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  • 2022 SEASTARex

    The 2022 SEASTARex campaign over the Iroise Sea (offshore Brittany in France), is the first scientific demonstration and validation campaign for the SEASTAR satellite mission Earth Explorer 11 candidate.

  • Change of access to FTP-S for ERS and Envisat atmospheric and low-rate data

    As of 13 December 2023, access to a series of ERS and Envisat atmospheric and low rate data collections changed from simple FTP to FTP-S.

  • Satellites track the health of the ozone layer

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are contributing to international efforts to monitor and preserve the layer of stratospheric ozone that blankets the planet.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • Data preservation takes centre stage at Living Planet Symposium

    Against the backdrop of the famed Rhine River, world-class scientists and Earth observation data-users are gathered this week in the historical city of Bonn, at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS).

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, scientists are using ESA’s Earth observation archives to investigate atmospheric processes and their influences on the planet’s changing environment.

  • Interviewing Mirko Albani

    ESA’s Heritage Space Programme Manager describes the goals of the programme, some of the challenges involved in preserving and improving 40 years of historical Earth observation data, and his passion for curating this long-term archive.

  • 10 years of Envisat data help to illuminate ocean processes

    A decade after Envisat beamed its final image to the planet, the pioneering ESA mission is continuing to foster improved understanding of Earth’s systems.

  • Introducing Mirko Albani

    In this short introduction, ESA's Heritage Missions Programme Manager describes what he likes most about ESA's long term archive of satellite mission data and his role in the programme.

  • How Envisat helped to shape global understanding of Earth’s systems

    Twenty years have passed since a ground-breaking European spacecraft designed to deliver unprecedented insight into the planet’s changing environment was lofted into orbit.

  • Envisat - ESA's versatile Earth observation satellite

    Learn more about ESA's Envisat mission - the largest Earth observation satellite ever built - in a new infographic.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 1b - Limb spectra [GOM_LIM_1P]

    This data product describes localised calibrated upper and lower background limb spectra (flat-field corrected, with and without stray light). Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: C25+62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is Mbytes per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Atmospheric constituents profiles [GOM_NL__2P]

    This data product describes atmospheric constituents profiles. In particular the vertical and line density profiles of ozone, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air, aerosols, temperature, turbulence. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is 1 Mbyte per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Residual extinction [GOM_EXT_2P]

    Re-computed transmission spectra corrected for scintillation and dilution effects, before and after inversion. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is 1 Mbyte per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Atmospheric constituents profiles - Gridded User Friendly Product [GOMOS_UFP_gridded]

    This data product describes atmospheric constituents profiles: In particular the vertical and line density profiles of ozone, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air, aerosols, temperature, turbulence. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62° to +68° Azimuth range: +90° to +190° (with respect to the flight direction). The GOMOS data are now also available as user friendly products in the NetCDF4-format. These files are Level 2 constituent profiles and are altitude gridded. These Level 2 files include quality flags and are based and collected on a yearly basis.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Atmospheric constituents profiles - User Friendly Product [GOMOS_UFP]

    This data product describes atmospheric constituents profiles: In particular the vertical and line density profiles of ozone, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air, aerosols, temperature, turbulence. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction) The GOMOS data are now also available as user friendly products in the NetCDF4-format. These products are occultation based (dark and bright) and include all GOMOS Level 2 constituent profiles (O3, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air and aerosols) and HRTP profiles with all the essential parameters as in the original Envisat data set format.

  • Envisat GOMOS Geolocated Calibrated Transmission Spectra and Photometer Fluxes [GOM_TRA_1P]

    This data product describes the geolocated and calibrated transmission spectra products, containing the full transmission and the covariance spectra needed for Level 2 processing. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is 1 MB per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Daily L2 Report 15 Apr 2002

    Envisat GOMOS Daily L2 Report

  • Envisat GOMOS Daily L2 Report 19 Apr 2002

    Envisat GOMOS Daily L2 Report

  • Envisat GOMOS Daily L2 Report 17 Apr 2002

    Envisat GOMOS Daily L2 Report