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  • Spotlight on Third Party Mission provider: GEOSAT

    GEOSAT is one of ESA’s suppliers of commercial Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery for rapid-response disaster monitoring and mitigation.

  • How much data may I request in a Project Proposal?

    Access to some restrained data collections distributed by ESA require submission of a Project Proposal. These collections are typically for Third Party Missions when the data provider can only offer a limited amount of data.

  • Explore sample data products from Third Party Missions

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of over 50 satellite missions from commercial and public organisations worldwide.

  • Sample data products from ESA’s Third Party Missions

    Samples of data products from a range of Third Party Missions are now available to download, offering a preview of what these missions provide.

  • How to find the geographical and temporal coverage of the ESA TPM archive collections

    Explore the ESA TPM archive collections, containing Earth Observation data from international partners, and learn how to discover their geographical and temporal coverage for research and pre-operational applications.

  • What are the Terms of Applicability?

    Essential information about data ordering, accessibility conditions, and distribution constraints for TPM EO data.

  • GEOSAT collaborates with ESA to boost understanding of the planet

    Researchers around the world are exploring innovative scientific applications of high quality satellite data from commercial provider GEOSAT, thanks to a successful collaboration between the firm and ESA’s Third Party Missions (TPM) programme.

  • Remote sensing data map impacts of natural hazards

    As climate change increases the frequency and severity of natural disasters, remote sensing data can warn about extreme events and help tackle emergency situations.

  • Full European Landsat data collection now available under the same catalogue

    The Full European Landsat data collection, from Landsat-1 to Landsat-8, is now available under the same catalogue

  • A summary of ESA Third Party Mission collections

    A new summary is available, showcasing the ESA archives for Third Party Mission collections.

  • New open-source Python library improves rapid mapping services

    In emergency services, rapid response is paramount. ICube-SERTIT’s Rapid Mapping Service provides near real-time delivery of geo-information to help emergency services respond quickly to disasters such as flooding, fires and landslides. A new Python open-source library, called EOReader, speeds up this mapping response by enabling the easy opening of imagery from multiple satellite sensors, both optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

  • GEOSAT-1 and 2 ESA archive

    GEOSAT-1 and 2 dataset is composed of products acquired by the GEOSAT-1 and GEOSAT-2 Spanish satellites. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. GEOSAT-1 standard products offered are: SL6_22P: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank P SL6_22S: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank S SL6_22T: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, 2 banks merged together. GEOSAT-1 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1R: All 3 Spectral channels combined into a band-registered image using L0R data. Geopositioned product based on rigorous sensor model. Coefficients derived from internal and external satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata. Level 1T: Data orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). The use of the GCPs, it is not automatic, as it is done manually, which gives greater precision. (GCPs by human operators). GEOSAT-2 standard products offered are: Pan-sharpened (HRA_PSH four-band image, HRA_PS3 321 Natural Colours, HRA_PS4 432 False Colours): a four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserve all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Panchromatic (HRA_PAN): a single-band image acquired by the panchromatic sensor. Multispectral (HRA_MS4): a four-band image acquired by the multispectral sensor, with band co-registration. Bundle (HRA_PM4): a five-band image contains the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. Stereo Pair (HRA_STP): The image products obtained from two acquisitions of the same target performed from different viewpoints in the same pass by using the agility feature of the platform. It can be provided as a pair of pan sharpened or panchromatic images. GEOSAT-2 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1B: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, but not resampled. The product includes the Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC), the metadata with gain and bias values for each band, needed to convert the digital numbers into radiances at pixel level, and information about geographic projection (EPGS), corners geolocation, etc. Level 1C: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. The geometric information is contained in the GeoTIFF tags. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • How GEOSAT helps to unlock the potential of Earth observation data

    High-resolution imagery delivered by a privately-owned system of European satellites is facilitating international efforts to boost prosperity, protect the environment, and tackle urgent global challenges.

  • Timeline to over 40 years of historical satellite missions

    ESA's Heritage Space Programme preserves historical data from over 40 years of Earth observation missions.

  • GEOSAT-1 full archive and tasking

    GEOSAT-1 full archive and new tasking products are available at 22 m resolution in two processing levels. L1R (Basic Geopositioned): All 3 spectral channels combined into a band-registered image. Geopositioned product based on sensor model. Coefficients derived from satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata L1T (L1R orthorectified): Orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). GEOSAT-1 products are provided in DIMAP format. The image products are delivered in the TIFF and GeoTIFF image formats by default. All products can be provided in False Colours (R,G,NIR) or Natural Colours (R, G, Synthetic Blue).

  • An overview of ESA's Third Party Missions programme

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of almost 50 satellite missions, which are owned by organisations around the world. ESA has agreements with these organisations to acquire, process, and distribute data from their missions

  • ESA Third Party Missions timeline

    We've released a new timeline to illustrate the history of the ESA Third Party Missions.

  • A stroll through Heritage Missions

    At ESA's Earth Observation centre—ESRIN—in Frascati, Italy, there is a place where one can walk back in time, to better understand the history and importance of Heritage Missions and their data.

  • Landsat MSS ESA Archive

    This dataset contains all the Landsat 1 to Landsat 5 Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) high-quality ortho-rectified Level 1 GEO and GTC dataset acquired by ESA over the Fucino, Kiruna (active from April to September only) and Maspalomas (on campaign basis) visibility masks. The acquired Landsat MSS scene covers approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 200 m). The altitude changed from 917 km to 705 km and therefore two World Reference Systems (WRS) were used. A full image is composed of 3460 pixels x 2880 lines with a pixel size of 60 m. Two different product levels are available: Geometrically and terrain corrected GTC Products (L1T): The most accurate level of processing as they incorporate Ground Control Points (GCPs) and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to provide systematic geometric and topographic accuracy; with geodetic accuracy dependent on the number, spatial distribution and accuracy of the GCPs over the scene extent, and the resolution of the DEM used. Geometrically corrected GEO Product (L1G): Normally generated where there is a lack of GCPs, and are derived purely from data collected by the sensor and spacecraft e.g. ephemeris data. Matera density and coverage map Kiruna density and coverage map Maspalomas density and coverage map

  • New life for Landsat historical data

    45 years of data, more than 1.8 million images, these are the numbers of an adventure started 48 years ago with the launch of the first Landsat satellite.