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  • 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium

    The 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium was held in Salzburg - Austria from 6 to 10 September 2004. The 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium provided a forum for investigators to present results of ongoing research project activities and assess the development of applications and services.

  • 3rd Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing 2011

    This 2011 advanced ESA training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.

  • Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing 2012

    The 2012 advanced training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.

  • Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing 2006

    The objective of the course was to provide first-hand information on a broad range of ocean research topics including key principles of SAR, Radar Altimetry, Ocean Colour and Sea Surface Temperature measurements, processing algorithms, data products and their use in oceanographic applications.

  • ANNEX-A-ERS-1-ALT-RAW-Products-CCT-Format-Specification.pdf

    Historical Document.This document deals with the product specification of the Altimeter Raw Data Product which provides the user with annotated, uncorrected altimeter measures, sensor parameters and sensor characteristics.

  • ANNEX-B-ERS-1-ALT-FDC-Products-CCT-Format-Specifications.pdf

    This document deals with the product specification of the Altimeter Fast Delivery Copy. Valid for data processed up until July '95 when there was a switch from CEOS to CCSDS.

  • Annex-D-ERS-1-ALT-OPR-Product-CCT-Format.pdf

    This product aims at providing the users with geophysically corrected altimeter measures over ocean, including all the engineering corrections and all the geophysical corrections due to the troposphere, the ionosphere and the electromagnetic bias. In addition, the surface altitude over the ellipsoid is calculated, correcting for the surface elevation due to tides and geoid.

  • Annex-E-ERS-1-ALT-WDR-Products-CCT-Format-Specifications.pdf

    This product consists of the altimeter transcribed raw data with associated immediately available calibrations, corrections, geolocation and characterisation. This product is routinely generated on receipt of altimeter data at UK-PAF.

  • Decades of satellite data reveal the risks of climate tipping points

    Decades-long time series that draw on ESA’s Earth observation archives are enabling scientists to uncover the threat of sudden and potentially irreversible changes to the icy parts of the planet.

  • Dragon 2 Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon 2 Programme focussed on the exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • Earth Online Newsletter - 08 March 2024

    This issue of the Earth Online Newsletter covers a selection of the latest news and events from ESA.

  • ERS

    The ERS programme was composed of two missions, ERS-1 and ERS-2, which together observed the Earth for 20 years, from 1991 to 2011.

  • ERS - ESA’s first Earth observation satellites

    To mark the 30th anniversary of ERS, we've released a new infographic summarising the mission.

  • ERS-1 Altimeter Products User Manual

    The Altimeter Products User Manual describes the ERS-1 products for user's reference.

  • ERS-1-A-keen-eye-on-the-Earth.pdf

    This document presents a brief overview of the ERS mission and the main features of the satellite and its instruments.

  • ERS-1-and-2-manoeuvres-history-since-launch.pdf

    The objective of this technical note is to give all information related to manoeuvres performed on ERS satellites since their launch on 17 July 1991 for ERS-1 and 21 April 1995 for ERS-2 up to the end of 1995.

  • ERS-1-Ground-Segment-Acronyms-Abbreviations-and-glossary-of-terminology.pdf

    This document contains the acronyms, abbreviations and glossary of terminology for the ERS-1 project, mainly in the area of the Ground Segment.

  • ERS-1-Mission-Announcement-of-Opportunity.pdf

    The ERS-1 Announcement of Opportunity for basic scientific research studies and application-oriented projects issued in 1986 resulted in approximately 250 Proposals Principal Investigators (Pl's) being accepted within the ERS-1 Science and Application Plan.

  • ERS-1-Presentation.pdf

    This brochures describes the ERS mission.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Geophysical Data Record - GDR [ERS_ALT_2]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.