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  • PROBA-V’s companion explores low-cost remote sensing

    With the launch of PROBA-V’s Companion CubeSat (PV-CC), ESA supports a future where clusters of cheaper, small satellites could complement full-scale missions for Earth observation.

  • Meet one of ESA's first Africa Programme Research Fellows

    Research Fellow, Dr Gladys Mosomtai, from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), works on applying Earth observation data to better understand the spread of infectious disease in livestock, in Kenya.

  • PROBA-V data improve surface albedo products in Africa

    As ESA’s PROBA-V satellite marks its 10-year launch milestone, data tasked during the mission’s lifetime are still being used to assess changes in land cover.

  • PROBA-V ‘Collection 2’ - Reprocessed Dataset available

    The improved PROBA-V data (Collection 2) has been released. Data is available via the PROBA-V MEP and Terrascope platforms so users can freely exploit the data using Virtual machines, Jupyter Notebooks, and the new viewing application.

  • Global understanding of Earth's land surfaces greatly boosted by satellite data

    ESA perform land surface monitoring with a range of instruments onboard satellites acquiring optical and radar data. Collections of data from these missions are freely available for research purposes.

  • Campaign using surface reflectance data to support validation of Earth observation products

    Scientists from around the world are set to take part in a drone monitoring campaign and inter-comparison exercise that will deliver surface reflectance data to support the validation of Earth observation products.

  • Ship trails in the Bay of Biscay observed using PROBA-V imagery

    Ship trails have been perceived as convincing evidence of aerosol-cloud interaction. Ship emissions have been proven to contribute by about 1.9% and 2.9% to the increase in the global total and fine-mode aerosol optical thickness (AOT) respectively over a five year period (Peters et al. 20212).

  • Long-live PROBA-V

    After eight years in space, the PROBA-V satellite ended its vegetation mission last 31 October, having gone well beyond expectations for global vegetation monitoring.

  • PROBA-V, ready to close its green eyes

    While the operational lifetime of the global PROBA-V mission already ended on 30 June 2020 after more than 7 years in orbit, its vegetation instrument remained capturing the European and African land mass in experimental mode ever since.

  • 1 km resolution aerosol optical thickness retrieved from PROBA-V

    The ESA SPAR@MEP project aims to deliver a long-term data record (LTDR) of aerosol optical properties and surface reflectance from SPOT-VGT and PROBA-V observations.

  • PROBA-V - ESA's vegetation monitoring mission

    ESA's vegetation-monitoring mission - Proba-V - will end operations in June 2020 after seven years.

  • PROBA-V 1 km, 333 m, and 100 m products

    The PROBA-V VEGETATION Raw products and Synthesis products provided coverage of all significant landmasses worldwide with, in the case of a 10-day synthesis product, a minimum effect of cloud cover, resulting from selection of cloud-free acquisitions during the 10-day period. It provided a daily coverage between Latitudes 35°N and 75°N, and between 35°S and 56°S, and a full coverage every two days at the equator. The VEGETATION instrument was pre-programmed with an indefinite repeated sequence of acquisitions. This nominal acquisition scenario allowed a continuous series of identical products to be generated, with the goal to map land cover and vegetation growth across the entire planet every two days. Level Synthesis Resolution resolution (m) Reflectance Level-1C n/a TOA Level-2A n/a 100 m TOA 333 m TOA 1 km TOA Level-3 S1 100 m TOA TOC TOC NDVI 333 m TOA TOC 1 km TOA TOC S5 100 m TOA TOC TOC NDVI S10 333 m TOC TOC NDVI 1 km TOC TOC NDVI Raw Products Overview Product Description Level-1C Level-1C segments (P – product): Radiometrically corrected Level-1B data, in raw sensor geometry (unprojected) Contains: - Top Of Atmosphere reflectance in the four spectral bands - Longitude/latitude information for every pixel - Geometric viewing conditions - Information on the status map (indicating missing and interpolated measurements). Format: HDF5 & GeoTiFF Level-2A Level-2A segment: projected Level-1C (P–product) data, radiometrically and geometrically corrected. Contains: - TOA reflectance values in the four spectral bands without atmospheric correction being performed - Information on the status map (containing identification of radiometric quality, snow, ice, shadow, clouds, land/sea for every pixel) - Geometric viewing conditions Plate carrée projection (EPSG:4326) with spatial resolution of 100 m, 333 m and 1 km Format: HDF5 & GeoTiFF Synthesis Products Overview Level-3 S1 = daily, S5 = 5 days, S10 = decade Different spatial resolution: 100 m, 333 m and 1 km Divided into so called granules, each measuring 10 degrees x 10 degrees, each granule being delivered as a single file Plate carrée projection (EPSG:4326) Format: HDF5 & GeoTiFF Products Content TOA - Top Of Atmosphere reflectance in the four spectral bands (no atmospheric correction applied) - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) -Information on the composite status map (containing identification of snow, ice, shadow, clouds, land/sea for every pixel) - Geometric viewing conditions & date and time of selected measurement TOC Level-2A segment: projected Level-1C (P–product) data, radiometrically and geometrically corrected. Contains: - Top Of Canopy (ground surface) reflectance in the four spectral bands, the atmospheric correction being performed using the SMAC (Simplified Method for Atmospheric Corrections) algorithm - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) - Information on the composite status map (containing identification of snow, ice, shadow, clouds, land/sea for every pixel) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Top Of Canopy product (SMAC algorithm for atmospheric corrections applied) - Geometric viewing conditions & date and time of selected measurement TOC NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Top Of Canopy product (SMAC algorithm for atmospheric corrections applied)

  • FRM4VEG: Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation

    Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation (FRM4VEG) is an ESA managed project focused on establishing the protocols required for traceable in-situ measurements of vegetation


    The objective of PV-LAC-ATMO Activity is to investigate the added value of a joint surface reflectance.


    The objective of the Proba-V Cloud Detection Round Robin (PV-CDRR) is to learn advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches for various cloud and surface conditions.


    The PV-LAC project objectives are to develop, test, and validate two advanced algorithms for the scientific exploitation of the Proba-V mission products.

  • PROBA-V global land cover maps released

    Copernicus Global Land Service team have released their new set of global land cover layers for the year 2015.

  • PROBA-V data available over Antarctica

    Due to a huge amount of interest, it was decided to acquire PROBA-V data over Antarctica from November 2017 to February 2018.

  • PROBA-V 2018-2019 Antarctica data now available

    For the second consecutive austral summer season, PROBA-V observed Antarctica and its ongoing changes.

  • Proba-V VGT Quarterly Report 16 Sep 2022

    Proba-V Quarterly Operations Report