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  • 9_POLinSAR2013_raimadoya.pdf

    MRV System Development for REDD+ in Indonesia: Pol-SAR Application M. Raimadoya [Bogor Agricultural University - Indonesia]

  • Envisat-ASAR-science-and-applications.pdf

    This document describes the technical specifications of the Envisat ASAR instrument and its operations and objectives.

  • 3rd ERS Symposium

    The ESA Directorate for Observation of the Earth and its Environment held the 3rd ERS Symposium, in 1997, where many of the results from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions were presented and discussed by the scientific community.

  • POLinSAR 2003

    The workshop was hosted by ESA on the application of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry.

  • POLinSAR 2005

    The objectives of the POLinSAR 2005 workshop was to present the latest studies and results of SAR polarimetry and polarimetric interferometry.

  • POLinSAR 2007

    The POLinSAR 2007 workshop was open to ESA Principal Investigators and co-investigators, scientists and students working in the field of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry, and to representatives from national, European and international space agencies and value adding industry.

  • POLinSAR 2009

    The 2009 workshop focused on theory and methods in the fields of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry

  • 3rd Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing 2011

    This 2011 advanced ESA training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.

  • Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing 2012

    The 2012 advanced training course focused on land remote sensing theory and applications.

  • Envisat

    Envisat was ESA's successor to ERS. Envisat carried ten instruments aboard for a wide range of Earth observing fields. The mission was operational from 2002 to 2012.

  • 4th Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing

    ESA organised the 4th Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing which took place in Athens, Greece from 1 to 5 July 2013

  • Forestry TEP

    The Forestry Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP) enables users in the forestry sector to access satellite data based processing services and tools for generating value-added forest information products.

  • ESA's (A)SAR dissemination service enhanced with Envisat ASAR MR L1 data

    With integration of four additional Envisat ASAR Level 1 collections, ESA is now providing access to the complete Envisat and ERS (A)SAR imagery data archive via the ESA (A)SAR Online Dissemination service.

  • Heritage Missions app for iOS

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • Dragon 2 Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon 2 Programme focussed on the exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • Dragon Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon Programme focussed on science and applications development in China using mainly data from the ERS and Envisat missions. The Prgramme was a cooperation between ESA and the National Remote Sensing Centre of China.

  • Fringe 2003 Workshop

    The third ESA International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry and its first Workshop on ASAR interferometry: Advances in SAR interferometry from ERS and Envisat missions.

  • Satellite data boost global understanding of land surface

    Understanding our changing land surface is essential in the study of climate change. Satellites are used to monitor changes to the material that covers Earth’s surface, so-called land cover, such as vegetation and water.

  • How Envisat helped to shape global understanding of Earth’s systems

    Twenty years have passed since a ground-breaking European spacecraft designed to deliver unprecedented insight into the planet’s changing environment was lofted into orbit.

  • Introducing Mirko Albani

    In this short introduction, ESA's Heritage Missions Programme Manager describes what he likes most about ESA's long term archive of satellite mission data and his role in the programme.