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  • TomoSense

    The TomoSense experiment was conceived to provide the scientific community with unprecedented data to study the features of radar scattering from temperate forests, comprising tomographic and fully polarimetric SAR surveys at P-, L-, and C-band, acquired in mono- and bi-static mode by simultaneously flying two aircraft.

  • Tracking the world’s forests from space

    As human activities continue to threaten the planet’s forests, data delivered by satellites are boosting global efforts to conserve these crucial natural resources.

  • An overview of the Biomass mission

    In this video, Klaus Scipal - Biomass and SMOS Mission Manager - talks about ESA's upcoming Biomass mission.

  • An overview of ESA's Biomass Earth Explorer satellite

    Learn about ESA's upcoming Biomass mission, which is dedicated to gathering information about the global distribution of forest biomass, in our latest infographic.

  • How satellite data help to shape society

    Data from ESA’s Earth observation archives are improving understanding of the interactions between human activities and the environment, helping to power green economic development and boosting prosperity in Europe and beyond.

  • ICEYE – A persistent monitoring SAR constellation

    Learn more about the ICEYE mission, a constellation of SAR satellites and part of ESA's Third Party Missions programme, in our latest infographic.

  • SPOT-6 to 7 full archive and tasking

    The SPOT 6 and 7 satellites ensure data continuity with the no longer operational SPOT 5 satellite and provide an archive of very high resolution optical acquisition as well as the possibility to task the satellites for new acquisitions. Following the completion of the SPOT 7 mission in March 2023, new acquisition tasking is only available for the SPOT 6 satellite. The ortho-products are automatically generated by the SPOT 6 and 7 ground segment, based on SRTM database or Reference3D when available. The projection available for SPOT 6 and 7 ortho-products is UTM, datum WGS84. Bands combinations: Pansharpened: colour image at 1.5 m resolution Bundle: 1.5 m panchromatic image and 6 m multispectral image. Geometric processing levels: Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Standard Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. Tailored ortho: Aside from the Standard Ortho product, when different specifications are needed, a custom orthorectification, with a more precise 3D model provided by the client or acquired for the purpose, can be provided on demand. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • SPOT 6 and 7 ESA archive

    The SPOT 6 and 7 ESA archive is a dataset of SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 products that ESA collected over the years. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new SPOT 6 and 7 products. SPOT 6 and 7 Primary and Ortho products can be available in the following modes: Panchromatic image at 1.5m resolution Pansharpened colour image at 1.5m resolution Multispectral image in 4 spectral bands at 6m resolution Bundle (1.5m panchromatic image + 6m multispectral image) Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • SPOT 4-5 Take5 ESA archive

    At the end of SPOT-4 mission, the Take5 experiment was launched and the satellite was moved to a lower orbit to obtain a 5 day repeat cycle, same repetition of Sentinel-2. Thanks to this orbit, from 1 February to 19 June 2013 a time series of images acquired every 5 days with constant angle and over 45 different sites were observed. In analogy to the previous SPOT-4 Take-5 experiment, also SPOT-5 was placed in a 5 days cycle orbit and 145 selected sites were acquired every 5 days under constant angles from 8 April to 31 August 2015. With a resolution of 10 m, the following processing levels are available: Level 1A: reflectance at the top of atmosphere (TOA), not orthorectified products Level 1C: data orthorectified reflectance at the top of atmosphere (TOA) Level 2A: data orthorectified surface reflectance after atmospheric correction (BOA), along with clouds mask and their shadow, and mask of water and snow. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • SPOT 1-5 ESA archive

    The ESA SPOT 1-5 collection is a dataset of SPOT 1 to 5 Panchromatic and Multispectral products that ESA collected over the years. The HRV(IR) sensor onboard SPOT 1-4 provides data at 10 m spatial resolution Panchromatic mode (-1 band) and 20 m (Multispectral mode -3 or 4 bands). The HRG sensor on board of SPOT-5 provides spatial resolution of the imagery to < 3 m in the panchromatic band and to 10 m in the multispectral mode (3 bands). The SWIR band imagery remains at 20 m. The dataset mainly focuses on European and African sites but some American, Asian and Greenland areas are also covered. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. The SPOT Collection

  • Pléiades full archive and tasking

    The Pléiades twins (1A and 1B) deliver very high-resolution optical data (up to 0.5 m resolution Panchromatic and Colour and 2 m Multispectral) and offer a daily revisit capability to any point on the globe. The swath width is approximately 20 km (with a nadir footprint). The ortho-products are automatically generated by the Pléiades ground segment, based on SRTM or Reference3D database. The projection available for Pléiades ortho-products is UTM, datum WGS84. Bands combinations:: Pansharpened: colour image at 0.5 m resolution Bundle: (0.5 m panchromatic image + 2 m multispectral image) Processing levels: Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Standard Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. Tailored Ortho: Aside from the Standard Ortho product, when different specifications are needed, a custom orthorectification, with a more precise 3D model provided by the client or acquired for the purpose, can be provided on demand. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Biomass

    The objective of the Biomass mission is to determine the global distribution of forest biomass.

  • EO Summer School 4

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • Forestry TEP

    The Forestry Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP) enables users in the forestry sector to access satellite data based processing services and tools for generating value-added forest information products.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.


    The PROBA-V mission provides multispectral images to study the evolution of the vegetation cover on a daily and global basis.

  • AfriSAR 2016

    In order to further support the BIOMASS mission development, especially concerning the mission concept verification and the development of geophysical algorithms, ESA funded the AfriSAR campaign.

  • AfriSAR 2015

    During the AfriSAR 2015 campaign, shared between ONERA (dry season, July 2015) and DLR (wet season 2016), Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR airborne data set were collected over four test sites over Africa, therefore covering different forest structures.

  • AfriSAR 2015

    During the AfriSAR 2015 campaign, shared between ONERA (dry season, July 2015) and DLR (wet season 2016), Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR airborne data set were collected over four test sites over Africa, therefore covering different forest structures.

  • AfriSAR 2016

    In order to further support the BIOMASS mission development, especially concerning the mission concept verification and the development of geophysical algorithms, ESA funded the AfriSAR campaign.