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  • 3rd Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing 2011

    This 2011 advanced ESA training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.

  • 3rd ERS Symposium

    The ESA Directorate for Observation of the Earth and its Environment held the 3rd ERS Symposium, in 1997, where many of the results from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions were presented and discussed by the scientific community.

  • Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing 2012

    The 2012 advanced training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.


    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).


    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).

  • Data preservation takes centre stage at Living Planet Symposium

    Against the backdrop of the famed Rhine River, world-class scientists and Earth observation data-users are gathered this week in the historical city of Bonn, at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS).

  • Deforestation in Brazil: A Satellite Perspective from 1992 to 2010

    Explore multi-temporal satellite images showing deforestation across various regions of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil.

  • Development of the Saemangeum Dam (South Korea), 1987-2013

    See the transformation of the Saemangeum Dam in South Korea through satellite images from 1987 to 2013.

  • Dragon 2 Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon 2 Programme focussed on the exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • Envisat-ERS (A)SAR - Enhanced Dissemination Service

    ESA is pleased to announce the release of several new features as part of the ESA On-The-Fly data processing and dissemination service.

  • EO Summer School 3

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • EO Summer School 4

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • ERS

    The ERS programme was composed of two missions, ERS-1 and ERS-2, which together observed the Earth for 20 years, from 1991 to 2011.

  • ERS - ESA’s first Earth observation satellites

    To mark the 30th anniversary of ERS, we've released a new infographic summarising the mission.

  • ERS ATSR L1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance [ER1_AT_1_RBT / ER2_AT_1_RBT]

    Band measurements with associated uncertainty estimates. The ERS-1/2 ATSR Level 1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance products (RBT) contain top of atmosphere (TOA) brightness temperature (BT) values for the infra-red channels and radiance values for the visible channels, when available, on a 1-km pixel grid. The visible channels are only available for the ATSR-2 instrument. Values for each channel and for the nadir and oblique views occupy separate NetCDF files within the Sentinel-SAFE format, along with associated uncertainty estimates. Additional files contain cloud flags, land and water masks, and confidence flags for each image pixel, as well as instrument and ancillary meteorological information. The ATSR-1 and ATSR-2 products [ER1_AT_1_RBT and ER2_AT_1_RBT], in NetCDF format stemming from the 4th ATSR reprocessing, are precursors of Envisat AATSR and Sentinel-3 SLSTR data. They have replaced the former L1B products [AT1_TOA_1P and AT2_TOA_1P] in Envisat format from the 3rd reprocessing. Users with Envisat-format products are recommended to move to the new Sentinel-SAFE like/NetCDF format products, and consult the ERS ATSR Product Notice Readme document. The processing updates that have been put in place and the expected scientific improvements for the ERS ATSR 4th reprocessing data have been outlined in full in the User Documentation for (A)ATSR 4th Reprocessing Products

  • ERS Heritage Data allow for 30 years of science

    At their time of launch thirty years ago, the two ERS satellites were the most sophisticated Earth observation spacecraft ever developed and launched by Europe.

  • ERS-1-WSC-FDC-Product-CCT-Format.pdf

    This document deals with the Product Specifications for the WSC Fast delivery copy. Valid for data processed up until end of July '95 when there was a switch in format from CEOS to CCSDS.

  • Forestry TEP

    The Forestry Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP) enables users in the forestry sector to access satellite data based processing services and tools for generating value-added forest information products.

  • Fringe 2003 Workshop

    The third ESA International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry and its first Workshop on ASAR interferometry: Advances in SAR interferometry from ERS and Envisat missions.

  • Heritage Missions app for Android

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.