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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • Announcement of Opportunity for Spire data

    ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the Spire mission for science and applications development.

  • TerraSAR-X Sample Data

    Download free TerraSAR-X sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • RapidEye Sample Data

    Download free RapidEye sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • SkySat Sample Data

    Download free SkySat sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • PAZ Sample Data

    Download free PAZ sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • Vision-1 sample data

    Download free Vision-1 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • WorldView-3 Sample Data

    Download free WorldView-3 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • COSMO-SkyMed Sample Data

    Download free COSMO-SkyMed sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • GEOSAT-2 Sample Data

    Download free GEOSAT-2 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NovaSAR-1

    ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the NovaSAR-1 mission for science and EO-based applications development.

  • NovaSAR-1 new tasking

    NovaSAR-1 new acquisition data are available in two baseline acquisition modes: Stripmap – provides the highest resolution of 6 metres with up to 20 km swath selected from a 150 km field of regard, available in single polarisation. ScanSAR – has a 20 - 30 metre resolution and up to 150 km swath. Available in single polarisation. Within each of the baseline modes there are a variety of mode options that vary according to ground range resolution, incidence angles, swath width and the number of looks: Acquisition Mode Polarisation Resolution (m) Swath Width (km) Incidence Angles Number of Looks Stripmap Single: HH 6 20 16.0 – 25.38° 3 (1 range, 3 azimuth) 13 – 20 21.29 – 31.2° Single: VV 6 20 16.0 – 25.38° 3 (1 range, 3 azimuth) 13 – 20 21.29 – 31.2° ScanSAR Single: HH 20 100 15.0 - 24.66° 4 (2 range, 2 azimuth) 50 24.51 - 28.94° Single: VV 20 100 15.0 – 24.66° 4 (2 range, 2 azimuth) 50 24.51 - 28.94° Single: HH 30 150 11.29 – 25.93° 4 (2 range, 2 azimuth) 55 27.35 - 32.01° Single: VV 30 150 11.29 – 25.93° 4 (2 range, 2 azimuth) 55 27.35 - 32.01° NovaSAR-1 data are provided as a Level 2 (ARD) product as standard, but the accompanying Level 1 data may also be requested. Level 1 – delivered as reconstructed, unprocessed instrument data at full resolution. Level 2 (ARD) – delivered as a processed product with applied radiometric and geometric corrections i.e. orthorectification and spatial registration: Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) – Maritime and ocean applications Geocoded Terrain Corrected (GTC) – Land applications and change detection Where available, associated automatic identification system (AIS) data may be requested alongside the NovaSAR-1 data products.


    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C data acquired by ESA stations (Kiruna, Maspalomas, Matera, Tromsoe) in the ADEN zone, in addition to worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage outside of the ADEN zone. With respect to the L1B collection, only scenes acquired in sensor mode with a Cloud Coverage score lower than 70% and a sea percentage lower than 80% are published: Orbits: from 2768 to 27604 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 665 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 310 to 6790. The L1C processing strongly improve accuracy compared to L1B1 from several tenths of metres in L1B1 (~40 m of northing geolocation error for Forward views and ~10-20 m for easting errors) to some metres in L1C scenes (< 10 m both in north and easting errors). The collection contains only the PSM_OB1_1C EO-SIP product type, using data from PRISM operating in OB1 mode with three views (Nadir, Forward, and Backward) at 35 km wide. Most of the products contain all three views, but the Nadir view is always available and is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the JAXA view ID naming convention.

  • ALOS PRISM L1C European Coverage Cloud Free

    This collection is composed of a subset of ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C products from the ALOS PRISM L1C collection (DOI: 10.57780/AL1-ff3877f) which have been chosen so as to provide a cloud-free coverage over Europe. 70% of the scenes contained within the collection have a cloud cover percentage of 0%, while the remaining 30% of the scenes have a cloud cover percentage of no more than 20%. The collection is composed of PSM_OB1_1C EO-SIP products, with the PRISM sensor operating in OB1 mode with three views (Nadir, Forward and Backward) at 35 km width.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for SAOCOM

    In cooperation with CONAE (Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales), ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the SAOCOM mission for science and EO-based applications development.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for S3VT (Sentinel-3 Validation Team)

    In the framework of a Copernicus collaborative agreement ESA and EUMETSAT invite interested groups and individuals to support the Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT).

  • Aeolus Level 2C assisted wind fields resulting from NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) assimilation processing

    The Level 2C wind product of the Aeolus mission provides ECMWF analysis horizontal wind vectors at the geolocations of assimilated L2B HLOS wind components. The L2C can therefore be described as an Aeolus-assisted horizontal wind vector product. The L2C is a distinct product, however the L2C and L2B share a common Earth Explorer file template, with the L2C being a superset of the L2B. The L2C consists of extra datasets appended to the L2B product with information which are relevant to the data assimilation of the L2B winds.

  • PAZ ESA archive

    The PAZ ESA archive collection consists of PAZ Level 1 data previously requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world and, as a consequence, the products are scattered and dispersed worldwide and in different time windows. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. Available modes are: StripMap mode (SM): SSD less than 3 m for a scene 30 km x 50 km in single polarization or 15 km x 50 km in dual polarisation ScanSAR mode (SC): the scene is 100 x 150 km2, SSD less than 18 m in signle pol only Wide ScanSAR mode (WS): single polarisation only, with SS less than 40 m and scene size of 270 x 200 km2 Spotlight modes (SL): SSD less than 2 m for a scene 10 km x 10 km, both single and dual polarization are available High Resolution Spotlight mode (HS): in both single and dual polarisation, the scene is 10x5 km2, SSD less than 1 m Staring Spotlight mode (ST): SSD is 25 cm, the scene size is 4 x 4 km2, in single polarisation only. The available geometric projections are: Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC): single look product, no geocoding, no radiometric artifact included, the pixel spacing is equidistant in azimuth and in ground range Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD): detected multi look product, simple polynomial slant-to-ground projection is performed in range, no image rotation to a map coordinate system is performed Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC): multi look detected product, projected and re-sampled to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid with no terrain corrections Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC): multi look detected product, projected and re-sampled to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid, the image distortions caused by varying terrain height are corrected using a DEM. The following table summarises the offered product types. EO-SIP product type Operation Mode Geometric Projection Geometric Projection PSP_SM_SSC Stripmap (SM) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_SM_MGD Stripmap (SM) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SM_GEC Stripmap (SM) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_SM_EEC Stripmap (SM) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_SC_MGD ScanSAR (SC) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SC_GEC ScanSAR (SC) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SC_EEC ScanSAR (SC) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_SC_SSC ScanSAR (SC) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_SL_SSC Spotlight (SL) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_SL_MGD Spotlight (SL) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_SL_GEC Spotlight (SL) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_SL_EEC Spotlight (SL) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_HS_SSC High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_HS_MGD High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_HS_GEC High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_HS_EEC High Resolution Spotlight (HS) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_ST_SSC Staring Spotlight (ST) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_ST_MGD Staring Spotlight (ST) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_ST_GEC Staring Spotlight (ST) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_ST_EEC Staring Spotlight (ST) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) PSP_WS_SSC Wide ScanSAR (WS) Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC) PSP_WS_MGD Wide ScanSAR (WS) Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD) PSP_WS_GEC Wide ScanSAR (WS) Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC) PSP_WS_EEC Wide ScanSAR (WS) Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC) As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • SkySat ESA archive

    The SkySat ESA archive collection consists of SkySat products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world and that ESA collected over the years. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. Two different product types are offered, Ground Sampling Distance at nadir up to 65 cm for panchromatic and up to 0.8m for multi-spectral. EO-SIP Product Type Product Description Content SSC_DEF_SC Basic and Ortho scene Level 1B 4-bands Analytic /DN Basic scene Level 1B 4-bands Panchromatic /DN Basic scene Level 1A 1-band Panchromatic DN Pre Sup resolution Basic scene Level 3B 3-bands Visual Ortho Scene Level 3B 4-bands Pansharpened Multispectral Ortho Scene Level 3B 4-bands Analytic/DN/SR Ortho Scene Level 3B 1-band Panchromatic /DN Ortho Scene SSC_DEF_CO Ortho Collect Visual 3-band Pansharpened Image Multispectral 4-band Pansharpened Image Multispectral 4-band Analytic/DN/SR Image (B, G, R, N) 1-band Panchromatic Image The Basic Scene product is uncalibrated, not radiometrically corrected for atmosphere or for any geometric distortions inherent in the imaging process: Analytic - unorthorectified, radiometrically corrected, multispectral BGRN Analytic DN - unorthorectified, multispectral BGRN Panchromatic - unorthorectified, radiometrically corrected, panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic DN - unorthorectified, panchromatic (PAN) L1A Panchromatic DN - unorthorectified, pre-super resolution, panchromatic (PAN) The Ortho Scene product is sensor and geometrically corrected, and is projected to a cartographic map projection: Visual - orthorectified, pansharpened, and colour-corrected (using a colour curve) 3-band RGB Imagery Pansharpened Multispectral - orthorectified, pansharpened 4-band BGRN Imagery Analytic SR - orthorectified, multispectral BGRN. Atmospherically corrected Surface Reflectance product. Analytic - orthorectified, multispectral BGRN. Radiometric corrections applied to correct for any sensor artifacts and transformation to top-of-atmosphere radiance. Analytic DN - orthorectified, multispectral BGRN, uncalibrated digital number imagery product Radiometric corrections applied to correct for any sensor artifacts Panchromatic - orthorectified, radiometrically correct, panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic DN - orthorectified, panchromatic (PAN), uncalibrated digital number imagery product The Ortho Collect product is created by composing SkySat Ortho Scenes along an imaging strip. The product may contain artifacts resulting from the composing process, particular offsets in areas of stitched source scenes. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • KOMPSAT-1 Coverage of 50 European Cities

    Available as a single coverage collection of data over 50 European Cities acquired by KOMPSAT-1’s Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) geolocated and orthorectified. The dataset is composed by PAN imagery at 6.6 m GSD, in GeoTIFF orthorectified format.

  • Vision-1 full archive and tasking

    Vision-1 provides very high resolution optical products, with 87cm resolution in Panchromatic mode and 3.48m in Multispectral Mode. Products are in DIMAP format; the image is in GeoTiff format with 16 bit encoding; the applied geographical projection is WGS84 UTM. Spectral band combination options: Panchromatic (PAN): includes data contained within a single high resolution black and white band, with product pixel size of 0.87m Multispectral (MS4): includes four multispectral (colour) bands: Blue, Green, Red and Near Infrared. The product pixel size is 3.48m Bundle (BUN): provides both the 4-band multispectral, and the panchromatic data from the same acquisition in a single, non-merged product. Data is provided as 16-bit GeoTiffs with pixel sizes of 3.48m and 0.87m for MS and PAN data respectively Pansharpened (PSH): single higher resolution 0.87 colour product obtained by the combination of the visual coloured information of the multispectral data with the details provided in the panchromatic data. Two different geometric processing levels are: Projected (level 2): The product is mapped onto the Earth cartographic system using a standard reference datum and projection system at a constant terrestrial altitude, relative to the reference ellipsoid. By default, the map projection system is WGS84/UTM. The image is georeferenced without the application of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and supplied with the RPC model file. Pansharpened are not available as projected product Standard Ortho (level 3): georeferenced image in Earth geometry, including the application of a Airbus World DEM for Ortho and GCPs (using Airbus Intelligence One Atlas BaseMap as reference). The orthorectification procedure eliminates the perspective effect on the ground (excluding buildings) to restore the geometry of a vertical shot. Only the basic radiometric processing is available providing the radiance value. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.