flagging procedures, and corrections. Compared to existing datasets, the Radiometry FDR demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: New solutions for instrumental effects (ERS Reflector loss, Skyhorn, and Sidelobe corrections) Native sampling rate of 7Hz with enhanced coverage The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • Vision-1 sample data

    Download free Vision-1 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • IRS-P5 (Cartosat-1) Sample Data

    Download free IRS-P5 (Cartosat-1) sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • IRS-P6 (ResourceSat-1) Sample Data

    Download free IRS-P6 (ResourceSat-1) sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • IRS-R2 (ResourceSat-2) Sample Data

    Download free IRS-R2 (ResourceSat-2) sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • WorldView-3 Sample Data

    Download free WorldView-3 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • GEOSAT-1 sample data

    Download free GEOSAT-1 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • GEOSAT-2 Sample Data

    Download free GEOSAT-2 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage

    The GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage collection consists of two separate coverages of Spain, including the Balearic and Canary islands, acquired by GEOSAT-2 between March and November of 2021 and 2022, respectively. The available imagery have a geolocation accuracy of < 4 m RMSE, a cloud cover percentage of < 10 %, and were acquired at an off-nadir angle from -30° to 30°. Spatial coverage of the 2021 collection. The following product types are available: Pan-sharpened: A four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserves all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Resolution 1 m; Bands: All. Bundle: Panchromatic (1 m resolution) + Multispectral bands (4 m resolution): five-band image containing the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. The available processing level is L1C orthorectified: a calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. Property Spatial Resolution Pan-sharpened 1.0 m Bundle (PAN + MS) 1.0 m (PAN), 4.0 m (MS)

  • FSSCat products

    The FSSCat collection provides hyperspectral data coverage over a number of locations around the world, as measured by the HyperScout 2 sensor. The FSSCat hyperspectral data products are comprised of 50 spectral bands, covering a spectral range of 450 – 950 nm with a spectral resolution of 18 nm (at FWHM). Imagery is available with an along-track ground sampling distance (GSD) of 75 m. To ensure a high degree of radiometric accuracy, HyperScout 2 data are validated through comparison with Sentinel-2 data products. The processing level of the data is L1C – calibrated top-of-atmosphere radiance, reflectance or brightness temperature. The raster type of the L1C data product is a GRID – a 2D or 3D raster where the (geo)location of the data is uniquely defined by the upper left pixel location of the raster and the pixel size of the raster, and the projection parameters of the raster (if georeferenced). The third dimension can e.g. be a spectral or third spatial dimension. The L-1C VNIR data product includes a hyperspectral cube of TOA reflectance in the VNIR range, as well as relevant meta-data that adheres to EDAP's best practice guidelines. This product consists of georeferenced and ortho-rectified image tiles that contain spectral reflectance data at the top-of-the-atmosphere. Each image tile contains radiometrically corrected and ortho-rectified band images that are projected onto a map, as well as geolocation information and the coordinate system used. Additionally, each image pixel provides TOA spectral reflectance data in scaled integers, conversion coefficients for spectral radiance units, viewing and solar zenith and azimuth angles, and quality flags.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for S3VT (Sentinel-3 Validation Team)

    In the framework of a Copernicus collaborative agreement ESA and EUMETSAT invite interested groups and individuals to support the Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT).

  • GEOSAT-2 Portugal Coverage 2021

    GEOSAT-2 Portugal coverage is a collection of 2021 data over the Portugal area, including islands. The available dataset has a cloud cover less than 10%, and is acquired up to 1m resolution with Geometric accuracy <6m CE90 based on Copernicus DEM @10m. GEOSAT-2 Portugal 2021 - Spatial Coverage of the Dataset The following product types are available: Pan-sharpened (4 bands, 321 Natural Colours or 432 False Colours): A four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserves all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Resolution 1m; Bands: All, R-G-B or Ni-R-G Bundle: Panchromatic (1m resolution) + Multispectral bands (4m resolution): five-band image containing the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. The available processing level is L1C orthorectified: a calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. Product Type Processing Level and Spatial Resolution L1B (native) L1C (ortho) Pan-sharpened 1.0m 1.0m Bundle (PAN+MS) 1.0m (P), 4.0m (MS) 1.0m (P), 4.0m(MS)

  • European Cities: Cartosat-1 Euro-Maps 3D

    A large number of European cities are covered by this dataset; for each city you can find one or more Cartosat-1 ortho image products and one or more Euro-Maps 3D DSM tiles clipped to the extent of the ortho coverage. The Euro-Maps 3D DSM is a homogeneous, 5 m spaced Digital Surface Model semi-automatically derived from 2.5 m Cartosat-1 in-flight stereo data with a vertical accuracy of 10 m. The very detailed and accurate representation of the surface is achieved by using a sophisticated and well adapted algorithm implemented on the basis of the Semi-Global Matching approach. The final product includes several pixel-based quality and traceability layers: The dsm layer (*_dsm.tif) contains the elevation heights as a geocoded raster file The source layer (*_src.tif) contains information about the data source for each height value/pixel The number layer (*_num.tif) contains for each height value/pixel the number of IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 stereo pairs used for the generation of the DEM The quality layer (*_qc.tif) is set to 1 for each height/pixel value derived from IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 data and which meets or exceeds the product specifications The accuracy vertical layer (*_acv.tif) contains the absolute vertical accuracy for each quality controlled height value/pixel. The ortho image is a Panchromatic image at 2.5 m resolution. The following table defines the offered product types. EO-SIP product type Description PAN_PAM_3O IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 ortho image DSM_DEM_3D IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 DSM

  • PlanetScope ESA archive

    The PlanetScope ESA archive collection consists of PlanetScope products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world and that ESA collected over the years. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. Three product lines for PlanetScope imagery are offered, for all of them the Ground Sampling Distance at nadir is 3.7 m (at reference altitude 475 km). EO-SIP Product Type Product description Processing Level PSC_DEF_S3 3 bands – Analytic and Visual - Basic and Ortho Scene level 1B and 3B PSC_DEF_S4 4 bands – Analytic and Visual - Basic and Ortho Scene level 1B and 3B PSC_DEF_OT 3 bands, 4 bands and 5 bands – Analytic and Visual - Ortho Tile level 3A The Basic Scene product is a single-frame scaled Top of Atmosphere Radiance (at sensor) and sensor-corrected product. The product is not orthorectified or corrected for terrain distortions, radiometric and sensor corrections are applied to the data. The Ortho Scenes product is a single-frame scaled Top of Atmosphere Radiance (at sensor) or Surface Reflectance image product. The product is radiometrically, sensor and geometrically corrected and is projected to a cartographic map (UTM/WGS84). The Ortho Tiles are multiple orthorectified scenes in a single strip that have been merged and then divided according to a defined grid. Radiometric and sensor corrections are applied, the imagery is orthorectified and projected to a UTM projection. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Vision-1 full archive and tasking

    Vision-1 provides very high resolution optical products, with 87cm resolution in Panchromatic mode and 3.48m in Multispectral Mode. Products are in DIMAP format; the image is in GeoTiff format with 16 bit encoding; the applied geographical projection is WGS84 UTM. Spectral band combination options: Panchromatic (PAN): includes data contained within a single high resolution black and white band, with product pixel size of 0.87m Multispectral (MS4): includes four multispectral (colour) bands: Blue, Green, Red and Near Infrared. The product pixel size is 3.48m Bundle (BUN): provides both the 4-band multispectral, and the panchromatic data from the same acquisition in a single, non-merged product. Data is provided as 16-bit GeoTiffs with pixel sizes of 3.48m and 0.87m for MS and PAN data respectively Pansharpened (PSH): single higher resolution 0.87 colour product obtained by the combination of the visual coloured information of the multispectral data with the details provided in the panchromatic data. Two different geometric processing levels are: Projected (level 2): The product is mapped onto the Earth cartographic system using a standard reference datum and projection system at a constant terrestrial altitude, relative to the reference ellipsoid. By default, the map projection system is WGS84/UTM. The image is georeferenced without the application of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and supplied with the RPC model file. Pansharpened are not available as projected product Standard Ortho (level 3): georeferenced image in Earth geometry, including the application of a Airbus World DEM for Ortho and GCPs (using Airbus Intelligence One Atlas BaseMap as reference). The orthorectification procedure eliminates the perspective effect on the ground (excluding buildings) to restore the geometry of a vertical shot. Only the basic radiometric processing is available providing the radiance value. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • GEOSAT-1 and 2 ESA archive

    GEOSAT-1 and 2 dataset is composed of products acquired by the GEOSAT-1 and GEOSAT-2 Spanish satellites. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. GEOSAT-1 standard products offered are: SL6_22P: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank P SL6_22S: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank S SL6_22T: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, 2 banks merged together. GEOSAT-1 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1R: All 3 Spectral channels combined into a band-registered image using L0R data. Geopositioned product based on rigorous sensor model. Coefficients derived from internal and external satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata. Level 1T: Data orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). The use of the GCPs, it is not automatic, as it is done manually, which gives greater precision. (GCPs by human operators). GEOSAT-2 standard products offered are: Pan-sharpened (HRA_PSH four-band image, HRA_PS3 321 Natural Colours, HRA_PS4 432 False Colours): a four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserve all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Panchromatic (HRA_PAN): a single-band image acquired by the panchromatic sensor. Multispectral (HRA_MS4): a four-band image acquired by the multispectral sensor, with band co-registration. Bundle (HRA_PM4): a five-band image contains the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. Stereo Pair (HRA_STP): The image products obtained from two acquisitions of the same target performed from different viewpoints in the same pass by using the agility feature of the platform. It can be provided as a pair of pan sharpened or panchromatic images. GEOSAT-2 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1B: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, but not resampled. The product includes the Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC), the metadata with gain and bias values for each band, needed to convert the digital numbers into radiances at pixel level, and information about geographic projection (EPGS), corners geolocation, etc. Level 1C: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. The geometric information is contained in the GeoTIFF tags. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Pléiades Neo full archive and tasking

    Very High Resolution optical Pléiades Neo data at 30 cm PAN resolution (1.2 m 6-bands Multispectral) are available as part of the Airbus provision with twice daily revisit capability over the entire globe. The swath width is 14 km (footprint at nadir). Band combinations: Panchromatic one band Black & White image at 0.3 m resolution Pansharpened colour image at 0.3 m resolution: Natural colour (3 bands RGB), false colour (3 bands NIRRG), 4 bands (RGB+NIR), 6 bands Multispectral colour image in 4 bands (RGB+NIR) or 6 bands (also Deep blue and Red Edge) at 1.2 m resolution Bundle 0.3 m panchromatic image and 1.2 m multispectral image (4 or 6 bands) simultaneously acquired Geometric processing levels: Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Projected: The products are mapped onto the Earth cartographic system using a standard reference datum and projection system at a constant terrestrial altitude, relative to the reference ellipsoid. Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability available in the Resources section. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.