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Thematic Mapper Products Availability Level 1

The ESA Landsat datasets are made available as follows:

Please note access requires an EO-SSO account to login.


TM Spatial and Temporal Coverage

The following figures highlight the total spatial coverage of each TM dataset processed to date under the framework of the SLAP project. For more detailed coverage maps for each product level, see the Landsat Products Description document.


KirunaTM Total Spatial Coverage


KirunaTM Total Spatial Coverage

Please note that the products included in the ‘Lack of GCP over ocean /cloud / ice' categories above, are L1T products which could not be generated with GCPs but may have been produced as L1G instead.

MaspalomasTM Total Spatial Coverage

MaspalomasTM Total Spatial Coverage

MateraTM Total Spatial Coverage

MateraTM Total Spatial Coverage


Spatial and temporal coverage of the Landsat 5 TM Kiruna (top), Maspalomas (middle) and Matera (bottom) archives. Image credits: X-PReSS 


ETM+ Spatial and Temporal Coverage

The following figures highlight the total spatial coverage of each ETM+ dataset processed to date under the framework of the SLAP project. For more detailed coverage maps for each product level, see the Landsat Products Description document.


KirunaETM Total Spatial Coverage

KirunaETM Total Spatial Coverage


Spatial and temporal coverage of the Landsat-7 ETM+ Kiruna (top), Maspalomas (middle) and Matera (bottom) archives. Image credits: X-PReSS 
