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Learn about the ground-based, ship-borne, balloon-borne, and airborne campaigns and small satellite field experiments that validate orbiting ESA EO satellites and support future mission development.
  • LaRA


    To improve our knowledge of how best to measure ice thickness, the airborne Laser and Radar Altimeter campaign (LaRA) was carried out over the frozen expanses of northern Greenland.

  • ESAG


    The European Survey of Arctic Gravity (ESAG) campaign objective was to acquire measurements of the Arctic Ocean, in support of GOCE mission; and acquire scanning laser ranging data and profiling laser altimetry over sea-ice north of Greenland.

  • CryoVEx 2003


    The CryoVEx (CryoSat Validation EXperiment) 2003 campaign was a first comprehensive Arctic Ocean airborne and surface campaign, in support of the ESA satellite CryoSat, planned for launch late 2004.

  • INDREX-2


    ESA and Indonesian Ministry of Forest Study was a 2004 follow-up campaign to the INDREX project which was to generate a digital elevation model over a non-accessible region in order to model environmental changes.

  • CryoVEx 2004


    CryoVex 2004 was the second combined airborne and surface campaign for the preparation of the CryoSat mission, after successful completion of CryoVex 2003 by DTU.

  • CryoVEx 2005


    CryoVEx 2005 was the third combined airborne and surface campaign for the preparation of the CryoSat mission. It followed the 2004 campaign, which first utilised the new ASIRAS radar.

  • CryoVEx 2006


    CryoSat Validation Experiment (CryoVEx) 2006 was carried out between 18 April and 18 May 2006 in the Arctic.

  • BioSAR 2007


    The BioSAR campaign aimed to support geophysical algorithm development, calibration/validation and the simulation of future spaceborne Earth Observation missions.

  • CryoVEx 2007


    Following the successful 2004, 2005 and 2006 campaigns, the CryoVEx2007 campaign took place in Svalbard from 15 to 25 April 2007.

  • IceSAR 2007


    The objectives of IceSAR 2007 campaign was to acquire SAR images and complementary data over sea and land ice for preparation of Sentinel-1 mission and for providing a basis for the assessment of potential applications of Biomass mission.

  • BioSAR 2008


    The main objective of BioSAR-2 (BioSAR 2008) campaign was to record SAR data over boreal forests with topographic effects to investigate the effect on biomass retrieval.

  • CryoVEx 2008


    The ESA CryoSat Validation Experiment, CryoVEx 2008 was carried out in April and May 2008.

  • TropiSAR 2009


    The TropiSAR campaign objectives were the evaluation of P-Band radar imaging over tropical forests for biomass and forest height estimation.

  • CryoVExAnt 2008/2009 

    2008 - 2009

    The key objective of the CryoSat Validation Experiment Antarctica (CryoVExAnt) campaign is a better approximation of the error range of the elevation obtained from SAR-processed altimetric radar returns and its sensitivity to surface roughness.

  • BioSAR 2010


    The BioSAR-3 (BioSAR 2010) campaign was specifically planned and implemented to investigate possibilities for a future spaceborne P-band polarimetric and interferometric SAR with a life-time of multiple years.

  • CryoVExGround 2011


    The aims of the CryoVEx 2011 experiment, operating out of Alert base, was to study the snow and ice characteristics of Arctic sea ice and its snow cover during winter.

  • CryoVExAnt 2010/2011 

    2010 - 2011

    The CryoVEx 2010/2011 Antartic campaign was carried out in Dronning Maud Land from 11 November 2010 to 20 February 2011.

  • CryoVEx 2010

    2010 - 2011

    CryoVEx 2010 was the first CryoSat post-launch campaign to take place. It was set up as a test campaign for the upgraded ASIRAS system.

  • CryoVEx 2011


    The aims of the CryoSat Validation Experiment (CryoVEx) 2011 was to study the snow and ice characteristics of Arctic sea ice and its snow cover.

  • TropiScat

    2011 - 2012

    The major objectives of the experiment were the temporal survey of the variation of the measurements in time scales ranging from diurnal, weekly, monthly, up to 12 months of observation.