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  • Cloud-free collections key for land monitoring

    Satellite imagery is a crucially important tool for monitoring the land, but cloud cover can often block parts of Earth’s surface from view, limiting subsequent analyses.

  • Quick guide to Data Service Request submission

    Follow this quick guide to learn how to submit a Data Service Request, which is required when applying for level zero (A)SAR data from ESA's European Remote Sensing satellites (ERS) and the Envisat mission.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • ERS' Contribution to Altimetry

    Satellite radar altimetry missions have transformed the way we see Earth and its oceans. Using the ranging capability of radars, they measure the surface topography profile along a satellite’s track.

  • ERS Heritage Data allow for 30 years of science

    At their time of launch thirty years ago, the two ERS satellites were the most sophisticated Earth observation spacecraft ever developed and launched by Europe.

  • ResourceSat-2 full archive and tasking

    ResourceSat-2 (also known as IRS-R2) archive and tasking products are available as below: Sensor Type Resolution (m) Coverage (km x km) System or radiometrically corrected Ortho corrected (DN) Ortho corrected (TOA reflectance) Neustralitz archive Global archive LISS-IV Mono-Chromatic 5 70 x 70 X X 2014 – 2011 - LISS-III Multi-spectral 20 140 x 140 X X X AWiFS Multi-spectral 60 370 x 370 X X X Note: LISS-IV: Mono-Chromatic, the band is selectable. In practice the red is used. For LISS-IV MN and LISS-III ortho corrected: If unavailable, user has to supply ground control information and DEM in suitable quality. For AWiFS ortho corrected: service based on in house available ground control information and DEM. The products are available as part of the GAF Imagery products from the Indian missions: IRS-1C, IRS-1D, CartoSat-1 (IRS-P5), ResourceSat-1 (IRS-P6) and ResourceSat-2 (IRS-R2) missions. 'ResourceSat-2 archive and tasking' collection has worldwide coverage: for data acquired over Neustrelitz footprint, the users can browse the EOWEB GeoPortal catalogue to search archived products; worldwide data (out the Neustrelitz footprint) can be requested by contacting GAF user support to check the readiness since no catalogue is not available. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability.

  • ResourceSat-1/IRS-P6 full archive

    ResourceSat-1 (also known as IRS-P6) archive products are available as below: Sensor Type Resolution (m) Coverage (km x km) System or radiometrically corrected Ortho corrected (DN) Neustralitz archive Global archive LISS-IV Mono-Chromatic 5 70 x 70 X X 2004 – 2010 2003 - 2013 LISS-III Multi-spectral 20 140 x 140 X X 2004 – 2013 2003 - 2013 AWiFS Multi-spectral 60 370 x 370 X X 2004 – 2013 2003 - 2013 Note: LISS-IV: Mono-Chromatic, the band is selectable. In practice the red is used. For LISS-IV MN and LISS-III ortho corrected: If unavailable, user has to supply ground control information and DEM in suitable quality. For AWiFS ortho corrected: service based on in house available ground control information and DEM. The products are available as part of the GAF Imagery products from the Indian missions: IRS-1C, IRS-1D, CartoSat-1 (IRS-P5), ResourceSat-1 (IRS-P6) and ResourceSat-2 (IRS-R2) missions. 'ResourceSat-1 archive' collection has worldwide coverage: for data acquired over Neustrelitz footprint, the users can browse the EOWEB GeoPortal catalogue to search archived products; worldwide data (out the Neustrelitz footprint) can be requested by contacting GAF user support to check the readiness since no catalogue is not available. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability.

  • Image 2006 European coverage

    The Image 2006 collection is a SPOT-4, SPOT-5 and ResourceSat-1 (also known as IRS-P6) cloud free coverage over 38 European countries in 2006 (from February 2005 to November 2007). The Level 1 data provided in this collection originate from the SPOT-4 HRVIR instrument (with 20 m spatial resolution), from SPOT-5 HRG (with 10 m spatial resolution resampled to 20 m) and IRS-P6 LISS III (with 23 m spatial resolution), each with four spectral bands. The swath is of about 60 km for the SPOT satellites and 140 km for the IRS-P6 satellite. In addition to the Level 1, the collection provides the same data geometrically corrected towards a European Map Projection with 25 m resolution. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM Medium Resolution L1 [SAR_IMM_1P]

    This ERS Medium Resolution stripline product is generated from the Image Mode Level 0 Product. Stripline image products contain image data for an entire segment, up to a maximum size of 10 minutes per product for IM mode. The processor concatenates together several sub-images called "slices" that were processed separately on a dataset-by-dataset basis in order to form the entire stripline image. The product is processed to an approximately 150 m x 150 m resolution and has a radiometric resolution that is good enough for ice applications. This product has a lower spatial resolution than the SAR_IMP_1P and SAR_IMS_1P products. Product Characteristics: Pixel size: 5 m (ground range – across track) x 75 m (azimuth – along track) Scene area: 100 km (range) x at least 102.5 km Scene Size: 1300 pixels (range) x at least 1350 lines (azimuth) Pixel depth: 16 bits unsigned integer- Total product volume: at least 3.5 MB Projection: Ground-range Number of looks: 8 (azimuth) x 7 (range).

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM Precision L1 [SAR_IMP_1P]

    The SAR Precision product is a multi-look (speckle-reduced), ground range image acquired in Image Mode. This product type is most applicable to users interested in remote sensing applications, but is also suitable for calibration purposes. The products are calibrated and corrected for the SAR antenna pattern and range-spreading loss. Radar backscatter can be derived from the products for geophysical modelling, but no correction is applied for terrain-induced radiometric effects. The images are not geocoded, and terrain distortion (foreshortening and layover) has not been removed. The numbering sequence relates to the satellite position and therefore differs between Ascending and Descending scenes. Product characteristics: Pixel size: 12.5 m (range - across track) x 12.5 m (azimuth - along track) Scene area: 100 km (range) x at least 102.5 km (azimuth) Scene size: 8000 pixels range x at least 8200 lines (azimuth) Pixel depth: 16 bits unsigned integer Total product volume: 125 MB Projection: Ground-range Number of looks: 3.

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [SAR_IMS_1P]

    The SAR SLC product is a single look complex acquired in Image Mode. It is a digital image, with slant range and phase preserved, generated from raw SAR data using up-to-date auxiliary parameters. The products are intended for use in SAR quality assessment, calibration and interferometric applications. A minimum number of corrections and interpolations are performed on the data. Absolute calibration parameters (when available) are provided in the product annotation. Product characteristics: Pixel size: 8 m (range - across track) x 4 m (azimuth - along track – varying slightly depending on acquisition Pulse Repetition Frequency) Scene area: 100 km (range) x at least 102.5 km (azimuth) Scene size: 5000 samples (range) x at least 30000 lines (azimuth) Pixel depth: 32 bits signed integer (16 bits I, 16 bits Q) Total product volume: 575 MB Projection: Slant range- Number of looks: 1.

  • ERS-1/2 SAR IM L0 [SAR_IM__0P]

    This SAR Level 0 product is acquired in Image Mode. The products consist of the SAR telemetry data and are supplied as standard scenes. It also contains all the required auxiliary data necessary for data processing. The product serves two main purposes: For testing ERS SAR processors independently from the HDDR system For users interested in full SAR data processing. Product characteristics: Scene area: 100 km (range - across track) x full segment length (azimuth - along track) Scene size: 5616 samples (range) x full segment length (azimuth) Pixel depth: 10 bits signed integer (5 bits I, 5 bits Q) Projection: Slant range.

  • SCIRoCCo

    The SCIRoCCo project is an interdisciplinary cooperation of scatterometry experts aimed at promoting the continuing exploitation of ESA's unique 20 years' worth of ERS Scatterometer data.

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 14 Apr 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 07 Apr 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 28 Apr 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 12 May 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 05 May 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 21 Apr 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report

  • ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report 01 Sep 2002

    ERS-2 AMI-SAR/AMI-Scatterometer Weekly Report