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New version of the SMOS-CryoSat level 4 sea ice thickness product is now available

30 Jan 2023

The new version 205 of the merged SMOS-CryoSat level 4 sea ice thickness product is now available on the SMOS dissemination service. The current version 205 replaces the previous baseline version 204. The main improvements in this new version are the usage of CryoSat sea ice thickness weekly product version 2.5 and the usage of new marginal ice zone flag to filter CryoSat data inside the merging algorithm. The version of the SMOS level 3 sea ice thickness product used in the merging is still v3.3 as in previous v204 baseline.

The product documentation consist of the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) the Product Description Document (PDD) and Read-Me-First note. The documentation is available on the SMOS - CryoSat L4 Sea Ice Thickness product page.

CryoSat - SMOS level 4  sea ice thickness (left panel) and its uncertainty (right panel). Credits: AWI/ESA
CryoSat - SMOS level 4 sea ice thickness (left panel) and its uncertainty (right panel). Credits: AWI/ESA