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  • Data Access
  • How do I get access to ERS and Envisat (A)SAR Level 0 data?

How do I get access to ERS and Envisat (A)SAR Level 0 data?

Access to some specific ESA datasets subject to limited distribution requires the submission and approval of a Data Service Request (DSR).

When do I need to submit a Data Service Request?

Data Service Requests are needed to request access to the ERS-1/2 and Envisat (A)SAR Level 0 data distributed by ESA. Such access can be granted by ESA to users who describe and justify their needs within a Data Service Request.

Where do I start from to submit a Data Service Request?

The starting point is the relevant (A)SAR Level 0 dataset description page available on ESA Earth Online (go to the Data section and select your dataset of interest).

You can then use the ‘ESA User Services Portal’ link in the ‘How to Access Data’ section of the dataset description page to submit the Data Service Request.



What if I do not have a personal EO Sign In account?

Users who have not yet created a personal EO Sign In account may do so using the Register Now button in the EO Sign In login page reached when clicking on the link to start a Data Service Request.


Which information is requested from me in the Data Service Request form?

In the Data Service Request form users shall provide the following mandatory information:

  • Title of the Request
  • Primary Application Domain
  • Covered Geographical Area
  • Objectives and description of the request

(Justification and explanation of the Data Service Request, describing the objectives, methods, expected deliverables and schedule for the EO activity, and why (A)SAR level 0 data are needed as opposed to the existing (A)SAR L1 products).

This section is the main basis for the evaluation of the Data Service Request.

The user can also insert the following optional information:

  • Attachments (e.g., tables, list of publications, references, kmz file of area of interest)


More in details, what do I have to insert into the fields?

FieldsDescriptionMax length

Title of the Data Service Request

(Should not exceed 256 characters)

Primary Application DomainThe applicable Theme for the Data Service Request can be selected from the dropdown menu in this section. For details see the relevant question below.N/A
Covered Geographical AreaA broad definition of the geographical area of study can be selected from the dropdown menu. A file that more accurately represents your area of study (e.g., KMZ) can be added as attachment at the end of the submission form.N/A
Objectives and description of the request

Please describe objectives, methods, expected deliverables and schedule for the EO activity.

A justification of the need for (A)SAR Level 0 data as opposed to existing ESA (A)SAR Level 1 products shall also be included.

(Should not exceed 16000 characters)



What are the Application domains I can select?

Application domainSub-Theme

•   Atmospheric Constituents: Retrieval, Geophysical Results

•   Clouds, Aerosols, Surface Parameters

•   UV Radiation, Air Pollution

•   Trend Analysis, Assimilation

•   Chemistry Models, Radiative transfer

•   Wind profiles

CAL/VAL•   Calibration/Validation of ESA data
Coastal zones monitoring

•   Bathymetry mapping

•   River discharge mapping

•   Coastal protection and change monitoring (algae blooms, erosion assessment, water pollution...)

Geodesy•   Geodesy

•   Geological mapping

•   Geodynamics

•   Archaeology


•   Volcanoes monitoring

•   Earthquakes

•   Earth motion (Crustal motion, Subsidence...)

•   Floods

•   Oil

•   Fires

•   Landslides and Soil erosion

•   Damage assessment


•   Snow melt

•   Soil moisture

•   Wetlands

•   Run-off

•   Water cycle


•   Ice sheet mapping

•   Ice-sheet dynamics and properties

Land environment

•   Environment (Urban SAR-climatology, Global change...)

•   Land surface temperature

•   Desertification

Methods•   Algorithm development, Software development, Product development

•   Wind-wave

•   Primary production (Geochemistry, Fisheries, SST...)

•   Ocean dynamics (Circulation, Sea-level, NRT...)

•   Sea features (Ship detection, Air-sea features...)

Renewable resources

•   Agriculture

•   Vegetation

•   Forestry

•   Land cover/use mapping

•   Biomass

Sea-ice•   Sea-ice
Topographic mapping•   DEMs


Which Terms and Conditions apply to the data I am asking for?


The Terms and Conditions for the use of ESA data are available here

The document shall be accepted during the registration process; this is a prerequisite to the creation of a personal account, together with the acceptance of the Privacy Notice and the Terms and Conditions for the use of Third Party Missions data.


What happens to my Data Service Request once submitted?

After the receipt of your Data Service Request, ESA carries out an internal review.

If needed, ESA may require further clarification related to the Data Service Request before it can be accepted. In this case, the user will receive an email notification asking to provide missing or additional information.

After ESA’s decision has been made, the user will be notified as to whether the Data Service Request has been accepted or rejected. If it is approved, the user will also receive information on how to access the data.


How long does it take before I receive feedback on a Data Service Request?

The result of the evaluation is normally provided 1 to 2 weeks after reception of the request by ESA.


Where can I see the status of my request?

Users may visualize the status of their requests logging into the ESA TellUS User interface Home Page



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