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4th Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing

01-Jul - 05-Jul 2013

Athens, Greece


The European Space Agency (ESA) organised a series of advanced thematic training courses devoted to train the next generation of Earth Observation (EO) scientists to exploit data from ESA and Third Party EO Missions for science and applications development.

The 4th Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing was held in Athens, Greece from 1 to 5 July 2013.

The course provided a substantial and balanced introduction to the basic theory and applications related to land remote sensing. It was organised around four main components:

  • Theoretical fundamentals of Optical, Thermal and SAR remote sensing, focusing on exploitation of ESA and Third Party Missions and products
  • EO land applications lectures on urban planning, land cover, terrain motion, hazards, forest bio-physical retrievals and regional water balance
  • Practicals using ESA toolboxes (BEAM, NEST and POLSARPRO), 3rd party software and complementary datasets from achieved and simulated satellite data
  • EO data processing and product demonstration for land resources monitoring

The training course included formal lectures by leading scientists as well as hands-on computing exercises that exposed students to both SAR and Optical/Thermal remote sensing. Practicals exploited EO data from the ERS, Envisat, Earth Explorers, TPM and national missions as well as simulation data from the - at the time - upcoming Copernicus Sentinel missions.


The 4th advanced land training course aimed to:

  • Training the next generation of European and Canadian Principal Investigators (PIs)
  • Teaching and demonstrating theoretical principles, processing algorithms, data products and their use in applications
  • Introducing tools and methods for the exploitation of EO satellite data
  • Stimulating and supporting the exploitation of ESA EO and Third Party Mission (TPM) remote sensing data for land applications

View the Land Remote Sensing course programme and presentations
