earth online


27-Oct - 28-Oct 2020



A summary of the Minutes of Meeting is available here.

 F. Niro (ESA) Mission Status and Meeting Objectives PDF  
 R. Wittmann (ESA)  Flight & Ground Segment Status PDF  
 D. Clarijs (VITO) PDGS Status and Feedback on Experimental Phase PDF
 I. Benhadj (VITO) Geometric Calibration Status PDF
 S.Sterckx (VITO) Radiometric Calibration Status PDF
 L. Gomez-Chova (Uni. Valencia)  Latest update on C2 Cloud Mask and Extension to PV-CC PDF
 W. Dierckx (VITO) Feedback on C2 Cloud Mask @1km from C3S PDF
 D. Ramon (HYGEOS) AC Algorithm – Development and Validation status PDF
 T. Van Roey (VITO) Atmospheric Correction – Implementation status 
 D. Clarijs (VITO) C2 Reprocessing Plan PDF
 R. Lacaze (HYGEOS) Feedback on Proba-V C1 and follow-on with S3 PDF
 C. Henocq (ACRI)  Update on S3 SYN-VGT algorithm status PDF
 C. Toté (VITO) Consistency of Proba-V and S3 SYN_VGT products PDF
 B. Deper (ASL) Proba-V CC status update from ASL 
 C. Bernal (ESTEC) Proba-V CC status update from ESA PDF
 B. Delauré (VITO) Proba-V CC status update from VITO and Draft Cal/Val and Exploitation Plan for PV-CC mission   PDF