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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • Announcement of Opportunity for S3VT (Sentinel-3 Validation Team)

    In the framework of a Copernicus collaborative agreement ESA and EUMETSAT invite interested groups and individuals to support the Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT).

  • Announcement of Opportunity for NoR

    ESA invites submissions for the Network of Resources (NoR) call, which aims to support research, development and pre-commercial users to innovate their working practices, moving from a data download paradigm towards a 'bring the user to the data' paradigm.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for Aeolus Cal/Val

    An Announcement of Opportunity call is open for the Aeolus mission. Scientists, new groups and individuals are invited to participate in Aeolus Cal/Val throughout the mission lifetime.

  • VT GOCE Data

    This collection contains the VT GOCE software and associated data set needed to run the software that is used for GOCE data visualisation.

  • Swarm Thermosphere

    Neutral thermospheric density.

  • Swarm Level 2 daily

    The Swarm Level 1b data products are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites. By a complex assimilation of these individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation, the Swarm Level 2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products.

  • Swarm Geodesy/Gravity

    Monthly gravity field of the Earth, non-gravitational accelerations.

  • Swarm Core

    Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation.

  • Swarm Lithosphere

    Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field.

  • Swarm Space Weather

    Environmental conditions in Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere due to the solar activity that drive the Sun-Earth interactions.

  • Swarm Level 1B

    The Level 1b products of the Swarm mission contains time-series of quality-screen, calibrated, and corrected measurements given in physical, SI units in geo-localized reference frames. Level 1b products are provided individually for each of the three satellites Swarm A, Swarm B, and Swarm C on a daily basis.

  • Swarm Level 2 longterm

    The Swarm Level 2 Long Term data products are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites. By a complex assimilation of these individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation, the Swarm Level 2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products.

  • Swarm Mantle

    Model of mantle conductivity, core-mantle interaction.

  • Swarm Oceans

    Oceans tides, induced magnetic field.

  • Swarm Ionosphere/Magnetosphere

    Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart, spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes and low latitudes, Ionospheric bubble index, ionospheric total electron content, ionosphericfield-aligned currents, dayside ionospheric equatorial electric field, ionospheric plasma density and plasma irregularities.

  • SeaSat ESA archive

    This collection gives access to the complete SEASAT dataset acquired by ESA and mainly covers Europe. The dataset comprises some of the first ever SAR data recorded for scientific purposes, reprocessed with the most recent processor. The Level-1 products are available as: SAR Precision Image [SEA_PRI_1P] SAR Single Look Complex Image [SEA_SLC_1P] SAR Ellipsoid Geocoded Precision Image [SEA_GEC_1P] Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Geophysical Data Record - GDR [ERS_ALT_2]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER Sensor Geophysical Data Record - SGDR [ERS_ALT_2S]

    This is a RA Geophysical Data Record (GDR) product containing radar range, orbital altitude, wind speed, wave height and water vapour from the ATSR/MWR as well as geophysical corrections. The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains two data rates: a low rate of 1 Hz and a high rate of 20 Hz. Most 1 Hz data is also represented at 20 Hz, while microwave radiometer (ATSR/MWR) data and the atmospheric and geophysical corrections are only given at 1 Hz. The REAPER GDR (ERS_ALT_2_) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook, and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • ERS-1/2 Radar Altimeter REAPER METEO Product - [ERS_ALT_2M]

    This is a RA Meteo product containing only the 1 Hz parameters for altimeter (surface range, satellite altitude, wind speed and significant wave height at nadir) and ATSR/MWR data (brightness temperature at 23.8 GHz and 36.5 GHz, water vapour content, liquid water content) used to correct altimeter measurements. It also contains the full geophysical corrections. This product corresponds to a subset of the REAPER GDR product (ERS_ALT_2_). The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) product is generated by applying a similar processing as for Envisat RA-2 on the Level 1b consolidated waveforms using 4 different re-trackers, RA calibration improvement, new precise orbit solution (POD), new ionospheric corrections (NICO09 until 1998 and GIM up to 2003), ECMWF ERA-interim model and updated SSB tables. This product contains only the low rate of 1 Hz data. The REAPER Meteo (ERS_ALT_2M) is a global product including data over ocean, ice and land. It should be noted that this product differs from the Envisat RA2 in the following ways: The product format; which is NetCDF (more details can be found in the Product Handbook), and not PDS The product is delivered based on orbit acquisition and not per pass (pole-to-pole). This product is extended through Envisat RA-2 data.

  • GRACE-A and GRACE-B Level 1B, Level 1B combined and Level 2 Data Products

    Level-1A Data Products are the result of a non-destructive processing applied to the Level-0 data at NASA/JPL. The sensor calibration factors are applied in order to convert the binary encoded measurements to engineering units. Where necessary, time tag integer second ambiguity is resolved and data are time tagged to the respective satellite receiver clock time. Editing and quality control flags are added, and the data is reformatted for further processing. The Level-1A data are reversible to Level-0, except for the bad data packets. This level also includes the ancillary data products needed for processing to the next data level. The Level-1B Data Products are the result of a possibly destructive, or irreversible, processing applied to both the Level-1A and Level-0 data at NASA/JPL. The data are correctly time-tagged, and data sample rate is reduced from the higher rates of the previous levels. Collectively, the processing from Level-0 to Level-1B is called the Level-1 Processing. This level also includes the ancillary data products generated during this processing, and the additional data needed for further processing. The Level-2 data products include the static and time-variable (monthly) gravity field and related data products derived from the application of Level-2 processing at GFZ, UTCSR and JPL to the previous level data products. This level also includes the ancillary data products such as GFZ's Level-1B short-term atmosphere and ocean de-aliasing product (AOD1B) generated during this processing. GRACE-A and GRACE-B Level-1B Data Product: Satellite clock solution [GA-OG-1B-CLKDAT, GB-OG-1B-CLKDAT, GRACE CLKDAT]: Offset of the satellite receiver clock relative to GPS time, obtained by linear fit to raw on-board clock offset estimates GPS flight data [GA-OG-1B-GPSDAT, GB-OG-1B-GPSDAT, GRACE GPSDAT]: Preprocessed and calibrated GPS code and phase tracking data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (10 s (code) or 1 s (phase)) to low-rate (10 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Accelerometer Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-ACCHKP, GB-OG-1B-ACCHKP, GRACE ACCHKP]: Accelerometer proof-mass bias voltages, capacitive sensor outputs, instrument control unit (ICU) and sensor unit (SU) temperatures, reference voltages, primary and secondary power supply voltages (1 file per day, level-1 format) Accelerometer data [GA-OG-1B-ACCDAT, GB-OG-1B-ACCDAT, GRACE ACCDAT]: Preprocessed and calibrated Level-1B accelerometer data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (0.1 s) to low-rate (1s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Intermediate clock solution [GA-OG-1B-INTCLK, GB-OG-1B-INTCLK, GRACE INTCLK]: derived with GIPSY POD software (300 s sample rate) (1 file per day, GIPSY format) Instrument processing unit (IPU) Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-IPUHKP, GB-OG-1B-IPUHKP, GRACE IPUHKP]: edited and decimated from high-rate (TBD s) to low-rate (TBD s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Spacecraft Mass Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-MASDAT, GB-OG-1B-MASDAT, GRACE MASDAT]: Level 1B Data as a function of time GPS navigation solution data [GA-OG-1B-NAVSOL, GB-OG-1B-NAVSOL, GRACE NAVSOL]: edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (60 s) to low-rate (30 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) OBDH time mapping to GPS time Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-OBDHTM, GB-OG-1B-OBDHTM, GRACE OBDHTM]: On-board data handling (OBDH) time mapping data (OBDH time to receiver time Star camera data [GA-OG-1B-SCAATT, GB-OG-1B-SCAATT, GRACE SCAATT]: Preprocessed and calibrated star camera quaternion data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (1 s) to low-rate (5 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Thruster activation Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-THRDAT, GB-OG-1B-THRDAT, GRACE THRDAT]: GN2 thruster data used for attitude (10 mN) and orbit (40 mN) control GN2 tank temperature and pressure Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-TNKDAT, GB-OG-1B-TNKDAT, GRACE TNKDAT]: GN2 tank temperature and pressure data Oscillator frequency data [GA-OG-1B-USODAT, GB-OG-1B-USODAT, GRACE USODAT]: derived from POD product GRACE-A and GRACE-B Combined Level-1B Data Product Preprocessed and calibrated k-band ranging data [GA-OG-1B-KBRDAT, GB-OG-1B-KBRDAT, GRACE KBRDAT]: range, range-rate and range-acceleration data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (0.1 s) to low-rate (5 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product [GA-OG-1B-ATMOCN, GB-OG-1B-ATMOCN, GRACE ATMOCN]: GRACE Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product. GRACE Level-2 Data Product: GAC [GA-OG-_2-GAC, GB-OG-_2-GAC, GRACE GAC]: Combination of non-tidal atmosphere and ocean spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GCM [GA-OG-_2-GCM, GB-OG-_2-GCM, GRACE GCM]: Spherical harmonic coefficients and standard deviations of the long-term static gravity field estimated by combination of GRACE satellite instrument data and other information for a dedicated time span (multiple years) and spatial resolution (1 file per time span, level-2 format) GAB [GA-OG-_2-GAB, GB-OG-_2-GAB, GRACE GAB]: Non-tidal ocean spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GAD [GA-OG-_2-GAD, GB-OG-_2-GAD, GRACE GAD]: bottom pressure product - combination of surface pressure and ocean (over the oceans, and zero over land). Spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GSM [GA-OG-_2-GSM, GB-OG-_2-GSM, GRACE GSM]: Spherical harmonic coefficients and standard deviations of the static gravity field estimated from GRACE satellite instrument data only for a dedicated time span (e.g. weekly, monthly, multiple years) and spatial resolution (1 file per time span, level-2 format).