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Learn about upcoming Earth observation conferences, workshops and training courses that the European Space Agency organise or support. Discover the results of past events, which may provide useful reference or material for your work.
  • 11th International Workshop on PolInSAR and Biomass

    19 June 2023

    Organised by ESA, the workshop will be held at Espaces Vanel Toulouse, France on the 19 - 23 June 2023

  • 15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium

    13 Mar 2006

    A Symposium on "15 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry" and the annual meeting of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team, the International Doris Service Workshop and the ARGO Workshop.

  • 1st Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing 2007

    2 Sept 2007

    The 2007 Advanced Land training course addressed both Radar and Optical/Thermal remote sensing and focused on GMES land thematic priorities. It was the first training devoted to the exploitation of Earth Observation data from ESA and Third Party Mission instruments for land applications.

  • 1st International GOCE User Workshop

    23 Apr 2001

    The workshop provided a forum for presentations and discussions on the development, use and exploitation of GOCE Level 2 (global and regional) geoid products and Level 3 (science and application) data products.

  • 2007 International Geohazards Week

    5 Sept 2007

    The ESA event was part of the United Nations International Year of Planet Earth, to increase awareness of the importance of Earth sciences for the advancement of sustainable development.

  • 2024 European Polar Science Week

    3 Sept 2024

    Polar regions are sentinels of climate change, biodiversity, and human resilience. European Polar Science Week is to bring together the European polar science community and reinforce European cooperation for polar science.

  • 20th GHRSST Science Team Meeting

    3 June 2019

    The 20th GHRSST International Science Team meeting in 2019 brought together sea surface temperature experts to look at future innovations.

  • 2nd Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing 2009

    28 Sept 2009

    This advanced training course focused on ocean remote sensing theory and applications.

  • 2nd CHRIS PROBA Workshop

    28 Apr 2004

    This 2004 workshop was on the treatment of Compact High Resolution Images Spectrometer (CHRIS) data.

  • 2nd International GOCE User Workshop

    8 Mar 2004

    This workshop provided a forum for presenting progress on the development of the GOCE mission's payload, ground segment and data products.

  • 2nd MERIS/AATSR User Workshop

    22 Sept 2008

    The workshop addressed the utilisation of MERIS and AATSR data for remote sensing of open oceans, coastal waters, land surfaces and atmospheric processes.

  • 2nd SMOS Science Conference

    25 May 2015

    The conference focused on the applications of SMOS data, including operational services, the development of novel data products, the synergistic use of SMOS data with other data sources and the potential of SMOS data for the generation of long-term data sets.

  • 2nd Space for Hydrology Workshop

    12 Nov 2007

    The workshop aimed to assess the current stage of knowledge and activities in space-based hydrological observations and to exchange knowledge and know how with hydrologists and researchers.

  • 3rd Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing 2013

    23 Sept 2013

    The 3rd Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing was held from 23 to 27 September 2013 in Cork, at the National Maritime College of Ireland.

  • 3rd CHRIS PROBA Workshop

    21 Mar 2005

    This 2005 workshop was on the treatment of Compact High Resolution Images Spectrometer (CHRIS) data.

  • 3rd ERS Symposium

    14 Mar 1997

    The ESA Directorate for Observation of the Earth and its Environment held the 3rd ERS Symposium, in 1997, where many of the results from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions were presented and discussed by the scientific community.

  • 3rd International GOCE User Workshop

    6 Nov 2006

    This workshop focussed on the oceanographic applications, such as absolute dynamic topography, of GOCE data in conjunction with other space-borne data, such as radar altimetry, and in-situ data and models.

  • 3rd Sentinel-2 Validation Team Meeting

    12 Mar 2019

    This Sentinel-2 Validation Team (S2VT) meeting was the third edition of a meeting series, initiated in 2016. The S2VT is organised under the auspices of ESA, CNES, and ENSEEIHT.

  • 4th CHRIS PROBA Workshop

    19 Sept 2006

    Workshop on the treatment of Compact High Resolution Images Spectrometer (CHRIS) data.

  • Advanced Ocean Synergy Training Course

    4 Nov 2019

    This ESA course was devoted to training the next generation of Earth Observation scientists to exploit data from ESA and Third Party Mission instruments for ocean science and application development.