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How to find data collection in EO CAT?

EO CAT (Earth Observation Catalogue) application allows users to search, browse, and download data from various ESA satellite missions. You can search for data based on various criteria and filters such as location, time period, satellite mission, and data type. A more detailed User Guide can be found here.

To illustrate how EO-CAT can be used to find data collections for specific events, here are some examples:

  • Envisat ASAR Dataset over Bam earthquake (2003)

The Bam Earthquake (Iran) took place on 26 December 2003.

The Bam dataset includes ASAR Image Mode Single Look Complex (IMS) products, all corresponding to acquisitions performed in ERS-like mode, i.e. ASAR Image Mode, Swath 2, Polarisation VV.

Perpendicular Baseline Values Track 120 (descending pass, centered on the city of Bam) (11 june 2003 and 03 Dec 2003)

Perpendicular Baseline Values Track 385 (ascending pass, containing the city of Bam in the near range) 16 Nov 2003

The ASAR data archive in southeast Iran contains other acquisitions performed on adjacent tracks or with different ASAR modes. 

Products can be found in ASAR IMS OTF collection in EO CAT.

Envisat ASAR Dataset over Bam earthquake

  • ERS SAR dataset over Izmit Earthquake (1999)

The Izmit Earthquake took place on 17 August 1999 in Turkey

ERS SAR Tandem images acquired on 12 and 13 August 1999 show the earthquake affected areas of Sapanca Lake and Derince.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Date of Acquisition:  12 and 13 August 1999
Orbits:  ERS-1: 42229 - ERS-2: 22556
Track / Frame:  157 / 815
Landsat-5 TM and 7 ETM+ images acquired on 17 and 18 August 1999 show the earthquake affected areas of Istanbul, Darica and Derince.

Landsat TM/ETM  

Date of acquisition: 17 and 18 August 1999  

Track / Frame 179, 180 / 32

ERS SAR dataset over Izmit Earthquake

  • ERS and ENVISAT (A)SAR datasets over Indian Ocean tsunami (2004)

The Tsunami occurred off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia on 26 December 2004.
ENVISAT ASAR and ERS 1&2 SAR datasets are available under the linked filters:


ENVISAT ASAR and ERS SAR acquisitions tsunami




indian tsunami NICOBAR_Envisat


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