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  • Urban Evolution of Dubai: A Satellite Perspective from 1984 to 2017

    Explore the urban transformation of Dubai through satellite images spanning from 1984 to 2017.

  • SLAP

    The SLAP (Systematic Landsat Archive Processing) project covers the MSS, TM and ETM+ products from Landsat missions 1 – 7, and is the first systematic reprocessing of the ESA Landsat archive.

  • New life for Landsat historical data

    45 years of data, more than 1.8 million images, these are the numbers of an adventure started 48 years ago with the launch of the first Landsat satellite.

  • Landsat-4 and Landsat-5

    The Landsat-4 and Landsat-5 missions continued the Landsat programme's goal of providing moderate-resolution optical remote sensing for land, coastal areas and shallow waters.

  • Landsat Series

    The Landsat Series is the world's longest running system of satellites for moderate-resolution optical remote sensing for land, coastal areas and shallow waters.

  • Landsat MSS ESA Archive

    This dataset contains all the Landsat 1 to Landsat 5 Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) high-quality ortho-rectified Level 1 GEO and GTC dataset acquired by ESA over the Fucino, Kiruna (active from April to September only) and Maspalomas (on campaign basis) visibility masks. The acquired Landsat MSS scene covers approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 200 m). The altitude changed from 917 km to 705 km and therefore two World Reference Systems (WRS) were used. A full image is composed of 3460 pixels x 2880 lines with a pixel size of 60 m. Two different product levels are available: Geometrically and terrain corrected GTC Products (L1T): The most accurate level of processing as they incorporate Ground Control Points (GCPs) and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to provide systematic geometric and topographic accuracy; with geodetic accuracy dependent on the number, spatial distribution and accuracy of the GCPs over the scene extent, and the resolution of the DEM used. Geometrically corrected GEO Product (L1G): Normally generated where there is a lack of GCPs, and are derived purely from data collected by the sensor and spacecraft e.g. ephemeris data. Matera density and coverage map Kiruna density and coverage map Maspalomas density and coverage map

  • Full European Landsat data collection now available under the same catalogue

    The Full European Landsat data collection, from Landsat-1 to Landsat-8, is now available under the same catalogue

  • EDAP

    The ESA Earthnet Data Assessment Pilot (EDAP) project will perform assessments for various missions to ensure the delivered data is fit for purpose.