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Learn about the ground-based, ship-borne, balloon-borne, and airborne campaigns and small satellite field experiments that validate orbiting ESA EO satellites and support future mission development.
  • AGRISAR 2006


    The AGRISAR 2006 campaign, carried out between 18 April and 2 August 2006, was established to address important specific programmatic needs of Sentinel-1 and -2.

  • AgriSAR 2009


    The AgriSAR 2009 campaign was defined to leverage the RADARSAT-2 mission to better understand and demonstrate the potential for GMES land monitoring user services, particularly in agriculture.



    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).

  • DOMECair (GOCE)


    The airborne survey DOMECair 2013 and its instrumentation was designed to obtain calibration and validation data for two different satellite missions of ESA’s Earth Explorer mission, for satellites SMOS and GOCE.

  • ESAG


    The European Survey of Arctic Gravity (ESAG) campaign objective was to acquire measurements of the Arctic Ocean, in support of GOCE mission; and acquire scanning laser ranging data and profiling laser altimetry over sea-ice north of Greenland.

  • IceSAR 2007


    The objectives of IceSAR 2007 campaign was to acquire SAR images and complementary data over sea and land ice for preparation of Sentinel-1 mission and for providing a basis for the assessment of potential applications of Biomass mission.

  • PolarGap

    2015 - 2016

    The primary objective of the PolarGap campaign was to carry out an airborne gravity survey covering the southern polar gap of the gravity field mission GOCE, beyond the coverage of the GOCE orbit.

  • TerraSARSIM


    The objectives of the TerraSAR SIM project were to quantify the impact of the time intervals between SAR acquisitions at different wavelengths on agricultural applications.

  • WaddenSAR


    The “WaddenSAR – Airborne bistatic C-band SAR experiment to demonstrate different acquisition geometries” was initiated to support the development of the Earth Explorer 10 Harmony mission.