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  • Magnetic oceans and electric Earth

    The Magnetic Tidal Signals and Their Use in Mapping the Electrical Conductivity of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle project aimed to use the magnetic fields produced from ocean tides to probe the conductivity of Earth's lithosphere and upper mantle.

  • Characterization of IoNospheric TurbulENce level by Swarm constellation

    The INTENS project aims to investigate the turbulent nature of the geomagnetic field and plasma parameters in the ionosphere as recorded by the Swarm during 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2018.

  • Swarm-Aurora

    Swarm-Aurora, a web-based tool, provides access to quick-look summary data for an array of ground-based instruments and Swarm in situ measurements, enabling researchers to identify events of interest.

  • Multi-Approach Gravity Field models from Swarm GPS data

    Multi-Approach Gravity Field models from Swarm GPS data project aims to provide quality gravity field models from Swarm data that constitute an alternative and independent source of gravimetric data.

  • Auroral Electrojet and auroral Boundaries estimated from Swarm observations

    In the Swarm-AEBS project, a set of new Swarm data products that characterise the auroral electrojets and auroral oval boundaries will be derived from Swarm magnetic field measurements.

  • Average Magnetic field and Polar current System model

    The AMPS project outcome is a new climatological model of polar ionospheric currents, based on magnetic field measurements from the CHAMP and Swarm satellites.

  • Ionospheric Plasma IRregularities characterised by the Swarm satellites

    The IPIR project will develop a high-level, global product based on Swarm measurements that will characterise ionospheric irregularities and fluctuations, and address the needs of the users.

  • Geomagnetic Virtual Observatories

    Geomagnetic Virtual Observatories (GVO) project data products provide valuable information to those investigating magnetospheric and ionospheric magnetic signals on timescales of months and longer.

  • Swarm Utilisation Analysis

    The Swarm Utilisation Analysis (SUA) project evaluates the space weather capabilities of the Swarm mission and will be of highest relevance for other, as well as future LEO missions with similar instrumentation.

  • DynamicEarth - SPP 1788

    DynamicEarth - SPP 1788 Priority Programme is a project to quantify terrestrial transport mechanisms and solar-terrestrial interactions, and build on data from satellites on low-Earth orbits.

  • Swarm4Anom

    Swarm for Anomalies (Swarm4Anom) project will study spatial and temporal evolution of night-time plasma density enhancements.


    The project SIFACIT (Swarm Data Quality Investigation of Field-Aligned Current Products, Ionosphere, and Thermosphere Systems) focuses on the study of the Field-Aligned Currents.

  • LTDP ALTS: ATSR Long Term Stability Project

    The LTDP ALTS: ATSR Long Term Stability Project is designed to explore new and innovative ways of enhancing the (A)ATSR data set.


    The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) project covers both the ERS-1 and the ERS-2 altimetry missions. The project aims to support and maintain data quality.


    The Advanced Clouds, Aerosols and WAter vapour products for Sentinel-3/OLCI project aims to develop and improve the advanced atmospheric retrieval algorithms developed for MERIS and OLCI instruments.

  • SLAP

    The SLAP (Systematic Landsat Archive Processing) project covers the MSS, TM and ETM+ products from Landsat missions 1 – 7, and is the first systematic reprocessing of the ESA Landsat archive.


    The ALGOM: GOMOS Level 2 Algorithm Evolution Studies project consists of different Level 2 studies aimed at the improvement of the quality of the GOMOS products.

  • Odin-SMR

    ESA/SPPA took the initiative to support the reprocessing of all Odin-SMR measurements in order to create a fully consistent and homogeneous dataset of stratospheric species profiles.

  • SCIRoCCo

    The SCIRoCCo project is an interdisciplinary cooperation of scatterometry experts aimed at promoting the continuing exploitation of ESA's unique 20 years' worth of ERS Scatterometer data.


    The PV-LAC project objectives are to develop, test, and validate two advanced algorithms for the scientific exploitation of the Proba-V mission products.