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  • AfriSAR 2015

    During the AfriSAR 2015 campaign, shared between ONERA (dry season, July 2015) and DLR (wet season 2016), Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR airborne data set were collected over four test sites over Africa, therefore covering different forest structures.

  • AfriSAR 2016

    In order to further support the BIOMASS mission development, especially concerning the mission concept verification and the development of geophysical algorithms, ESA funded the AfriSAR campaign.

  • AGRISAR 2006

    The AGRISAR 2006 campaign, carried out between 18 April and 2 August 2006, was established to address important specific programmatic needs of Sentinel-1 and -2.

  • AgriSAR 2009

    The AgriSAR 2009 campaign was defined to leverage the RADARSAT-2 mission to better understand and demonstrate the potential for GMES land monitoring user services, particularly in agriculture.


    The fires observational campaign was performed during summer 2006 and dedicated to the study of fire emission in the spectral region VNIR-SWIR.

  • ALOS African Coverage ESA archive

    ALOS Africa is a dataset of the best available (cloud minimal, below 10%) African coverage acquired by AVNIR-2 in OBS mode and PRISM in OB1 mode (all Backward, Nadir and Forward views, in separated products), two different collections one for each instrument. The processing level for both AVNIR-2 and PRISM products is L1B. This dataset is a subset of the main ALOS AVNIR-2 and ALOS PRISM ESA collections. ALOS AVNIR-2: ALOS PRISM:


    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 AVNIR-2 (Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2) L1C data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone plus some worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage Time window: from 2006-04-28 to 2011-04-20 Orbits: from 1375 to 27898 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 670 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 370 to 5230. One single Level 1C product type is offered for the OBS instrument mode: AV2_OBS_1C. The Level 1C product is a multispectral image (three bands in VIS and one in NIR) in GEOTIFF format with 10 m resolution.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for Aeolus Cal/Val

    An Announcement of Opportunity call is open for the Aeolus mission. Scientists, new groups and individuals are invited to participate in Aeolus Cal/Val throughout the mission lifetime.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NovaSAR-1

    ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the NovaSAR-1 mission for science and EO-based applications development.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for S3VT (Sentinel-3 Validation Team)

    In the framework of a Copernicus collaborative agreement ESA and EUMETSAT invite interested groups and individuals to support the Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT).

  • Announcement of Opportunity for SAOCOM

    In cooperation with CONAE (Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales), ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the SAOCOM mission for science and EO-based applications development.

  • AquiferEx

    The AquiferEx Optical and Radar Campaign was in support of information product generation based on satellite data, harmonisation of satellite data acquisition performed among Aquifer and AquiferEx project partners.


    This campaign covers the fields of atmospheric composition: NO2, SO2, aerosols, over Romania (Bucharest and Turceni) and Germany (Berlin).


    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).

  • BelSAR 2018

    The BelSAR project intended to carry out an airborne campaign for SAR bistatic interferometric measurements at L-band and full polarisation, over a test site in Belgium.

  • BioSAR 2007

    The BioSAR campaign aimed to support geophysical algorithm development, calibration/validation and the simulation of future spaceborne Earth Observation missions.

  • BioSAR 2008

    The main objective of BioSAR-2 (BioSAR 2008) campaign was to record SAR data over boreal forests with topographic effects to investigate the effect on biomass retrieval.

  • BorealScat

    The main objective of “BorealScat – Technical Assistance for the Deployment of a Tower-based Radar and Geophysical Measurements during the BorealScat Experiment” was to characterise and quantify the temporal variations of radar observations of a forest stand over timescales ranging from seconds to years and to investigate the effects of environmental variables.

  • COSMO SkyMed Second Generation-SkyMed Sample Data

    Download free COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.