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  • New campaign dataset for SEASTARex

    A new dataset has been released for the SEASTARex campaign, which took place in the Iroise Sea in 2022 to support scientific demonstration and validation of the SEASTAR mission.

  • 2022 SEASTARex

    The 2022 SEASTARex campaign over the Iroise Sea (offshore Brittany in France), is the first scientific demonstration and validation campaign for the SEASTAR satellite mission Earth Explorer 11 candidate.

  • 2022 SEASTARex

    The 2022 SEASTARex campaign over the Iroise Sea (offshore Brittany in France), is the first scientific demonstration and validation campaign for the SEASTAR satellite mission Earth Explorer 11 candidate.

  • Athens, Greece Through SAR Eyes

    Explore Athens' evolution through ERS-2 SAR imagery, revealing the city's changes from 1996, 1999, and 2003.

  • Showcasing Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry

    ESA has developed a comprehensive suite of Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry (FDR4ALT) project.

  • Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry [ALT_FDR___]

    This dataset is a Fundamental Data Record (FDR) resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project. The Fundamental Data Record for Altimetry V1 products contain Level 0 and Level 1 altimeter-related parameters including calibrated radar waveforms and supplementary instrumental parameters describing the altimeter operating status and configuration through the satellite lifetime. The data record consists of data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions for the period ranging from 1991 to 2012, and bases on the Level 1 data obtained from previous ERS REAPER and ENVISAT V3.0 reprocessing efforts incorporating new algorithms, flags, and corrections to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the data. For many aspects, the Altimetry FDR product has improved compared to the existing individual mission datasets: New neural-network waveform classification, surface type classification, distance to shoreline and surface flag based on GSHHG Instrumental calibration information directly available in the product Improved Orbit solutions Correction of REAPER drawbacks (i.e., time jumps and negative waveforms) The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • Ocean Waves Thematic Data Product [ALT_TDP_WA]

    This is the Ocean Waves Thematic Data Product (TDP) V1 resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project and containing Significant Wave Height estimates for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions. Compared to existing datasets, the Ocean Waves TDP demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: Great improvements for Envisat due to noise reduction from Adaptive retracker and High-Frequency Adjustment (HFA) All variables are given at 5 Hz The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • New CryoSat data to boost understanding of the oceans

    A new CryoSat sea level anomaly product designed to enable ocean science and the development of operational marine applications has been released.

  • 10 years of Envisat data help to illuminate ocean processes

    A decade after Envisat beamed its final image to the planet, the pioneering ESA mission is continuing to foster improved understanding of Earth’s systems.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Co- and Cross-polar L0 [ASA_APC/APH/APV_0P]

    The ASAR Alternating Polarization Mode Level 0 (Co-polar and Cross-polar H and V) products contain time-ordered Annotated Instrument Source Packets (AISPs) corresponding to one of the three possible polarisation combinations: HH & HV, VV & VH and HH & VV, respectively. The echo samples in the AISPs have been compressed to 4 bits/sample using FBAQ. This is a high-rate, narrow swath mode, so data is only acquired for partial orbit segments. There are two co-registered images per acquisition and may be from one of seven different image swaths. The Level 0 product was produced systematically for all data acquired within this mode. Data Size: 56-100 km across track x 100 km along track. There are three AP Mode Level 0 products: ASA_APH_0P: The Cross-polar H Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination HH/HV. ASA_APV_0P: The Cross-polar V Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination VV/VH. ASA_APC_0P: The Co-polar Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination HH/VV= H and H received/V transmit and V received.

  • Envisat RA-2 Geophysical Data Record - GDR [RA2_GDR__2P]

    This is a RA-2 Geophysical Data Record (GDR) Full Mission Reprocessing (FMR) V3 product containing radar range and orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height, water vapour from the MWR and geophysical corrections. This FMR follows the first Envisat Altimetry reprocessing Version (V2.1) completed in 2012. The GDR and S-GDR data products were reprocessed for all cycles from 6 to 113 (May 2002 to April 2012) into a homogeneous standard in NetCDF format (close to Sentinel-3). For many aspects, the V3.0 reprocessed data are better than the previous dataset: In terms of available and valid data, the coverage is better, notably thanks to a better availability of MWR data at the beginning of the mission In terms of performance at cross-overs, the quality is improved: the annual signal and average of Mean SSH is decreased, as well as the standard deviation The new MWR characteristics were shown to improve largely the global quality of data. As well as the new tide model, the new MSS and the new orbit standard The Global and regional Mean Sea Level trend is very weakly impacted though the effort was put, this time, on the mesoscale restitution, rather than long term drift, as during V2.1 reprocessing. Please consult the Envisat RA-2/MWR Product Quality Readme file PDF before using the data.

  • SeaSat ESA archive

    This collection gives access to the complete SEASAT dataset acquired by ESA and mainly covers Europe. The dataset comprises some of the first ever SAR data recorded for scientific purposes, reprocessed with the most recent processor. The Level-1 products are available as: SAR Precision Image [SEA_PRI_1P] SAR Single Look Complex Image [SEA_SLC_1P] SAR Ellipsoid Geocoded Precision Image [SEA_GEC_1P] Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Envisat RA-2 Sensor and Geophysical Data Record - SGDR [RA2_MWS__2P]

    This is a RA-2 Sensor and Geophysical Data Record (SGDR) Full Mission Reprocessing (FMR) V3 product. This FMR follows the first Envisat Altimetry reprocessing Version (V2.1) completed in 2012. The GDR and S-GDR data products were reprocessed for all cycles from 6 to 113 (May 2002 to April 2012) into a homogeneous standard in NetCDF format (close to Sentinel-3). The Sensor Data Record (SGDR) Product from RA-2/MWR includes the data in the GDR product (RA-2 geophysical data, MWR data) and also RA-2 averaged waveforms (18Hz) and RA-2 individual waveforms (1800Hz). This product is a continuation of ERS RA data. This data product has a coverage of 1 pass and pole to pole, a spatial sampling of about 390 m along track and a size of 31 to 40 MB, depending on presence of individual waveforms. The radiometric accuracy is 0.2 dB and auxiliary data include: Orbit state vectors (DORIS, FOS), RA2 and MWR characterisation data, Platform attitude, Gain calibration, USO frequency, ECMWF data, time relation, leap second, Ionospheric corrections, geoid, mean sea surface, slope data, and tide model (ocean, earth, loading, pole). Please consult the Envisat RA-2/MWR Product Quality Readme file before using the data.

  • JERS-1 SAR Level 1 Single Look Complex Image

    The JSA_SLC_1P product is comparable to the ESA SLC/IMS images generated for Envisat ASAR and ERS SAR instruments. It is a slant-range projected complex image in zero-Doppler SAR coordinates. The data is sampled in natural units of time in range and along track, with the range pixel spacing corresponding to the reciprocal of the platform ADC rate and the along track spacing to the reciprocal of the PRF. Data is processed to an unweighted Doppler bandwidth of 1000Hz, without sidelobe reduction. The product is suitable for interferometric, calibration and quality analysis applications. Data acquired by ESA ground stations. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • JERS-1 SAR Level 1 Precision Image

    The JSA_PRI_1P product is comparable to the ESA PRI/IMP images generated for Envisat ASAR and ERS SAR instruments. It is a ground range projected detected image in zero-Doppler SAR coordinates, with a 12.5 metre pixel spacing. It has four overlapping looks in Doppler covering a total bandwidth of 1000Hz, with each look covering a 300Hz bandwidth. Sidelobe reduction is applied to achieve a nominal PSLR of less than -21dB. The image is not geocoded, and terrain distortion (foreshortening and layover) has not been removed. Data acquired by ESA ground stations. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • JERS-1 OPS (Optical Sensor) Very Near Infrared Radiometer (VNIR) System Corrected Products level 1

    The JERS-1 Optical System (OPS) is composed of a Very Near Infrared Radiometer (VNIR) and a Short Wave Infrared Radiometer (SWIR). The instrument has 8 observable spectral bands from visible to short wave infrared. Data acquired by ESA ground stations The JERS-1 OPS products are available in GeoTIFF format. These products are available only for the VNIR sensor. All four bands are corrected. The correction consists in a vertical and horizontal destriping, the radiometry values are expanded from the range [0.63] to the range [0.255]. No geometrical correction is applied on level 1. The pixel size of approximately 18 x 24.2 metres for raw data is newly dimensioned to 18 x 18 metres for System Corrected data using a cubic convolution algorithm. Disclaimer: Cloud coverage for JERS OPS products has not been computed using an algorithm. The cloud cover assignment was performed manually by operators at the acquisition stations. Due to missing attitude information, the Nadir looking band (band 3) and the corresponding forward looking band (band 4) are not well coregistered, resulting in some accuracy limitations. The quality control was not performed systematically for each frame. A subset of the entire JERS Optical dataset was selected and manually checked. As a result of this, users may occasionally encounter issues with some of the individual products. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Envisat ASAR Wave Imagette Cross Spectra L1 [ASA_WVS_1P]

    The ASAR Wave product is extracted from the combined SLC and Cross Spectra product, ASA_WVI_1P, which is generated from data collected when the instrument was in Wave Mode using the Cross Spectra methodology. The product is meant for Meteo users. The spatial coverage is up to 20 spectra acquired every 100 km, with a minimum coverage of 5km x 5km. The file size has a maximum of 0.2 Mbytes. Auxiliary data include Orbit state vector, Time correlation parameters, Wave Processing parameters ADS, Wave Geolocation ADS, SQ ADS. The product provides a continuation of the ERS-SAR wave mode data. Output: Wavelength range from 20 to 1000 m in 24 logarithmic steps.

  • Envisat ASAR WM Ocean Wave Spectra L2 [ASA_WVW_2P]

    The ASAR Wave Mode product is created by inverting the cross-spectra which is computed from inter-look processing of the SLC wave imagettes in order to derive the directional ocean product ocean wave spectra. Auxiliary ADSs included with the product remains the same as for the ASAR Wave Mode Cross-Spectra product. The output follows the format of the Envisat ASAR Level 1B Wave Mode Imagette Cross-Spectra (ASA_WVS_1P) product. This is done in order to be compatible with the ground segment products of Envisat ASAR. This product provides a continuation of the ERS-SAR wave mode data. Output: Wavelength range from 20 to 1000 m in 24 logarithmic steps.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Medium Resolution L1 [ASA_APM_1P]

    This ASAR Alternating Polarization Medium Resolution Image product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Alternating Polarisation Mode. The product has lower geometric resolution but higher radiometric resolution than ASA_APP and contains one or two co-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination sub modes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). This product has been processed using the SPECAN algorithm and contains radiometric resolution good enough for ice applications and covers a continuous area along the imaging swath. The ASAR AP L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_APM_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 150 m ground range x 150 m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Single-Look Complex L1 [ASA_APS_1P]

    This product is a complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument is in Alternating Polarisation mode. (7 possible swaths). It contains two CO-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination submodes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). In addition, the product uses the Range Doppler algorithm and the most up to date processing parameters available at the time of processing. It can be used to derive higher level products for SAR image quality assessment, calibration and interferometric applications, if allowed by the instrument acquisition. A minimum number of corrections and interpolations are performed on the data in order to allow the end-user maximum freedom to derive higher level products. Complex output data is retained to avoid loss of information. Absolute calibration parameters are available depending on external calibration activities and are provided in the product annotations. Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.