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Discover the latest news on the European Space Agency's Earth Observation activities. Learn all about new data availability and how ESA's missions are performing.
  • Updated Precise Orbit data (POD) for the full ERS-1 and ERS-2 mission available

    12 July 2019

    The Precise Orbit files (ERS.ORB.POD) for the entire ERS-1 and ERS-2 mission periods have been reprocessed with up-to-date standards.

  • Submit your abstracts for EarthCARE Pre-Launch Science and Validation Workshop

    11 May 2023

    Invitations are now open for the EarthCARE Pre-Launch Science and Validation Workshop, which will take place at ESRIN in Frascati, Italy, from 13 to 17 November.

  • Satellite Radar Altimetry: past and future

    27 Sept 2018

    Satellite radar altimetry measurements yield a wealth of information that can be used for a wide range of applications.

  • Quick guide to Data Service Request submission

    19 Dec 2022

    Follow this quick guide to learn how to submit a Data Service Request, which is required when applying for level zero (A)SAR data from ESA's European Remote Sensing satellites (ERS) and the Envisat mission.

  • Quality Reports Advanced Search Portal takes off

    29 Apr 2021

    The Quality Reports Advanced Search (QRAS) Portal is a system that provides a set of functionalities for searching, filtering, visualising and downloading of Earth Observation reports data, from multiple missions.

  • Pioneering science missions: Summarising ESA’s Earth Explorers

    8 Feb 2023

    Designed for research purposes, ESA's Earth Explorer missions are dedicated to monitoring parts of Earth’s system. Learn more about the Earth Explorers in this video.

  • New stories on change detection and ERS-2 re-entry in HEDAVI

    18 July 2024

    Two new stories are now available in ESA’s HEDAVI (HEritage DAta VIsualisation) tool. HEDAVI visualises Earth observation data from satellites in ESA’s Heritage and Third Party Missions programme, and includes some data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites.

  • New reprocessing of datasets celebrates 30 years of ERS

    22 July 2021

    The ERS programme celebrated its 30th anniversary on 17 July. Today, we are still exploiting ERS data and experts continue to work on improving the altimeter, radiometer and SAR data the programme acquired.

  • New ERS-2 GOME Level 1 v5.1 dataset available online

    20 June 2018

    A new GOME Level 1b dataset has been generated for the 16-year mission period bringing relevant quality improvements for the revised calibration approach, compensating aging and instrument degradation, and provide enhanced accessibility.

  • New Campaign datasets available

    15 Dec 2020

    A new set of datasets is available, acquired during airborne campaigns conducted between 2014 and 2019

  • Maintenance on data Dissemination Services on 18 and 19 July 2024

    15 July 2024

    A software maintenance has been scheduled on Thursday 18 July 2024 from 08:30 to 14:30 UTC impacting the specific Data Dissemination Systems.

  • Last call for EarthCARE workshop abstracts

    23 June 2023

    The abstract submission deadline for the EarthCARE Pre-Launch Science and Validation Workshop is just a week away. If you would like to present your work at the workshop, submit your abstract by 10 July.

  • Increased ERS SAR data availability

    27 Apr 2021

    A large amount of additional ERS-1/2 SAR data is now available to users via the dedicated ESA (A)SAR dissemination service.

  • How to request level zero radar data from ERS and Envisat

    5 Dec 2022

    To apply to use level zero (A)SAR radar data from ESA’s European Remote Sensing satellites (ERS-1 and ERS-2) and its Envisat mission for research purposes, you should prepare and submit an online form – called a Data Service Request – to put forward your proposed project to ESA for evaluation.

  • HM-ATMOS scheduled maintenance on 04 June 2024

    3 June 2024

    A software maintenance activity has been scheduled for HM-ATMOS OADS instance on Tuesday 04 June 2024 from 07:30 to 08:30 UTC.

  • Highlights from Living Planet Symposium

    13 June 2022

    As remote sensing scientists and data-users from around the world converged at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS) in Bonn recently, a common thread was evident in many scientific sessions and meetings – the right environmental data can accelerate our understanding of the rapid changes in Earth’s system.

  • HEDAVI Discover: a step-by-step guide

    27 Mar 2024

    The Heritage Data Visualisation tool (HEDAVI) is a platform developed by the French Science Consulting for Earth Observation group, VisioTerra, which allows users to freely access over 40 years of ESA Earth Observation Heritage data, Third Party Missions and some Copernicus data.

  • GOME TCWV Climate product available online

    6 Dec 2018

    GOME Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV) Climate product developed within the ESA GOME-Evolution project is now accessible from the ESA data archives together with the ERS-2 GOME data.

  • Full version of QRAS Portal released

    21 June 2021

    The new, full version, of the Quality Reports Advanced Search (QRAS) Portal launched today, adding new features to support users looking for Quality Control Reports on ESA and Third Party Missions.

  • Featuring the power of Earth observation data at EGU

    9 Apr 2024

    The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world, aiming to provide a forum where scientists and early career researchers can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts, in all fields of geoscience.