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Updated Precise Orbit data (POD) for the full ERS-1 and ERS-2 mission available

12 Jul 2019

The Precise Orbit files (ERS.ORB.POD) for the entire ERS-1 and ERS-2 mission periods have been reprocessed with up-to-date standards and is now available to download on the ESA dissemination server upon fast registration.

The new standards significantly improve all POD metrics, and careful validation of the various solutions has shown that the Delft University of Technology orbit (DEOS solution) has the best performance for both missions. See the ERS Orbit Validation Report for further details.

The main new standards applied:

  • New reference frame (ITRF2014)
  • Gravity field (a new mean model from CNES/GRGS spanning 12 years of GRACE data including the drifts terms)

In addition, the new solutions are covering the full mission period for ERS-2, i.e. the period from June 2003 to July 2011 is taken into account as well. The latter results in orbit solutions covering respectively:

  • ERS-1 August 1991 - July 1996
  • ERS-2 May 1995 - July 2011


Note that also the latest version of the Envisat Precise Orbit data (POE or DOR_VOR_AX) generated with the GDR-E standards is available from the ESA dissemination server upon registration.
