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  • AVHRR Level-1B Local Area Coverage Imagery

    This collection is composed of AVHRR L1B products (1.1 km) reprocessed from the NOAA POES and Metop AVHRR sensors data acquired at the University of Dundee and University of Bern ground stations and from the ESA and University of Bern data historical archive. The product format is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1B that combines the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream with ancillary information like Earth location and calibration data which can be applied by the user. Other appended parameters are time codes, quality indicators, solar and satellite angles and telemetry. Two data collections cover Europe and the neighbouring regions in the period of 1 January 1981 to 31 December 2020 and the acquired data in the context of the 1-KM project in the ‘90s. During the early 1990’s various groups, including the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Science Team and ESA concluded that a global land 1 KM AVHRR data set would have been crucial to study and develop algorithms for several land products for the Earth Observing System. USGS, NOAA, ESA and other non-U.S. AVHRR receiving stations endorsed the initiative to collect a global land 1-km multi-temporal AVHRR data set over all land surfaces using NOAA's TIROS "afternoon" polar-orbiting satellite. On 1 April 1992, the project officially began up to the end of 1999 with the utilisation of 23 stations worldwide plus the NOAA local area coverage (LAC) on-board recorders. The global land 1-km AVHRR dataset is composed of 5 channels, raw AVHRR dataset at 1.1 km resolution from the NOAA-11 and NOAA-14 satellites covering land surfaces, inland water and coastal areas. Global Land 1 km AVHRR Data Set Project HRPT Ground Station Network (as of 1 April 1992) and Acquisition Areas for LAC Recorded Data Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service: AVHRR L1B 1.1 KM AVHRR L1B LAC Out-of-Europe.

  • Forty years of heritage data highlight warming European lakes

    In the last decade, climate change has taken centre stage in both the public and scientific arenas, as increasingly extreme weather and human impact on the environment have become more apparent.

  • Mission continuity

    Long-term availability of Earth observation data from a given instrument is crucial to many data users and their research—but just how does it work?

  • Dragon 3 2014 Symposium

    The Dragon 3 2014 Symposium was part of the Dragon 3 Programme, focussed on exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for geo-science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • Dragon 3 2015 Symposium

    The Dragon 3 2015 Symposium was part of the Dragon 3 Programme, focussed on exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for geo-science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • Dragon 3 2016 Symposium

    The Dragon 3 2016 Symposium served as the close of the Dragon 3 Cooperation Programme (2012 to 2016) and formal kick off for Dragon 4 Cooperation projects.

  • Dragon 3 Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon 3 Programme focussed on the exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for geo-science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • Space and the Arctic 2009 Workshop

    Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at an unprecedented rate. This workshop looked at the needs and challenges of working and living in the rapidly changing Arctic and explore how space-based services might help to meet those needs.

  • GOME TCWV Climate product available online

    GOME Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV) Climate product developed within the ESA GOME-Evolution project is now accessible from the ESA data archives together with the ERS-2 GOME data.

  • AVHRR-Handbook.pdf

    The AVHRR user handbook provides details about the content of the consolidated and harmonised data set archived at ESA facilities.

  • EVDC Orbit Prediction Tool

    The EVDC Orbit Prediction and Overpass Tool generates and visualises satellite's overpasses.

  • UV nadir viewing galleries

    Atmospheric chemistry nadir observation from space now spans nearly forty years. The early UVN (UV nadir missions) mainly focused on measuring ozone.


    The general purpose of the EAGLE2006 campaign was: Acquisition of simultaneous multi-angular and multi-sensor (from visible to microwave domain) data over a grassland and a forest.

  • Atmospheric Toolbox

    The Atmospheric Toolbox (previously known as BEAT) is a collection of executable tools and API, developed to facilitate the utilisation, viewing and processing of e.g. GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY and GOME data.

  • S2G Data Viewer

    S2G Data Viewer is an extensible application that allows you to inspect the contents of CCSDS-compliant telemetry data exchanged between a satellite and its ground segments on the space-to-ground link.

  • EO CFI Software

    Earth Observation CFI Software is a collection of multiplatform precompiled C libraries for timing, coordinate conversions, orbit propagation, satellite pointing calculations, and target visibility calculations.

  • ESOV Software Tools (ESOV NG)

    ESOV tool provides the means to visualise instrument swaths of all ESA EO Satellites, assist in understanding where and when satellite measurements are made and ground contact is possible.

  • MetOp

    MetOp is a mission dedicated to improving weather forecasts and monitoring Earth's climate.

  • Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing 2012

    The 2012 advanced training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.