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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • SPOT-6 to 7 full archive and tasking

    The SPOT 6 and 7 satellites ensure data continuity with the no longer operational SPOT 5 satellite and provide an archive of very high resolution optical acquisition as well as the possibility to task the satellites for new acquisitions. Following the completion of the SPOT 7 mission in March 2023, new acquisition tasking is only available for the SPOT 6 satellite. The ortho-products are automatically generated by the SPOT 6 and 7 ground segment, based on SRTM database or Reference3D when available. The projection available for SPOT 6 and 7 ortho-products is UTM, datum WGS84. Bands combinations: Pansharpened: colour image at 1.5 m resolution Bundle: 1.5 m panchromatic image and 6 m multispectral image. Geometric processing levels: Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Standard Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. Tailored ortho: Aside from the Standard Ortho product, when different specifications are needed, a custom orthorectification, with a more precise 3D model provided by the client or acquired for the purpose, can be provided on demand. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.

  • SPOT 6 and 7 ESA archive

    The SPOT 6 and 7 ESA archive is a dataset of SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 products that ESA collected over the years. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new SPOT 6 and 7 products. SPOT 6 and 7 Primary and Ortho products can be available in the following modes: Panchromatic image at 1.5m resolution Pansharpened colour image at 1.5m resolution Multispectral image in 4 spectral bands at 6m resolution Bundle (1.5m panchromatic image + 6m multispectral image) Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • SPOT 1-5 ESA archive

    The ESA SPOT 1-5 collection is a dataset of SPOT 1 to 5 Panchromatic and Multispectral products that ESA collected over the years. The HRV(IR) sensor onboard SPOT 1-4 provides data at 10 m spatial resolution Panchromatic mode (-1 band) and 20 m (Multispectral mode -3 or 4 bands). The HRG sensor on board of SPOT-5 provides spatial resolution of the imagery to < 3 m in the panchromatic band and to 10 m in the multispectral mode (3 bands). The SWIR band imagery remains at 20 m. The dataset mainly focuses on European and African sites but some American, Asian and Greenland areas are also covered. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. The SPOT Collection

  • Envisat RA-2 Geophysical Data Record - GDR [RA2_GDR__2P]

    This is a RA-2 Geophysical Data Record (GDR) Full Mission Reprocessing (FMR) V3 product containing radar range and orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height, water vapour from the MWR and geophysical corrections. This FMR follows the first Envisat Altimetry reprocessing Version (V2.1) completed in 2012. The GDR and S-GDR data products were reprocessed for all cycles from 6 to 113 (May 2002 to April 2012) into a homogeneous standard in NetCDF format (close to Sentinel-3). For many aspects, the V3.0 reprocessed data are better than the previous dataset: In terms of available and valid data, the coverage is better, notably thanks to a better availability of MWR data at the beginning of the mission In terms of performance at cross-overs, the quality is improved: the annual signal and average of Mean SSH is decreased, as well as the standard deviation The new MWR characteristics were shown to improve largely the global quality of data. As well as the new tide model, the new MSS and the new orbit standard The Global and regional Mean Sea Level trend is very weakly impacted though the effort was put, this time, on the mesoscale restitution, rather than long term drift, as during V2.1 reprocessing. Please consult the Envisat RA-2/MWR Product Quality Readme file PDF before using the data.

  • Pléiades full archive and tasking

    The Pléiades twins (1A and 1B) deliver very high-resolution optical data (up to 0.5 m resolution Panchromatic and Colour and 2 m Multispectral) and offer a daily revisit capability to any point on the globe. The swath width is approximately 20 km (with a nadir footprint). The ortho-products are automatically generated by the Pléiades ground segment, based on SRTM or Reference3D database. The projection available for Pléiades ortho-products is UTM, datum WGS84. Bands combinations:: Pansharpened: colour image at 0.5 m resolution Bundle: (0.5 m panchromatic image + 2 m multispectral image) Processing levels: Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Standard Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. Tailored Ortho: Aside from the Standard Ortho product, when different specifications are needed, a custom orthorectification, with a more precise 3D model provided by the client or acquired for the purpose, can be provided on demand. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • SeaSat ESA archive

    This collection gives access to the complete SEASAT dataset acquired by ESA and mainly covers Europe. The dataset comprises some of the first ever SAR data recorded for scientific purposes, reprocessed with the most recent processor. The Level-1 products are available as: SAR Precision Image [SEA_PRI_1P] SAR Single Look Complex Image [SEA_SLC_1P] SAR Ellipsoid Geocoded Precision Image [SEA_GEC_1P] Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Envisat RA-2 Sensor and Geophysical Data Record - SGDR [RA2_MWS__2P]

    This is a RA-2 Sensor and Geophysical Data Record (SGDR) Full Mission Reprocessing (FMR) V3 product. This FMR follows the first Envisat Altimetry reprocessing Version (V2.1) completed in 2012. The GDR and S-GDR data products were reprocessed for all cycles from 6 to 113 (May 2002 to April 2012) into a homogeneous standard in NetCDF format (close to Sentinel-3). The Sensor Data Record (SGDR) Product from RA-2/MWR includes the data in the GDR product (RA-2 geophysical data, MWR data) and also RA-2 averaged waveforms (18Hz) and RA-2 individual waveforms (1800Hz). This product is a continuation of ERS RA data. This data product has a coverage of 1 pass and pole to pole, a spatial sampling of about 390 m along track and a size of 31 to 40 MB, depending on presence of individual waveforms. The radiometric accuracy is 0.2 dB and auxiliary data include: Orbit state vectors (DORIS, FOS), RA2 and MWR characterisation data, Platform attitude, Gain calibration, USO frequency, ECMWF data, time relation, leap second, Ionospheric corrections, geoid, mean sea surface, slope data, and tide model (ocean, earth, loading, pole). Please consult the Envisat RA-2/MWR Product Quality Readme file before using the data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Geophysical Data Record - GDR [ERS_ALT_2]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Sensor Geophysical Data Record - SGDR [ERS_ALT_2S]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER METEO Product - [ERS_ALT_2M]

    This is a RA Meteo product containing only the 1 Hz parameters for altimeter (surface range, satellite altitude, wind speed and significant wave height at nadir) and ATSR/MWR data (brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz and 36.5 GHz, water vapour content, liquid water content) used to correct altimeter measurements. It also contains the full geophysical corrections. This product corresponds to a subset of the REAPER GDR product (ERS_ALT_2_). The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains only the low rate of 1 Hz data. The REAPER Meteo (ERS_ALT_2M) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook), and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • IKONOS ESA archive

    ESA maintains an archive of IKONOS Geo Ortho Kit data previously requested through the TPM scheme and acquired between 2000 and 2008, over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The imagery products gathered from IKONOS are categorised according to positional accuracy, which is determined by the reliability of an object in the image to be within the specified accuracy of the actual location of the object on the ground. Within each IKONOS-derived product, location error is defined by a circular error at 90% confidence (CE90), which means that locations of objects are represented on the image within the stated accuracy 90% of the time. There are six levels of IKONOS imagery products, determined by the level of positional accuracy: Geo, Standard Ortho, Reference, Pro, Precision and PrecisionPlus. The product provided by ESA to Category-1 users is the Geo Ortho Kit, consisting of IKONOS Black-and-White images with radiometric and geometric corrections (1-metre pixels, CE90=15 metres) bundled with IKONOS multispectral images with absolute radiometry (4-metre pixels, CE90=50 metres). IKONOS collects 1m and 4m Geo Ortho Kit imagery (nominally at nadir 0.82m for panchromatic image, 3.28m for multispectral mode) at an elevation angle between 60 and 90 degrees. To increase the positional accuracy of the final orthorectified imagery, customers should select imagery with IKONOS elevation angle between 72 and 90 degrees. The Geo Ortho Kit is tailored for sophisticated users such as photogrammetrists who want to control the orthorectification process. Geo Ortho Kit images include the camera geometry obtained at the time of image collection. Applying Geo Ortho Kit imagery, customers can produce their own highly accurate orthorectified products by using commercial off the shelf software, digital elevation models (DEMs) and optional ground control. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM Medium Resolution L1 [SAR_IMM_1P]

    This ERS Medium Resolution stripline product is generated from the Image Mode Level 0 Product. Stripline image products contain image data for an entire segment, up to a maximum size of 10 minutes per product for IM mode. The processor concatenates together several sub-images called "slices" that were processed separately on a dataset-by-dataset basis in order to form the entire stripline image. The product is processed to an approximately 150 m x 150 m resolution and has a radiometric resolution that is good enough for ice applications. This product has a lower spatial resolution than the SAR_IMP_1P and SAR_IMS_1P products. Product Characteristics: Pixel size: 5 m (ground range – across track) x 75 m (azimuth – along track) Scene area: 100 km (range) x at least 102.5 km Scene Size: 1300 pixels (range) x at least 1350 lines (azimuth) Pixel depth: 16 bits unsigned integer- Total product volume: at least 3.5 MB Projection: Ground-range Number of looks: 8 (azimuth) x 7 (range).

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM Precision L1 [SAR_IMP_1P]

    The SAR Precision product is a multi-look (speckle-reduced), ground range image acquired in Image Mode. This product type is most applicable to users interested in remote sensing applications, but is also suitable for calibration purposes. The products are calibrated and corrected for the SAR antenna pattern and range-spreading loss. Radar backscatter can be derived from the products for geophysical modelling, but no correction is applied for terrain-induced radiometric effects. The images are not geocoded, and terrain distortion (foreshortening and layover) has not been removed. The numbering sequence relates to the satellite position and therefore differs between Ascending and Descending scenes. Product characteristics: Pixel size: 12.5 m (range - across track) x 12.5 m (azimuth - along track) Scene area: 100 km (range) x at least 102.5 km (azimuth) Scene size: 8000 pixels range x at least 8200 lines (azimuth) Pixel depth: 16 bits unsigned integer Total product volume: 125 MB Projection: Ground-range Number of looks: 3.

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [SAR_IMS_1P]

    The SAR SLC product is a single look complex acquired in Image Mode. It is a digital image, with slant range and phase preserved, generated from raw SAR data using up-to-date auxiliary parameters. The products are intended for use in SAR quality assessment, calibration and interferometric applications. A minimum number of corrections and interpolations are performed on the data. Absolute calibration parameters (when available) are provided in the product annotation. Product characteristics: Pixel size: 8 m (range - across track) x 4 m (azimuth - along track – varying slightly depending on acquisition Pulse Repetition Frequency) Scene area: 100 km (range) x at least 102.5 km (azimuth) Scene size: 5000 samples (range) x at least 30000 lines (azimuth) Pixel depth: 32 bits signed integer (16 bits I, 16 bits Q) Total product volume: 575 MB Projection: Slant range- Number of looks: 1.

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM L0 [SAR_IM__0P]

    This SAR Level 0 product is acquired in Image Mode. The products consist of the SAR telemetry data and are supplied as standard scenes. It also contains all the required auxiliary data necessary for data processing. The product serves two main purposes: For testing ERS SAR processors independently from the HDDR system For users interested in full SAR data processing. Product characteristics: Scene area: 100 km (range - across track) x full segment length (azimuth - along track) Scene size: 5616 samples (range) x full segment length (azimuth) Pixel depth: 10 bits signed integer (5 bits I, 5 bits Q) Projection: Slant range.

  • CartoSat-1 archive and Euro-Maps 3D Digital Surface Model

    CartoSat-1 (also known as IRS-P5) archive products are available as PAN-Aft (backward), PAN-Fore (forward) and Stereo (PAN-Aft and PAN-Fore). Sensor Products Type Resolution (m) Coverage (km x km) System or radiometrically corrected Ortho corrected (DN) Neustralitz archive Global archive PAN PAN-Aft (backward) PAN-Fore (forward) Stereo (PAN-Aft+PAN-Fore) Panchromatic 2.5 27 x 27 X X 2007 - 2016 2005 - 2019 Note: Resolution 2.5 m. - Coverage 27 km x 27 km System or radiometrically corrected. For Ortho corrected products, if unavailable, user has to supply ground control information and DEM in suitable quality For Stereo ortho corrected: only one of the datasets will be ortho corrected. Euro-Maps 3D is a homogeneous, 5 m spaced digital surface model (DSM) semi-automatically derived from 2.5 m in-flight stereo data provided by IRS-P5 CartoSat-1 and developed in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center, DLR. The very detailed and accurate representation of the surface is achieved by using a sophisticated and well adapted algorithm implemented on the basis of the Semi-Global Matching approach. In addition, the final product includes detailed flanking information consisting of several pixel-based quality and traceability layers also including an ortho layer. Product Overview Post spacing 5 m Spatial reference system DD, UTM or other projections on WGS84 Height reference system EGM96 Absolute vertical accuracy LE90 5-10 m Absolute Horizontal Accuracy CE90 5-10 m Relative vertical accuracy LE90 2.5 m File format GeoTIFF, 16 bit Tiling 0.5° x 0.5° Ortho Layer Pixel Size 2.5 m The CartoSat-1 products and Euro-Maps 3D are available as part of the GAF Imagery products from the Indian missions: IRS-1C, IRS-1D, CartoSat-1 (IRS-P5), ResourceSat-1 (IRS-P6) and ResourceSat-2 (IRS-R2) missions. Euro-Maps 3D available data map

  • Envisat MERIS Full Resolution - Level 1 [MER_FRS_1P/ME_1_FRG]

    The MERIS Level 1 Full Resolution (FR) product contains the Top of Atmosphere (TOA) upwelling spectral radiance measurements. The in-band reference irradiances for the 15 MERIS bands are computed by averaging the in-band solar irradiance of each pixel. The in-band solar irradiance of each pixel is computed by integrating the reference solar spectrum with the band-pass of each pixel. The MERIS FR Level 1 product has Sentinel 3-like format starting from the 4th reprocessing data released to users in July 2020. Each measurement and annotation data file is in NetCDF 4. The Level 1 product is composed of 22 data files: 15 files containing radiances at each band (one band per file), accompanied by the associated error estimates, and 7 annotation data files. The 15 sun spectral flux values provided in the instrument data file of the Level 1 products are the in-band reference irradiances adjusted for the Earth-sun distance at the time of measurement. The band-pass of each pixel is derived from on-ground and in-flight characterisation via an instrument model. The values "Band wavelength" and "Bandwidth" provided in the Manifest file of the Level 1b products are the averaged band-pass of each pixel over the instrument field of view. Auxiliary data are also listed in the Manifest file associated to each product. The Level 1 FR product covers the complete instrument swath. The product duration is not fixed and it can span up to the time interval of the input Level 0 (for a maximum of 20 minutes). Thus the estimated size of the Level 1 FR is dependent on the start/stop time of the acquired segment. During the Envisat mission, acquisition of MERIS Full Resolution data was subject to dedicated planning based on on-demand ordering and coverage of specific areas according to operational recommendations and considerations. See yearly and global density maps to get a better overview of the MERIS FR coverage.

  • Envisat ASAR Global Monitoring L1 [ASA_GM1_1P]

    This product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Global Monitoring Mode. One product covers a full orbit. The product includes slant range to ground range corrections. This strip-line product is the standard for ASAR Global Monitoring Mode. It is processed to approximately 1 km resolution using the SPECAN algorithm. The swath width is approximately 400 km. The ASAR GM L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_GM1_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 1 km ground range x 1 km azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [ASA_IMS_1P]

    This data product represents a single-look, complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 ASAR data collected when the instrument is in Image Mode. Seven possible swaths in HH or VV polarisation are available. The product is primarily intended for use in SAR quality assessment and calibration or applications requiring complex SAR images such as interferometry, and can be used to derive higher level products. The spatial coverage is about 100 km along track per 56 - 100 km across track, and the radiometric resolution is 1 look in azimuth, 1 look in range. The file size is 741 Mbytes. It is worth highlighting that Azimuth pixel spacing depends on Earth-Satellite relative velocity and actual PRF and slant range pixel spacing is given by ASAR sampling frequency (19.208 Mhz). Auxiliary data include: Orbit state vector, Time correlation parameters, Main Processing parameters ADS, Doppler Centroid ADS, Chirp ADS, Antenna Elevation Pattern ADS, Geolocation Grid ADS, SQ ADS. Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.