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  • What is the ESA online On-The-Fly dissemination service?

    Explore ESA's On-The-Fly dissemination service (L-OADS), featuring Third Party Missions and ESAR products enabling immediate downloads upon request with a valid EO Sign-In account.

  • What are the Terms of Applicability?

    Essential information about data ordering, accessibility conditions, and distribution constraints for TPM EO data.

  • Urban Evolution of Dubai: A Satellite Perspective from 1984 to 2017

    Explore the urban transformation of Dubai through satellite images spanning from 1984 to 2017.

  • TPM-L-OADS-dissemination-service-User-Manual.pdf

    This guide describes the Third Party Missions Dissemination System.

  • Timeline to over 40 years of historical satellite missions

    ESA's Heritage Space Programme preserves historical data from over 40 years of Earth observation missions.

  • Third Party Missions Brochure

    This brochure summarises ESA's Third Party Missions programme, providing a timeline and examples of content related to some of the missions.

  • Technical Note on Quality Assessment for PAZ

    Technical Note on Quality Assessment for PAZ

  • Technical Note on Quality Assessment for Landsat 1-7

    Technical Note on Quality Assessment for Landsat 1-7

  • Technical Note on PAZ-TSX-CSK Intercomparison Quality Assessment

    Technical Note on PAZ-TSX-CSK Intercomparison Quality Assessment

  • Spotlight on Third Party Mission provider: Airbus

    Airbus' space technologies have a growing impact on people's daily life: from deep-space exploration and scientific missions, to today's most reliable secure telecommunications and Earth observation (EO) satellites.

  • SNAP

    SNAP is a common architecture for all Sentinel Toolboxes. It is ideal for Earth observation processing and analysis.

  • SLAP

    The SLAP (Systematic Landsat Archive Processing) project covers the MSS, TM and ETM+ products from Landsat missions 1 – 7, and is the first systematic reprocessing of the ESA Landsat archive.

  • Sentinel-3 Toolbox

    The Toolbox consists of a set of visualisation, analysis and processing tools for the exploitation of OLCI and SLSTR data.

  • Sentinel-2 Toolbox

    The Toolbox consists of a rich set of visualisation, analysis and processing tools for the exploitation of optical high-resolution products including the Sentinel-2 MSI sensor.

  • Sentinel-1 Toolbox

    The Toolbox consists of: processing tools, data product readers and writers and a display and analysis application to support the archive of SAR data from ESA and 3rd party missions.

  • Sample data products from ESA’s Third Party Missions

    Samples of data products from a range of Third Party Missions are now available to download, offering a preview of what these missions provide.

  • PAZ-Data-Terms-Of-Applicability.pdf

    This document contains the Terms of Applicability for accessing data from the PAZ mission.

  • PAZ Sample Data

    Download free PAZ sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • PAZ Full Archive and New Tasking

    PAZ Image Products can be acquired in eight image modes with flexible resolutions (from 1 m to 40 m) and scene sizes. Thanks to different polarimetric combinations and processing levels the delivered imagery can be tailored specifically to meet the requirements of the application. Available modes are: StripMap mode (SM): in single and dual polarisation: The ground swath is illuminated with a continuous train of pulses while the antenna beam is pointed to a fixed angle, both in elevation and in azimuth. ScanSAR mode (SC): in single polarisation: the swath width is increased in respect to the StripMap mode, it is composed of four different sub-swaths, which are obtained by antenna steering in elevation direction Wide ScanSAR mode (WS), in single polarisation: the usage of six sub-swaths allows to obtain a higher swath coverage product Spotlight modes: in single and dual polarisation: Spotlight modes take advantage of the beam steering capability in the azimuth plane to illuminate for a longer time the area of interest: a sensible improvement of the azimuth resolution is achieved at the expense of a shorter scene size. Spotlight mode (SL) is designed to maximise the azimuth scene extension at the expense of the spatial resolution, and High Resolution Spotlight mode (HS) is designed to maximize the spatial resolutions at the expense of the scene extension. Staring Spotlight mode (ST), in single polarisation: The virtual rotation point coincides with the center of the beam: the image length in the flight direction is constrained by the projection on-ground of the azimuth beamwidth and it leads to a target azimuth illumination time increment and to achieve the best azimuth resolution. There are two main classes of products: Spatially Enhanced products (SE): Designed with the target of maximize the spatial resolution in pixels with squared size, so the larger resolution value of azimuth or ground range determines the square pixel size, and the smaller resolution value is adjusted to this size and the corresponding reduction of the bandwidth is used for speckle reduction. Radiometrically Enhanced products (RE): Designed with the target of maximize the radiometry, so the range and azimuth resolutions are intentionally decreased to significantly reduce speckle by averaging several looks. The following geometric projections are offered: Single Look Slant Range Complex (SSC): Single look product of the focused radar signal: the pixels are spaced equidistant in azimuth and in slant range. No geocoding is available, no radiometric artifacts included. Product delivered in the DLR-defined binary COSAR format. The SSC product is intended for applications that require the full bandwidth and phase information, e.g. for SAR interferometry and polarimetry. Multi Look Ground Range Detected (MGD): Detected multi look product in GeoTiff format with reduced speckle and approximately square resolution cells on ground. The image coordinates are oriented along flight direction and along ground range; the pixel spacing is equidistant in azimuth and in ground range. A simple polynomial slant to ground projection is performed in range using a WGS84 ellipsoid and an average, constant terrain height parameter. No image rotation to a map coordinate system is performed and interpolation artifacts are thus avoided. Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC): Multi look detected product in GeoTiff format. It is projected and re-sampled to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid assuming one average terrain height. No terrain correction performed. UTM is the standard projection, for polar regions UPS is applied. Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected (EEC): Multi look detected product in GeoTiff format. It is projected and re-sampled to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid. The image distortions caused by varying terrain height are corrected using an external DEM; therefore the pixel localization in these products is highly accurate. UTM is the standard projection, for polar regions UPS is applied. StripMap Single StripMap Dual ScanSAR Wide ScanSAR Spotlight Single Spotlight Dual HR Spotlight Single HR Spotlight Dual Staring Spotlight Mode ID SM-S SM-D SC WS SL-S SL-D HS-S HS-D ST Polarizations HH, VV, HV, VH HH/VV, HH/HV, VV/VH HH, VV, HV, VH HH, VV, HV, VH HH, VV, HV, VH HH/VV, HH/HV, VV/VH HH, VV, HV, VH HH/VV, HH/HV, VV/VH HH, VV, HV, VH Scene size (Range x Azimuth) [km] 30 x 50 15 x 50 100 x 150 [273-196] x 208 10 x 10 10 x 10 10-6 x 5 (depending on incident angle) 10 x 5 [9-4.6] x [2.7-3.6] Range Resolution [m] MGD, GEC, EEC (SE)[Ground range] 2.99 - 3.52 at (45° - 20°) 6 N/A N/A 1.55 - 3.43 at (55° - 20°) 3.09 - 3.5 at (55° - 20°) 1 - 1.76 at (55° - 20°) 2 - 3.5 at (55° - 20°) 0.96 -1.78 at (45°- 20°) MGD, GEC, EEC (RE) [Ground range] 6.53 - 7.65 at (45° - 20°) 7.51 - 10.43 at (45° - 20°) 16.79 - 18.19 at (45° - 20°) 35 3.51 - 5.43 at (55° - 20°) 4.98 - 7.63 at (55° - 20°) 2.83 - 3.11 at (55° - 20°) 4 - 6.2 at (55° - 20°) 0.97 - 1.78 at (45°-20°) SSC[Slant range] 1.1 (150 MHz bandwidth) 1.7 (100 MHz bandwidth) 1.18 1.17 - 3.4 (depending on range bandwidth) 1.75 - 3.18 (depending on range bandwidth) 1.18 1.17 0.6 1.17 0.59 Azimuth Resolution [m] MGD, GEC, EEC (SE) 3.05 6.11 N/A N/A 1.56 - 2.9 at (55° - 20°) 3.53 1 - 1.49 at (55 °- 20°) 2.38 - 2.93 at (55° - 20°) 0.38 - 0.7 at (45°-20°) MGD, GEC, EEC (RE) 6.53 - 7.60 at (45° - 20°) 7.52 - 10.4 at (45° - 20°) 17.66 - 18.18 at (45° - 20°) 39 3.51 - 5.4 at (55° - 20°) 4.99 - 7.64 at (55° - 20°) 2.83 - 3.13 at (55° - 20°) 4 - 6.25 at (55° - 20°) 0.97 - 1.42 at (45°-20°) SSC 3.01 6.04 18.5 38.27 1.46 3.1 1.05 2.16 0.22 As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • PAZ ESA archive now open to users

    The PAZ ESA archive collection is now freely available for researchers worldwide through ESA's Third Party Missions programme.