Minimize Satellite Planning for Earthquake in New Zealand, June 2011

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand, June 13, 2011 (From AFP) - A series of powerful earthquakes, including one of magnitude 6.0, rocked New Zealand's stricken city of Christchurch on Monday causing further damage. More buildings came down and there was severe disruption to electricity and water supplies, with Christchurch still recovering from the destruction of the deadly 6.3 earthquake in February which killed 181 people. The US Geological Survey measured the largest quake at a magnitude of 6.0, with a depth of nine kilometres (5.6 miles) and the epicentre some 14 kilometres from the heart of the city. It hit at 2:20pm (0220 GMT). It followed a string of shocks early Monday, including a 5.2-magnitude jolt which caused building damage in the city, and came just as schools were about to end for the day. All schools have now been closed until further notice.

EOLI plot of the Envisat ASAR planning
Ident Mission Abs. Orbit Start Time Stop Time Instrument Mode Acq. Date
1 Envisat 48758 11:35:11 11:35:26 ASA_IM_IS6_VV
Archive: 47465 - Track: 37 - 29 Mar 2011
27 Jun 2011
2 Envisat 48908 21:48:28 21:48:44 ASA_IM_IS2_VV
Archive: 47615 - Track: 187 - 08 Apr 2011
07 Jul 2011
3 Envisat 48916 11:35:11 11:35:26 ASA_IM_IS6_HH 08 Jul 2011
Area Map

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