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  • 3rd ERS Symposium

    The ESA Directorate for Observation of the Earth and its Environment held the 3rd ERS Symposium, in 1997, where many of the results from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions were presented and discussed by the scientific community.

  • Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing 2012

    The 2012 advanced training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.

  • CEOS-IVOS Workshop on Inter-comparison of Large Scale Optical and Infrared Sensors

    The 2004 workshop was an opportunity to present and exchange experiences and knowledge from work on inter-comparing large scale optical sensors at different product levels.

  • DRAGON 2 Programme - Brochure 2009

    The Dragon Programme is a cooperation between ESA and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R. China. This brochure presents the activities undertaken since the formal start of the programme in April 2009, its background, objectives, partners and project themes.

  • EO Summer School 5

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • EO Summer School 8

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • EO Summer Schools

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation (EO) data.

  • ERS

    The ERS programme was composed of two missions, ERS-1 and ERS-2, which together observed the Earth for 20 years, from 1991 to 2011.

  • Further-Achievements-of-the-ERS-Missions.pdf

    This publication shows how with time the various uses of ERS data are developing and consolidating in key areas of science and economic exploitation.

  • Heritage Missions app for Android

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • Heritage Missions app for iOS

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • New ERS-2 GOME Level 1 v5.1 dataset available online

    A new GOME Level 1b dataset has been generated for the 16-year mission period bringing relevant quality improvements for the revised calibration approach, compensating aging and instrument degradation, and provide enhanced accessibility.

  • The Science and Research Elements of ESA Living Planet Programme

    This document presents the plans for the Earth Explorer element of the European Space Agency's 'Living Planet' Programme for Earth Observation.