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  • What is the ESA online On-The-Fly dissemination service?

    Explore ESA's On-The-Fly dissemination service (L-OADS), featuring Third Party Missions and ESAR products enabling immediate downloads upon request with a valid EO Sign-In account.

  • What are the Terms of Applicability?

    Essential information about data ordering, accessibility conditions, and distribution constraints for TPM EO data.

  • Urban Evolution of Dubai: A Satellite Perspective from 1984 to 2017

    Explore the urban transformation of Dubai through satellite images spanning from 1984 to 2017.

  • TPM-L-OADS-dissemination-service-User-Manual.pdf

    This guide describes the Third Party Missions Dissemination System.

  • Timeline to over 40 years of historical satellite missions

    ESA's Heritage Space Programme preserves historical data from over 40 years of Earth observation missions.

  • The SeaSat-A Synthetic Aperture Radar System

    The SeaSat-A synthetic aperture radar imaging radar system (SAR) was the first imaging radar system used as a scientific instrument from Earth orbit. The system generated continuous radar imagery with a 100 km swath at a resolution of 25 m from an 800 km altitude orbit. The imagery is a pictorial representation of the radar backscatter of the Earth's surface in a map-like representation.

  • The Earth Observation Handbook, 2010 Update - Key Tables

    This is the 2010 update of the CEOS Earth Observation Handbook. You can browse the live database at or download the printable PDF of key tables based on the 2010 database contents for a handy reference.

  • Technical Note on Quality Assessment for Landsat 1-7

    Technical Note on Quality Assessment for Landsat 1-7

  • SNAP

    SNAP is a common architecture for all Sentinel Toolboxes. It is ideal for Earth observation processing and analysis.

  • SLAP

    The SLAP (Systematic Landsat Archive Processing) project covers the MSS, TM and ETM+ products from Landsat missions 1 – 7, and is the first systematic reprocessing of the ESA Landsat archive.

  • Sentinel-3 Toolbox

    The Toolbox consists of a set of visualisation, analysis and processing tools for the exploitation of OLCI and SLSTR data.

  • Sentinel-2 Toolbox

    The Toolbox consists of a rich set of visualisation, analysis and processing tools for the exploitation of optical high-resolution products including the Sentinel-2 MSI sensor.

  • SeaSat-SAR-IPF-Data-and-Processing-Issues.pdf

    This document describes the rehabilitation and reprocessing of ESA’s historic SeaSat raw data archive.

  • SeaSat ESA archive

    This collection gives access to the complete SEASAT dataset acquired by ESA and mainly covers Europe. The dataset comprises some of the first ever SAR data recorded for scientific purposes, reprocessed with the most recent processor. The Level-1 products are available as: SAR Precision Image [SEA_PRI_1P] SAR Single Look Complex Image [SEA_SLC_1P] SAR Ellipsoid Geocoded Precision Image [SEA_GEC_1P] Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Seasat

    On board Seasat was the first-ever space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system for science applications.

  • Satellite Radar Altimetry: past and future

    Satellite radar altimetry measurements yield a wealth of information that can be used for a wide range of applications.

  • New life for Landsat historical data

    45 years of data, more than 1.8 million images, these are the numbers of an adventure started 48 years ago with the launch of the first Landsat satellite.

  • Landsat-4 and Landsat-5

    The Landsat-4 and Landsat-5 missions continued the Landsat programme's goal of providing moderate-resolution optical remote sensing for land, coastal areas and shallow waters.

  • Landsat-1 to Landsat-3

    The Landsat-1 to 3 satellites were the first in the United States' Landsat programme, dedicated to monitoring the Earth's land mass.