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Learn about the ground-based, ship-borne, balloon-borne, and airborne campaigns and small satellite field experiments that validate orbiting ESA EO satellites and support future mission development.
  • IceSAR 2019


    The ICESAR 2019 study was motivated by the need to improve the understanding of radar backscatter of sea ice at different wavelengths and polarisations.

  • FINESSE at Andøya 2023


    The Andøya campaign was undertaken in support of the Earth Explorer 9 Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission.

  • SnowSum

    1995 - 2021

    The SnowSum experiment is designed to support the development of future concepts to monitor the cryosphere.

  • SnowLab-NG

    2019 - 2021

    The overall objective of the SnowLab-NG activity was to provide a comprehensive multi-frequency, multi-polarisation, multi-temporal dataset and active and passive microwave measurements over snow-covered grounds.

  • CryoVEx/ICESat-2 Spring 2019


    The ESA Spring CryoVEx/ICESat-2 campaign 2019 was the first CryoVEx campaign since the launch of NASA ICESat-2 in September 2018, and aimed at cross-validating ESA CryoSat-2 and NASA ICESat-2 missions over sea ice and land ice in the Arctic.

  • CryoVEx ICESat-2 Summer 2019


    The ESA CryoVEx/ICESat‐2 summer campaign 2019 is an add‐on to the campaign carried out in the spring 2019, which did not cover all the flights that were planned due to weather obstacles.

  • SnowLab

    2015 - 2019

    The aim of the SnowLab campaign was to provide a comprehensive multi-frequency, multi-polarisation, multi-temporal dataset of active and passive microwave measurements over snow-covered grounds to investigate the relationship between effective snow and ground parameters and the resultant signals detected by microwave radars and radiometers.

  • CIMREx


    CIMREx airborne campaign aimed to sample the sea ice microwave emissions from various sea ice regimes around Svalbard and Greenland.

  • CryoVEx/KAREN Antarctica 2017/18 

    2017 - 2018

    ESA’s CryoVEx/Karen 2017‐18 campaign took place in Antarctica in from Dec 2017 to Jan 2018. The campaign was composed of an airborne and in‐situ campaign and acquired extensive data sets of scanning lidar, Ku‐ and Ka‐band nadir‐looking radar, and auxiliary imagery for validation of the ESA CryoSat‐2 satellite (Ku‐band radar altimetry) and the French‐Indian AltiKa mission (Ka‐band radar altimetry).

  • DOMEX-3

    2013 - 2017

    The DOMEX-3 experiment is the follow on of two previous experiments called DOMEX-1 and DOMEX-2 which were successfully conducted at Concordia base, Antarctica

  • CryoVEx KAREN 2017


    The CryoVEx-KAREN 2017 Campaign in the Arctic had the goal to collect unique measurements to help us better understand how sea ice is changing.

  • PolarGap

    2015 - 2016

    The primary objective of the PolarGap campaign was to carry out an airborne gravity survey covering the southern polar gap of the gravity field mission GOCE, beyond the coverage of the GOCE orbit.

  • CryoVEx 2016 Spring


    The CryoVEx 2016 campaign was primarily carried out to follow up on a recommendation given within ESA CryoVal Land Ice project (2014-2015), where it was found that the traditional under-flights of the CryoSat-2 satellite were inadequate.

  • CryoVEx KAREN 2016 Fall


    The CryoVEx-KAREN 2016 Fall Campaign in Ilulissat, Greenland had the goal to collect unique measurements to help us better understand how snow and ice on the Greenland ice sheet is changing over time, and help ESA design future space missions to monitor the changing climate in our polar regions.

  • CryoVExAnt 2014/2015 

    2014 - 2015

    The aim of CryoVEx Ant 2014 to 2015 was to perform altimeter measurements at a designated validation site in the vicinity of the Schirmacher Oasis, near Kohnen and Neumayer as well as in the Pine Island Glacier drainage basin.

  • CryoVEx AEM


    CryoVEX 2014 performed measurements over the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean north of Canada (Ellesmere Island) and Greenland. Airborne surveys and ground‐based snow and ice measurements were performed.

  • CryoVEx ASIRAS 2014 


    The CryoVEx 2014 airborne campaign was conducted as two separate operational periods. The sea ice activities covering large parts of the western Arctic Ocean were planned to take place early in the season to make sure the weather was stable.

  • SMOSice


    The ESA SMOSice study has demonstrated for the first time the potential to retrieve sea ice thickness from SMOS data.

  • AlpTomoExp


    The AlpTomoSAR experiment has been conceived to support studies related to SAOCOMCS tomography for mapping the 3D internal structure of glaciers.

  • DOMECair (SMOS)


    The purpose of this campaign was to assess the merits of the East Antarctic Plateau around Dome C with the Concordia station as a candidate for an Earthly calibration site. It was an airborne campaign in Antarctica supporting SMOS calibration.