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Learn about upcoming Earth observation conferences, workshops and training courses that the European Space Agency organise or support. Discover the results of past events, which may provide useful reference or material for your work.
  • Living Planet Symposium 2022

    23 May 2022

    Learn about the 2022 edition of ESA's Living Planet Symposium.

  • MicroRad 2020

    16 Nov 2020

    The 16th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad 2020) was a meeting for people interested in or working in the fields of passive microwave remote sensing.

  • Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor Validation Team Workshop

    11 Nov 2019

    The purpose of the workshop was to gather feedback from the Sentinel-5P Validation Team (S5PVT) about the uncertainty characterisation of all Copernicus Sentinel-5P products.

  • MIPAS QWG 45

    28 Oct 2019

    The MIPAS Quality Working Group (QWG) meeting #45 took place from 28 to 30 October 2019, and was hosted by ESA in Frascati, Italy.

  • MIPAS WebEx Teleconference 24 Sept 2019

    24 Sept 2019

    The objective of this MIPAS QWG meeting was to provide validation results and share potential issues on L2v8.

  • IGARSS 2019

    28 July 2019

    World-class scientists, engineers and educators in geoscience and remote sensing gathered in Yokohama, Japan, for the 39th annual IGARSS symposium.

  • MIPAS WebEx Teleconference 19 July 2019

    19 July 2019

    The objective of this MIPAS QWG meeting was to provide statistics and validation results on the latest reprocessing campaign and products.

  • IDEAS+ Cal/Val Workshop 7

    4 June 2019

    The 7th IDEAS+ Cal/Val Workshop took place on 4 and 5 June 2019 and it was hosted at the Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in The Netherlands.

  • Living Planet Symposium 2019

    13 May 2019

    ESA's Living Planet Symposia are amongst the biggest Earth observation conferences in the world. Scientists present their latest findings on Earth's environment and climate.

  • Fluorescence (FLEX) 2019

    5 Mar 2019

    The FLEX 2019 meeting consisted of a series of events addressing remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence.

  • EO Summer School 8

    1 Aug 2016

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • Understanding the Carbon and Water Cycles using SMOS Data and Models

    13 Nov 2014

    The workshop aimed to bring together the EO, SMOS, Earth system science and modelling communities involved in the observation, characterisation and forecasting of land surface processes and their impacts.

  • EO Summer School 7

    4 Aug 2014

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • EO Summer School 6

    30 July 2012

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • Advanced Training Course in Ocean Remote Sensing 2011

    24 Oct 2011

    Within the framework of the Dragon Programme, a joint collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), ESA and NRSCC are providing a series of advanced thematic training courses on remote sensing applications hosted by university and research institutions in P.R. China.

  • GEWEX / ESA DUE GlobVapour Quality Assessment of Water Vapour Data Sets Workshop

    8 Mar 2011

    The workshop brought together the producers and users of water vapour data sets to define a useful water vapour data set for GEWEX.

  • EO Summer School 5

    2 Aug 2010

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • Volcanic Ash Monitoring - ESA/EUMETSAT Workshop

    26 May 2010

    On 14 April 2010 the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjalla erupted and had been ejecting immense plumes of ash and sulphur into the atmosphere. The workshop was held in response to the emergency.

  • 2nd MERIS/AATSR User Workshop

    22 Sept 2008

    The workshop addressed the utilisation of MERIS and AATSR data for remote sensing of open oceans, coastal waters, land surfaces and atmospheric processes.

  • EO Summer School 4

    4 Aug 2008

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.