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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • AfriScat

    AfriScat campaign, a follow on to TropiSCAT campaign, was to acquire long-term P-Band radar data in an African tropical forest.

  • ALOS PALSAR International Polar Year Antarctica

    International Polar Year (IPY), focusing on the north and south polar regions, aimed to investigate the impact of how changes to the ice sheets affect ocean and climate change to the habitats in these regions. IPY was a collaborative project involving over sixty countries for two years from March 2007 to March 2009. To meet the project goal, world space agencies observed these regions intensively using their own Earth observation satellites. One of these satellites, ALOS - with the PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor - observed these regions independently from day-night conditions or weather conditions. Carrying on this initiative, ESA is providing the ALOS PALSAR IPY Antarctica dataset, which consists of full resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR WB1 products (100 m spatial resolution) over Antarctica from July 2008 (cycle 21) to December 2008 (Cycle 24) and from May 2009 (cycle 27) to March 2010 (cycle 31). Missing products between the two periods above is due to L0 data over Antarctica not being available in ADEN archives and not processed to L1. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for Aeolus Cal/Val

    An Announcement of Opportunity call is open for the Aeolus mission. Scientists, new groups and individuals are invited to participate in Aeolus Cal/Val throughout the mission lifetime.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for S3VT (Sentinel-3 Validation Team)

    In the framework of a Copernicus collaborative agreement ESA and EUMETSAT invite interested groups and individuals to support the Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT).

  • COSMO-SkyMed ESA archive

    The COSMO-SkyMed archive collection consists of COSMO-SkyMed products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. The following list delineates the characteristics of the SAR measurement modes that are disseminated under ESA Third Party Missions (TPM). STRIPMAP HIMAGE (HIM): Achieving medium resolution (3 m x 3 m single look), wide swath imaging (swath extension ≥40 km). STRIPMAP PINGPONG (SPP): Achieving medium resolution (15 m), medium swath imaging (swath ≥30 km) with two radar polarization's selectable among HH, HV, VH and VV. SCANSAR WIDE (SCW): Achieving radar imaging with swath extension of 100 x 100 km2 and a spatial resolution of 30 x 30 m2. SCANSAR HUGE (SCH): Achieving radar imaging with swath extension of 200 x 200 km2 and a spatial resolution selectable of 100 x 100 m2. Processing Levels: Level 1A - Single-look Complex Slant - (SCSB and SCSU): RAW data focused in slant range-azimuth projection, that is the sensor natural acquisition projection; product contains In-Phase and Quadrature of the focused data, weighted and radiometrically equalised.The processing of the 1A_SCSU product differs from that of the 1A_SCSB product for the following features:a non-weighted processing is performed, which means that windowing isn't applied on the processed bandwidth; radiometric equalisation (in terms of compensation of the range antenna pattern and incidence angle) is not performed; hence only compensation of the antenna transmitter gain and receiver attenuation and range spreading loss is applied. Level 1B - Detected Ground Multi-look (DGM): Product obtained detecting, multi-looking and projecting the Single-look Complex Slant data onto a grid regular in ground. Spotlight Mode products are not multi-looked. Level 1C - Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) and Level 1D - Geocoded Terrain Corrected (GTC): Obtained projecting the Level 1A product onto a regular grid in a chosen cartographic reference system. In case of Lev 1C the surface is the earth ellipsoid while for the Lev 1D a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is used to approximate the real earth surface. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • COSMO-SkyMed full archive and tasking

    The archive and new tasking X-band SAR products are available from COSMO-Skymed (CSK) and COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation (CSG) missions in ScanSAR and Stripmap modes, right and left looking acquisition (20 to 60° incidence angle). COSMO-SkyMed modes: Acquisition Mode Single look Resolution [Az. X. Rg, SCS] (m) Scene size [Az. X. Rg] (km) Polarisation Scene duration (seconds) Number of looks Multilook resolution (m) Geolocation accuracy ±3 s (m) [DGM, GEC, GTC] Stripmap Himage 2.6 x 3 40 x 40 Single: HH, HV, VH, VV 7 3 5 25 Stripmap PingPong 9.7 x 11 30 x 30 Alternate: HH/VV, HH/HV, VV/VH 6 3 20 25 ScanSAR Wide 23 x 13.5 100 x 100 Single: HH, HV, VH, VV 15 4 - 9 30 30 ScanSAR Huge 38 x 13.5 200 x 200 Single: HH, HV, VH, VV 30 25 - 66 100 100 COSMO-Skymed Second Generation Modes: Acquisition Mode Single look Resolution [Az. X. Rg, SCS] (m) Scene size [Az. X. Rg] (km) Polarisation Scene duration (seconds) Number of looks Multilook resolution (m) Geolocation accuracy ±3σ (m) [DGM, GEC, GTC] Stripmap 3 x 3 40 x 40 Single (HH, VV, HV, VH) or Dual (HH+HV, VV+VH) 7 2 x 2 4 x 4 6 x 7 11 x 14 3.75 Stripmap PingPong 12 x 5 30 x 30 Alternate (HH/VV, HH/HV+VV/VH) 6 1 x 2 2 x 5 12 x 10 23 x 26 12 QuadPol 3 x 3 40 x 15 Quad (HH+HV+VV+VH) N/A 2 x 2 4 x 4 6 x 7 11 x 14 3.75 ScanSAR 1 20 x 4 100 x 100 Single (HH, VV, HV, VH) or Dual (HH+HV, VV+VH) 15 1 x 3 1 x 5 2 x 8 20 x 14 23 x 27 35 x 40 12 ScanSAR 2 40 x 6 200 x 200 Single (HH, VV, HV, VH) or Dual (HH+HV, VV+VH) 30 1 x 4 1 x 7 3 x 16 40 x 27 47 x 54 115 x 135 12 Following Processing Levels are available, for both CSK and CSG: SCS (Level 1A, Single-look Complex Slant): Data in complex format, in slant range projection (the sensor's natural acquisition projection) and zero doppler projection, weighted and radiometrically equalised; the coverage corresponds to the full resolution area illuminated by the SAR instrument DGM (Level 1B, Detected Ground Multi-look): Product obtained detecting, multi-looking and projecting the Single-look Complex Slant data onto a grid regular in ground: it contains focused data, amplitude detected, optionally despeckled by multi-looking approach, radiometrically equalised and represented in ground/azimuth projection GEC (Level 1C, Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected): Focused data, amplitude detected, optionally despeckled by multi-looking approach, geolocated on the reference ellipsoid and represented in a uniform preselected cartographic presentation. Any geometric correction derived by usage of terrain model isn't applied to this product by default GTC (Level 1D, Geocoded Terrain Corrected): Focused data, fully calibrated with the usage of terrain model, amplitude detected, optionally despeckled by multi-looking approach, geolocated on a DEM and represented in a uniform preselected cartographic presentation. The image scene is located and accurately rectified onto a map projection, through the use of Ground Control Points (GCPs) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM); it differs from GEC for the use of the DEM (instead of reference ellipsoid) for the accurate conversion from slant to ground range and to approximate the real earth surface. The list of available data can be retrieved using the CLEOS COSMO-SkyMed products catalogue. User registration is required to use the catalogue. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Envisat DORIS Doppler [DOR_DOP_1P]

    This product was generated by the Centre de Traitement Doris Poseidon (CTDP). The DORIS Doppler product (DOR_DOP_1P) was consolidated offline 2-4 weeks after sensing and stored in the F-PAC archive. The file size is 0.5 Mbytes per orbit.

  • Envisat DORIS Precise Orbit [DOR_VOR_AX]

    The latest version of the Envisat DORIS Precise Orbit product, DOR_VOR_AX, was generated by the Centre de Traitement Doris Poseidon (CTDP) using the Geophysical Data Records F standards (GDR-F). The product is used to obtain the satellite orbital parameters (latitude, longitude, height and height rate) by using orbit computation routines. The most significant changes related to the GDR-F standards concern the new ocean tide model (FES2014) and the updated Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2014). The new standards significantly improve all Precise Orbit Determination (POD) metrics with respect to GDR-E. The mean difference and variance of Sea Surface Height (SSH) at crossovers is slightly reduced. The DOR_VOR_AX product adopts the Envisat format, and the size is 0.2 Mbytes per orbit. Users are recommended to apply the GDR-F version, but the previous datasets are still available (i.e. GDR-D and GDR-E versions). See further details in the readme file for Envisat DORIS Precise Orbit Determination files. Comparison of Envisat Sea Level Anomaly trends obtained using DORIS Precise Orbit GDR-E and F standards. North/South patterns are evident. Credits: CNES/CLS.

  • ERS PRARE Precise Orbit Product (ERS.ORB.POD/ERS.ORB/PRC)

    The precise orbit results from a data reduction process in which all available tracking data (Single-Lens Reflex, radar altimeter crossovers, PRARE range and Doppler data) and most accurate correction, transformation and dynamical models are taken into account and in which high level numerical procedures are applied. These orbits are "optimal" achievable representations of the real orbital motion under the circumstances of tracking situation and the "state of the art" model situation. The precise orbit product for the ERS satellites are the satellite ephemeris (position and velocity vector) including time tag, given in a well-defined reference frame, together with the nominal satellite attitude information and a radial orbit correction. Several orbit solutions are currently distributed: A new set of ORB POD (Precise Orbit Determination - REAPER v2) computed with the most updated model standards for the complete ERS-1 and ERS-2 mission. A previous set of ORB POD (REAPER v1) data already available on the ESA dissemination site since 2014, covering the ERS-1 full mission and the ERS-2 mission up to July 2003. ORB PRC which is the original Precise Orbit dataset computed during the ERS mission operations for ERS-1 and ERS-2. In the new POD dataset (REAPER v2) for the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions, two different orbit solutions are provided together with the combined solution to be used for processing of the radar altimeter measurements and the determination of geodetic/geophysical products: those computed by DEOS (Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems), and those generated by ESOC (European Space Operations Centre) using different software (GEODYN and NAPEOS respectively). Careful evaluation of the various solutions of REAPER v2 has shown that the DEOS solution for both ERS-1 and ERS-2 has the best performance and is recommended to be used as reference. See the ERS Orbit Validation Report. For the previous version of the POD data set (REAPER v1), with ERS-2 mission data only up to 2003, three different orbit solutions together with the combined solution are available. These precise orbits for ERS-1 and ERS-2 have been computed at DEOS, ESOC, and GFZ (Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrums) using different software and different altimeter databases. Combined solutions have been created using three individual solutions for each satellite. All orbits were derived using consistent models in the same LPOD2005 terrestrial reference frame. These new orbit solutions show notable improvement with respect to DGME04 orbits (Scharroo and Visser, 1998). Thus, RMS crossover differences of new orbits improved by 4-9 mm. Careful evaluation of the various solutions has shown that the combined solution for both ERS-1 and ERS-2 has the best performance. All POD orbit files (REAPER v1/v2) are available in SP3c format.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Geophysical Data Record - GDR [ERS_ALT_2]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER METEO Product - [ERS_ALT_2M]

    This is a RA Meteo product containing only the 1 Hz parameters for altimeter (surface range, satellite altitude, wind speed and significant wave height at nadir) and ATSR/MWR data (brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz and 36.5 GHz, water vapour content, liquid water content) used to correct altimeter measurements. It also contains the full geophysical corrections. This product corresponds to a subset of the REAPER GDR product (ERS_ALT_2_). The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains only the low rate of 1 Hz data. The REAPER Meteo (ERS_ALT_2M) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook), and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Sensor Geophysical Data Record - SGDR [ERS_ALT_2S]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • GOCE Global Gravity Field Models and Grids

    This collection contains gravity gradient and gravity anomalies grids at ground level and at satellite height. In addition it contains the GOCE gravity field models (EGM_GOC_2, EGM_GCF_2) and their covariance matrices (EGM_GVC_2): GOCE Gravity solution GRIDS Gridded Gravity gradients and anomalies at ground level: GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091101T000000_20111231T235959_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091101T055147_20120731T222822_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091101T055226_20131020T033415_0002.TGZ GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. Latest baseline is: GO_CONS_GRC_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. Gridded Gravity gradients and anomalies at satellite height: GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091101T055147_20100630T180254_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091101T055147_20120731T222822_0001.TGZ GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091101T055226_20131020T033415_0002.TGZ GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. Latest baseline is: GO_CONS_GRD_SPW_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ. As output from the ESA-funded GOCE+ GeoExplore project, GOCE gravity gradients were combined with heterogeneous other satellite gravity information to derive a combined set of gravity gradients complementing (near)-surface data sets spanning all together scales from global down to 5 km. The data is useful for various geophysical applications and demonstrate their utility to complement additional data sources (e.g., magnetic, seismic) to enhance geophysical modelling and exploration. The GOCE+ GeoExplore project is funded by ESA through the Support To Science Element (STSE) and was undertaken as a collaboration of the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), Munich, DE, the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Trondheim, Norway, TNO, the Netherlands and the University of West Bohemia, Plzen, CZ. Read more about gravity gradients and how GOCE delivered them in this Nature article: Satellite gravity gradient grids for geophysics. View images of the GOCE original gravity gradients and gradients with topographic reduction grids. Available data GRIDS File Type Gridded data: full Gravity Gradients, at 225 km and 255 km with and without topographic correction GGG_225 Computed from GOCE/GRACE gradients lower orbit phase February 2010 - October 2013 GGG_255 Computed from GOCE/GRACE gradients nominal orbit phase February 2010 - October 2013 TGG_225 Gravity gradient grids from topography at fixed height of 225/255 km above ellipsoid given in LNOF (Local North Oriented Frame) TGG_225 Gravity gradient grids from topography at fixed height of 225/255 km above ellipsoid given in LNOF (Local North Oriented Frame) MAPS File Type Maps of Gravity Gradients with and without topographic corrections Vij_225km_Patch_n.jpg Maps of grids from lower orbit phase with and without topographic correction from ETOPO1 Along-orbit File Type Full Gravity Gradients, along-orbit, in GRF and TRF reference frames. A detailed description is provided in the data set user manual GGC_GRF Combined gradients from GRACE (long wavelengths) & GOCE (measurement band) in the GRF (Gradiometer Reference Frame) GGC_TRF Combined gradients from GRACE (long wavelengths) & GOCE (measurement band) rotated from GRF to TRF (Terrestrial Reference Frame: North, West, Up) Direct solution First Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100110T235959_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100110T235959_0002.TGZ Second Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100630T235959_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100630T235959_0001.TGZ Third Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20110419T235959_0001.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20110419T235959_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GCF_2__20091101T000000_20110419T235959_0001.IDF Fourth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20120801T060000_0001.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20120801T060000_0002.TGZ Fifth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131020T235959_0002.TG Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20131020T235959_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131020T235959_0001.IDF Sixth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131020T235959_0201.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091009T000000_20131020T235959_0201.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131020T235959_0201.IDF Release 6 gravity model validation report. Time-Wise solution First Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100111T000000_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100111T000000_0002.TGZ Second Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20100705T235500_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20100705T235500_0001.TGZ Third Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20110430T235959_0001.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20110430T235959_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GCF_2__20091101T000000_20110430T235959_0001.IDF Fourth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20120618T235959_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20120618T235959_0001.TGZ Fifth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131021T000000_0002.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091101T000000_20131021T000000_0001.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091101T000000_20131021T000000_0001.IDF Sixth Generation Product: GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.TGZ Variance/Covariance matrix: GO_CONS_EGM_GVC_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0202.TGZ Coefficients (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20131021T000000_0201.IDF Combined gravity field GOCE model plus Antarctic and Arctic data (ICGEM format): GO_CONS_EGM_GOC_2__20091009T000000_20160119T235959_0201.IDF Download release 6 gravity model validation report.

  • GOCE Level 1

    This collection contains the GOCE L1b data of the gradiometer, the star trackers, the GPS receiver, the magnetometers, magnetotorquers and the DFACS data of each accelerometer of the gradiometer. EGG_NOM_1b: latest baseline _0202 SST_NOM_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available) ACC_DFx_1b: latest baseline _0001 (x=1:6) MGM_GOx_1b: latest baseline _0001 (x=1:3) MTR_GOC_1b: latest baseline _0001 SST_RIN_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available) STR_VC2_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available) STR_VC3_1b: latest baseline _000x (always take the highest number available).

  • GOCE Level 2

    This collection contains GOCE level 2 data: Gravity Gradients in the gradiometer reference frame (EGG_NOM_2), in the terrestrial reference frame (EGG_TRF_2), GPS receiver derived precise science orbits (SST_PSO_2) and the non-tidal time variable gravity field potential with respect to a mean value in terms of a spherical harmonic series determined from atmospheric and oceanic mass variations as well as from a GRACE monthly gravity field time series (SST_AUX_2). EGG_NOM_2_: latest baseline: _0203 EGG_TRF_2_: latest baseline _0101 SST_AUX_2_: latest baseline _0001 SST_PSO_2_: latest baseline _0201.


    GOCE total electron content (TEC) and rate of TEC index (ROTI) data.

  • GOCE Telemetry

    This collection contains all GOCE platform and instruments telemetry. For details see the Packets Description file.

  • GOCE Thermosphere Data

    Thermospheric density and crosswind data products derived from GOCE data. Latest baseline _0200. The GOCE+ Air Density and Wind Retrieval using GOCE Data project produced a dataset of thermospheric density and crosswind data products which were derived from ion thruster activation data from GOCE telemetry. The data was combined with the mission's accelerometer and star camera data products. The products provide data continuty and extend the accelerometer-derived thermosphere density data sets from the CHAMP and GRACE missions. The resulting density and wind observations are made available in the form of time series and grids. These data can be applied in investigations of solar-terrestrial physics, as well as for the improvement and validation of models used in space operations. Funded by ESA through the Support To Science Element (STSE) of ESA's Earth Observation Envelope Programme, supporting the science applications of ESA's Living Planet programme, the project was a partnership between TU Delft, CNES and Hypersonic Technology Göttingen. Dataset history Date Change Reason 18/04/2019 - Time series data v2.0, covering the whole mission - Updated data set user manual - New satellite geometry and aerodynamic model - New vertical wind field - New data for the deorbit phase, (GPS+ACC and GPS-only versions) Updated satellite models and additional data 14/07/2016 - Time series data v1.5, covering the whole mission - Updated data set user manual Removal of noisy data 31/07/2014 - Time series data v1.4, covering the whole mission - Gridded data, now including error estimates - Updated data set user manual; Updated validation report; Updated ATBD Full GOCE dataset available 28/09/2013 Version 1.3 density/winds timeseries and gridded data released. User manual updated to v1.3 Bug fix and other changes 04/09/2013 Version 1.2 density/winds timeseries and gridded data released, with user manual First public data release of thermospheric density/winds data

  • GRACE-A and GRACE-B Level 1B, Level 1B combined and Level 2 Data Products

    Level-1A Data Products are the result of a non-destructive processing applied to the Level-0 data at NASA/JPL. The sensor calibration factors are applied in order to convert the binary encoded measurements to engineering units. Where necessary, time tag integer second ambiguity is resolved and data are time tagged to the respective satellite receiver clock time. Editing and quality control flags are added, and the data is reformatted for further processing. The Level-1A data are reversible to Level-0, except for the bad data packets. This level also includes the ancillary data products needed for processing to the next data level. The Level-1B Data Products are the result of a possibly destructive, or irreversible, processing applied to both the Level-1A and Level-0 data at NASA/JPL. The data are correctly time-tagged, and data sample rate is reduced from the higher rates of the previous levels. Collectively, the processing from Level-0 to Level-1B is called the Level-1 Processing. This level also includes the ancillary data products generated during this processing, and the additional data needed for further processing. The Level-2 data products include the static and time-variable (monthly) gravity field and related data products derived from the application of Level-2 processing at GFZ, UTCSR and JPL to the previous level data products. This level also includes the ancillary data products such as GFZ's Level-1B short-term atmosphere and ocean de-aliasing product (AOD1B) generated during this processing. GRACE-A and GRACE-B Level-1B Data Product: Satellite clock solution [GA-OG-1B-CLKDAT, GB-OG-1B-CLKDAT, GRACE CLKDAT]: Offset of the satellite receiver clock relative to GPS time, obtained by linear fit to raw on-board clock offset estimates GPS flight data [GA-OG-1B-GPSDAT, GB-OG-1B-GPSDAT, GRACE GPSDAT]: Preprocessed and calibrated GPS code and phase tracking data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (10 s (code) or 1 s (phase)) to low-rate (10 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Accelerometer Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-ACCHKP, GB-OG-1B-ACCHKP, GRACE ACCHKP]: Accelerometer proof-mass bias voltages, capacitive sensor outputs, instrument control unit (ICU) and sensor unit (SU) temperatures, reference voltages, primary and secondary power supply voltages (1 file per day, level-1 format) Accelerometer data [GA-OG-1B-ACCDAT, GB-OG-1B-ACCDAT, GRACE ACCDAT]: Preprocessed and calibrated Level-1B accelerometer data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (0.1 s) to low-rate (1s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Intermediate clock solution [GA-OG-1B-INTCLK, GB-OG-1B-INTCLK, GRACE INTCLK]: derived with GIPSY POD software (300 s sample rate) (1 file per day, GIPSY format) Instrument processing unit (IPU) Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-IPUHKP, GB-OG-1B-IPUHKP, GRACE IPUHKP]: edited and decimated from high-rate (TBD s) to low-rate (TBD s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Spacecraft Mass Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-MASDAT, GB-OG-1B-MASDAT, GRACE MASDAT]: Level 1B Data as a function of time GPS navigation solution data [GA-OG-1B-NAVSOL, GB-OG-1B-NAVSOL, GRACE NAVSOL]: edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (60 s) to low-rate (30 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) OBDH time mapping to GPS time Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-OBDHTM, GB-OG-1B-OBDHTM, GRACE OBDHTM]: On-board data handling (OBDH) time mapping data (OBDH time to receiver time Star camera data [GA-OG-1B-SCAATT, GB-OG-1B-SCAATT, GRACE SCAATT]: Preprocessed and calibrated star camera quaternion data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (1 s) to low-rate (5 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Thruster activation Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-THRDAT, GB-OG-1B-THRDAT, GRACE THRDAT]: GN2 thruster data used for attitude (10 mN) and orbit (40 mN) control GN2 tank temperature and pressure Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-TNKDAT, GB-OG-1B-TNKDAT, GRACE TNKDAT]: GN2 tank temperature and pressure data Oscillator frequency data [GA-OG-1B-USODAT, GB-OG-1B-USODAT, GRACE USODAT]: derived from POD product GRACE-A and GRACE-B Combined Level-1B Data Product Preprocessed and calibrated k-band ranging data [GA-OG-1B-KBRDAT, GB-OG-1B-KBRDAT, GRACE KBRDAT]: range, range-rate and range-acceleration data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (0.1 s) to low-rate (5 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product [GA-OG-1B-ATMOCN, GB-OG-1B-ATMOCN, GRACE ATMOCN]: GRACE Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product. GRACE Level-2 Data Product: GAC [GA-OG-_2-GAC, GB-OG-_2-GAC, GRACE GAC]: Combination of non-tidal atmosphere and ocean spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GCM [GA-OG-_2-GCM, GB-OG-_2-GCM, GRACE GCM]: Spherical harmonic coefficients and standard deviations of the long-term static gravity field estimated by combination of GRACE satellite instrument data and other information for a dedicated time span (multiple years) and spatial resolution (1 file per time span, level-2 format) GAB [GA-OG-_2-GAB, GB-OG-_2-GAB, GRACE GAB]: Non-tidal ocean spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GAD [GA-OG-_2-GAD, GB-OG-_2-GAD, GRACE GAD]: bottom pressure product - combination of surface pressure and ocean (over the oceans, and zero over land). Spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GSM [GA-OG-_2-GSM, GB-OG-_2-GSM, GRACE GSM]: Spherical harmonic coefficients and standard deviations of the static gravity field estimated from GRACE satellite instrument data only for a dedicated time span (e.g. weekly, monthly, multiple years) and spatial resolution (1 file per time span, level-2 format).