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ANKARA, 08 December 2001 (From AFP) - Floods forced the evacuation of about 400 villagers in Turkey's Mediterranean province of Mersin.

On Saturday, heavy rain continued to damage crops, roads and power networks, officials said. The governor of Tarsus town, Necmi Kurt, told AFP, 291 people from three villages had been evacuated earlier in the day.

Event Timeline
ERS-2 SAR Satellite images

These images show the flooded areas before and after the flooding.

This image was acquired on 05 June 2001.

Before flooding


This image was acquired on 17 December 2001.

After the flooding

Technical Information
Product: ERS.SAR.PRI (SAR Precision Image Product)
Satellite: ERS-2
Instrument: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Date of Acquisitions: 05 June 2001 & 17 December 2001
Orbits: 26800, 34816
Frame: 2871
Multi-temporal images

This image shows the most evident changes related to the flooding in blue (the areas covered by water during the flood).


Geographic reference image

Technical Information
Product: ERS.SAR.PRI (SAR Precision Image Product)
Satellite: ERS-2
Instrument: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Date of Acquisition: 05 June 2001
Orbit: 26800
Frames: 2871
Area Map