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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • SMOS Tropical Cyclone Wind Radii Fixes

    The SMOS WRF product is available in Near Real Time to support tropical cyclones (TC) forecasts. It is generated within 4 to 6 hours from sensing from the SMOS L2 swath wind speed products, in the so-called "Fix (F-deck)" format compatible with the US Navy's ATCF (Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting) System. The SMOS WRF "fixes" to the best-track forecasts contain: the SMOS 10-min maximum-sustained winds (in knots) and wind radii (in nautical miles) for the 34 kt (17 m/s), 50 kt (25 m/s) and 64 kt (33 m/s) winds per geographical storm quadrants, and for each SMOS pass intercepting a TC in all the active ocean basins.

  • SMOS - CryoSat L4 Sea Ice Thickness

    The SMOS-CryoSat merged Sea Ice Thickness Level 4 product, in NetCDF format, is based on estimates from both the MIRAS and the SIRAL instruments with a significant reduction in the relative uncertainty for the thickness of the thin ice. A weekly averaged preliminary product is generated every day by the Alfred Wegener Institut (AWI) by merging the weekly CryoSat Sea Ice Thickness product and the daily SMOS Sea Ice Thickness retrieval. A final product is provided with a latency of about 3-4 weeks using a different global sea ice concentration product and a reprocessed CryoSat product. All grids are projected onto the 25 km EASE2 Grid based on a polar aspect spherical Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. The grid dimension is 5400 x 5400 km, equal to a 432 x 432 grid centered on the geographic pole. Coverage is limited to the October-April (winter) period for the Northern Hemisphere, due to the melting season, from year 2010 onwards.

  • SMOS NRT L2 Swath Wind Speed

    SMOS retrieved surface wind speed gridded maps (with a spatial sampling of 1/4 x 1/4 degrees) are available in NetCDF format. Each product contains parts of ascending and descending orbits and it is generated by Ifremer, starting from the SMOS L1B data products, in Near Real Time i.e. within 4 to 6 hours from sensing time. Before using this dataset, please check the read-me-first note available in the Resources section below.

  • SMOS Soil Freeze and Thaw State

    The SMOS Level 3 Freeze and Thaw (F/T) product provides daily information on the soil state in the Northern Hemisphere based on SMOS observations and associated ancillary data. Daily products, in NetCDF format, are generated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and are available from 2010 onwards. The processing algorithm makes use of gridded Level 3 brightness temperatures provided by CATDS. The data is provided in the Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid (EASE2-Grid), at 25 km x 25 km resolution. For an optimal exploitation of this dataset, please refer to the Resources section below to access Product Specifications, read-me-first notes, etc.

  • SMOS L3 Daily Wind Speed

    SMOS L3WS products are daily composite maps of the collected SMOS L2 swath wind products for a specific day, provided with the same grid than the Level 2 wind data (SMOS L2WS NRT) but separated into ascending and descending passes. This product is available the day after sensing from Ifremer, in NetCDF format. Before using this dataset, please check the read-me-first note available in the Resources section below.


    The general purpose of the EAGLE2006 campaign was: Acquisition of simultaneous multi-angular and multi-sensor (from visible to microwave domain) data over a grassland and a forest.

  • DOMEX-3

    The DOMEX-3 experiment is the follow on of two previous experiments called DOMEX-1 and DOMEX-2 which were successfully conducted at Concordia base, Antarctica

  • DOMEX-2

    The DOMEx-2 campaign is part of the calibration and validation activities of the SMOS mission, which is one of Earth Explorers within ESA's Living Planet programme.

  • DOMEX-1

    The purpose of the DOMEX experiment was to acquire the first combined, in-situ microwave emission measurements using C- and L-band radiometers.

  • DOMECair (SMOS)

    The purpose of this campaign was to assess the merits of the East Antarctic Plateau around Dome C with the Concordia station as a candidate for an Earthly calibration site. It was an airborne campaign in Antarctica supporting SMOS calibration.

  • DOMECair (GOCE)

    The airborne survey DOMECair 2013 and its instrumentation was designed to obtain calibration and validation data for two different satellite missions of ESA’s Earth Explorer mission, for satellites SMOS and GOCE.

  • Swarm Thermosphere

    Neutral thermospheric density.

  • Swarm Level 2 daily

    The Swarm Level 1b data products are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites. By a complex assimilation of these individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation, the Swarm Level 2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products.

  • Swarm Geodesy/Gravity

    Monthly gravity field of the Earth, non-gravitational accelerations.

  • Swarm Core

    Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation.

  • Swarm Lithosphere

    Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field.

  • Swarm Space Weather

    Environmental conditions in Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere due to the solar activity that drive the Sun-Earth interactions.

  • Swarm Level 1B

    The Level 1b products of the Swarm mission contains time-series of quality-screen, calibrated, and corrected measurements given in physical, SI units in geo-localized reference frames. Level 1b products are provided individually for each of the three satellites Swarm A, Swarm B, and Swarm C on a daily basis.

  • Swarm Level 2 longterm

    The Swarm Level 2 Long Term data products are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites. By a complex assimilation of these individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation, the Swarm Level 2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products.

  • Swarm Mantle

    Model of mantle conductivity, core-mantle interaction.