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Envisat MIPAS L2 - Temperature, pressure and atmospheric constituents profiles [MIPAS_2PS/2PE]

How to Access Data

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The service provides the latest reprocessed Envisat MIPAS Level 2 data (ORM v8.22).

See MIPAS products availability table.

The data is collection based and allows data browsing and download via treeview, filename or advanced catalogue search.

Data download is available via HTTPS, including bulk download functionality. ESA internal users can use their ESAAD account to access the HTTPS Dissemination Service.

Access to ftps:// is available via common FTP clients using implicit FTP over TLS and your own EO Sign In credentials. For internal ESA users the ESAAD account cannot be used for FTP access.

New users can register an account on EO Sign In. For further information about the EO Sign In Service you can visit TellUs.

Should you need support to access the data, please contact EOHelp.

Collection Description

This MIPAS Level 2 data product describes localised vertical profiles of pressure, temperature and 21 target species (H2O, O3, HNO3, CH4, N2O, NO2, CFC-11, ClONO2, N2O5, CFC-12, COF2, CCL4, HCN, CFC-14, HCFC-22, C2H2, C2H6, COCl2, CH3Cl, OCS and HDO).

It has a global coverage of Earth's stratosphere and mesosphere at all latitudes and longitudes. The vertical resolution of p, T and VMR profiles varies from 3 to 4 km, whereas the horizontal resolution is approximately 300 km to 500 km along track. This depends on the tangent height range and optical properties of the atmosphere. Auxiliary data include spectroscopic data, microwindows data, validation data, initial guess p, T and trace gas VMR profiles.

The resolution range of the dataset is: 3 km (vertical) x 30 km (horizontal) at the tangent point.

The latest reprocessed MIPAS Level 2 data (v8.22) is available as

  1. Standard products (MIPAS_2PS): A complete product containing 22 MIPAS L2 chemical species covering a single orbit and single species providing information generally needed by data users.
  2. Extended products (MIPAS_2PE): A complete product containing 22 MIPAS L2 chemical species covering a single orbit and single species intended for diagnostics and expert users who need complete information about the retrieval process.

Both products are available in NetCDF format. 

Please refer to the MIPAS L2 v8.22 Product Quality Readme file for further details.

MIPAS new species

Technical Details


Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Spatial coverage:
90 N, -90 S, -180 W, 180 E
Temporal coverage:
2002-07-01 - 2012-04-08
Date of launch:
Mission status:
Orbit height:
800 km
Orbit type:
Swath width:
5 - 1150 km


level 2


Utilisation of this data is subject to ESA's Earth Observation Terms and Conditions


European Space Agency, 2021, Envisat MIPAS L2 - Temperature, Pressure and Atmospheric Constituents Profiles Product. Version 8.22.


Product Specifications

MIPAS Level 2 v8.22 Product Quality Readme File

Product Specifications

Product Specifications

MIPAS L2 V8 - Data output definition v2.0

Product Specifications

Product Specifications

MIPAS Level 2 v8.22 Reprocessing – Technical Documentation

Product Specifications

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