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    Aeolus Quality Control Reports on L1B/Instrument, L2A and L2B products are currently available to Aeolus Cal/Val teams and

  • Aeolus

    This is currently the only technology that can provide direct wind profile observations in clear air, inside thin clouds

  • Aeolus data now publicly available

    Following the introduction in June 2019 of a correction of biases related to spectrometer pixels showing elevated dark current

  • A Guide to Aeolus Range Bin Settings

    Current Range Bin Settings Multiple Aeolus Range Bin Settings are active at the same time.

  • Aeolus Overview

    Currently, the global distribution of conventional wind profile measurements is not homogenous and mainly located over land

  • SMOS Overview

    Mission Background The SMOS mission is a direct response to the current lack of global observations of soil moisture and

  • SMOS Objectives

    SMOS Science The SMOS mission is a direct response to the current lack of global observations of soil moisture and ocean

  • Envisat Objectives

          x     x Turbidity       x             Wave Characteristics x   x               Near Surface Wind x   x               Current

  • Aeolus Data

    Aeolus Quality Control Reports on L1B/Instrument, L2A and L2B products are currently available to Aeolus Cal/Val teams and

  • MERIS Overview

    Spatial and temporal models of the biosphere are currently being developed to study the mechanics of such complex systems

  • ALADIN Reports

    quality reports about the public L2B Wind product: Monthly L2B reports Reports for the Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud products are currently

  • ASAR Products Information

    Higher level products (Level 2) can then be derived from L1 products; however, this is currently only done with Wave mode

  • MERIS Applications

    altimeters, have a remarkable sensitivity to the roughness and height of the ocean surface, enabling the detection of ocean currents

  • ASAR Processor Releases

    August 2009 5.03L03 9 October 2009 5.04 17 September 2010 6.00 16 December 2011 6.02 30 April 2012 6.03 3 July 2015 (current

  • Understanding the Carbon and Water Cycles using SMOS Data and Models

    main land interactions and their impacts on the Earth system and climate by exploiting SMOS observations; To review the current

  • SMOS product availability

    + NIR + Long     LO + FTT     LO + Electrical Stability     LO + NIR + Long + FTT     LO + Short     LO + Long + Short Current

  • Products Information

    For an optimal exploitation of the current SMOS L2 data set V620 consult the read-me-first notes available for V620 soil

  • SEASAR 2008

    of the workshop were: Wave mode processing algorithms, product validation and assimilation Ocean Wind applications Ocean Current

  • How Envisat helped to shape global understanding of Earth’s systems

    including melting Arctic sea ice, global sea level rise, fluctuations in the extent of the Antarctic ozone hole, and ocean currents

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    mission delivered unprecedented insight into the global distributions of methane and carbon dioxide, helping to underpin current