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  • IDEAS+ Cal/Val Workshop 7

    Regular workshops are held every nine months with the whole IDEAS+ Task 3-Cal/Val team in order to review the status of current

  • SEASAR 2012

    Aouf 14:00 - 14:20 Towards consistent inversion of wind, waves and surface current from SAR Bertrand Chapron (IFREMER, France

  • SCIRoCCo

    Author: The SCIRoCCo Team Abstract: The ERS Scatterometers in the Global Climate Observing System report describes the current

  • SMOS product availability

    + NIR + Long     LO + FTT     LO + Electrical Stability     LO + NIR + Long + FTT     LO + Short     LO + Long + Short Current

  • EO Summer School 4

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • ESA's excellent Earth Explorer missions extended to 2025

    Acting like the spinning conductor in a bicycle dynamo, it generates electrical currents and thus the continuously changing

  • SEASAR 2006

    requirements Formulate recommendations for algorithm and new products development To present ESA studies results on wind, wave and currents

  • SMOS data outage since 22 February 2024

    spacecraft has been back in nominal mode since 25 February and on 27 February, the MIRAS instrument was switched on and is currently

  • EO Summer School 3

    In line with observations it shows anti-cyclonically rotating surface currents and cyclonically rotating bottom currents.

  • EO Summer School 5

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • SMOS Objectives

    SMOS Science The SMOS mission is a direct response to the current lack of global observations of soil moisture and ocean

  • RA (ERS)

    the RA provided information on significant wave height; surface wind speed; sea surface elevation, which relates to ocean currents

  • New reprocessing of datasets celebrates 30 years of ERS

    For each surface, the experts will use our current knowledge acquired over 30 years of experience, to improve the ERS altimetric

  • New version of the SMOS-CryoSat level 4 sea ice thickness product is now available

    The current version 205 replaces the previous baseline version 204.

  • Satellite data central to ocean monitoring

    microwave monitoring instruments, optical imagers, and infrared radiometers, which can map ocean variables related to ocean currents

  • Fringe 2011 Workshop

    The Fringe series of workshops started in 1992 and they are currently organised by ESA every two years.

  • ERS Radar Course 1

    Therefore, microwaves easily penetrate clouds, and images can be acquired independently of the current weather conditions

  • Showcasing success stories from ESA's Heritage Missions

    success stories showcased used data from ESA's ERS (European Remote Sensing) and Envisat satellites in combination with current

  • The Nine Candidate Earth Explorer Missions - Topography Mission

    This report for assessment addresses the Topography mission when it was selected with other nine Earth Explorer missions as a potential candidate for Phase A study.

  • Products Information

    For an optimal exploitation of the current SMOS L2 data set V620 consult the read-me-first notes available for V620 soil