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Learn about the ground-based, ship-borne, balloon-borne, and airborne campaigns and small satellite field experiments that validate orbiting ESA EO satellites and support future mission development.
  • AfriSAR 2015


    During the AfriSAR 2015 campaign, shared between ONERA (dry season, July 2015) and DLR (wet season 2016), Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR airborne data set were collected over four test sites over Africa, therefore covering different forest structures.

  • AfriSAR 2016


    In order to further support the BIOMASS mission development, especially concerning the mission concept verification and the development of geophysical algorithms, ESA funded the AfriSAR campaign.

  • AfriScat

    2015 - 2016

    AfriScat campaign, a follow on to TropiSCAT campaign, was to acquire long-term P-Band radar data in an African tropical forest.

  • AGRISAR 2006


    The AGRISAR 2006 campaign, carried out between 18 April and 2 August 2006, was established to address important specific programmatic needs of Sentinel-1 and -2.

  • AgriSAR 2009


    The AgriSAR 2009 campaign was defined to leverage the RADARSAT-2 mission to better understand and demonstrate the potential for GMES land monitoring user services, particularly in agriculture.



    The fires observational campaign was performed during summer 2006 and dedicated to the study of fire emission in the spectral region VNIR-SWIR.

  • AquiferEx


    The AquiferEx Optical and Radar Campaign was in support of information product generation based on satellite data, harmonisation of satellite data acquisition performed among Aquifer and AquiferEx project partners.


    2015 - 2016

    This campaign covers the fields of atmospheric composition: NO2, SO2, aerosols, over Romania (Bucharest and Turceni) and Germany (Berlin).



    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).

  • BelSAR 2018


    The BelSAR project intended to carry out an airborne campaign for SAR bistatic interferometric measurements at L-band and full polarisation, over a test site in Belgium.

  • BioSAR 2007


    The BioSAR campaign aimed to support geophysical algorithm development, calibration/validation and the simulation of future spaceborne Earth Observation missions.

  • BioSAR 2008


    The main objective of BioSAR-2 (BioSAR 2008) campaign was to record SAR data over boreal forests with topographic effects to investigate the effect on biomass retrieval.

  • BioSAR 2010


    The BioSAR-3 (BioSAR 2010) campaign was specifically planned and implemented to investigate possibilities for a future spaceborne P-band polarimetric and interferometric SAR with a life-time of multiple years.



    The objective of the CEFLES2 campaigns was to provide key reference data and background knowledge for the preparatory phases of the Sentinel‐2 and FLEX missions.



    The COMEX campaign supports the mission definition of CarbonSat and HyspIRI by providing representative airborne remote sensing data ‐ MAMAP for CarbonSat.

  • CoSMOS 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010

    2005 - 2010

    The Campaign for Validating the Operation of SMOS (coSMOS) was designed to acquire SMOS-like data so that the algorithms were fine-tuned and properly validated before the launch of SMOS mission in 2007.

  • CoSMOS 2006


    ESA conducted an airborne campaign to map sea surface salinity named "CoSMOS-OS" that took place in April 2006 over the Norway Sea off the coast of Stavenger.

  • CryoVEx 2004


    CryoVex 2004 was the second combined airborne and surface campaign for the preparation of the CryoSat mission, after successful completion of CryoVex 2003 by DTU.

  • CryoVEx 2005


    CryoVEx 2005 was the third combined airborne and surface campaign for the preparation of the CryoSat mission. It followed the 2004 campaign, which first utilised the new ASIRAS radar.

  • CryoVEx 2006


    CryoSat Validation Experiment (CryoVEx) 2006 was carried out between 18 April and 18 May 2006 in the Arctic.