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    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C data acquired by ESA stations (Kiruna, Maspalomas, Matera, Tromsoe) in the ADEN zone, in addition to worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage outside of the ADEN zone. With respect to the L1B collection, only scenes acquired in sensor mode with a Cloud Coverage score lower than 70% and a sea percentage lower than 80% are published: Orbits: from 2768 to 27604 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 665 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 310 to 6790. The L1C processing strongly improve accuracy compared to L1B1 from several tenths of metres in L1B1 (~40 m of northing geolocation error for Forward views and ~10-20 m for easting errors) to some metres in L1C scenes (< 10 m both in north and easting errors). The collection contains only the PSM_OB1_1C EO-SIP product type, using data from PRISM operating in OB1 mode with three views (Nadir, Forward, and Backward) at 35 km wide. Most of the products contain all three views, but the Nadir view is always available and is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the JAXA view ID naming convention.

  • ALOS PRISM L1C European Coverage Cloud Free data collection now available for users

    As part of Earthnet’s Third Party Missions Programme framework, ESA is pleased to announce that the ALOS PRISM L1C European Coverage Cloud Free data collection is now available for research purposes.

  • ALOS PRISM L1C European Coverage Cloud Free

    This collection is composed of a subset of ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C products from the ALOS PRISM L1C collection (DOI: 10.57780/AL1-ff3877f) which have been chosen so as to provide a cloud-free coverage over Europe. 70% of the scenes contained within the collection have a cloud cover percentage of 0%, while the remaining 30% of the scenes have a cloud cover percentage of no more than 20%. The collection is composed of PSM_OB1_1C EO-SIP products, with the PRISM sensor operating in OB1 mode with three views (Nadir, Forward and Backward) at 35 km width.

  • ALOS PRISM Level 1C data collection now available for users

    ESA offers registered users access to the ALOS PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) OB1 L1C data acquired by ESA ground stations in the ADEN zone, plus some worldwide data requested by European scientists.

  • Data preservation takes centre stage at Living Planet Symposium

    Against the backdrop of the famed Rhine River, world-class scientists and Earth observation data-users are gathered this week in the historical city of Bonn, at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS).


    This collection provides access to the ALOS-1 PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) L1b data acquired by ESA stations in the ADEN zone, in addition to worldwide data requested by European scientists. The ADEN zone was the area belonging to the European Data node and covered both the European and African continents, a large part of Greenland and the Middle East. The full mission archive is included in this collection, though with gaps in spatial coverage outside of the ADEN zone. The full mission is covered, though with gaps outside of the ADEN zone: Time window: from 2006-07-09 to 2011-03-31 Orbits: from 2425 to 24189 Path (corresponds to JAXA track number): from 1 to 668 Row (corresponds to JAXA scene centre frame number): from 55 to 7185. Two different Level 1B product types (Panchromatic images in VIS-NIR bands, 2.5 m resolution at nadir) are offered, one for each available sensor mode: PSM_OB1_11 -> Composed of up to three views; Nadir, Forward and Backward at 35 km swath PSM_OB2_11 -> Composed of up to two views; Nadir view at 70 km width and Backward view at 35 km width. All ALOS PRISM EO-SIP products have, at least, the Nadir view which is used for the frame number identification. All views are packaged together; each view, in CEOS format, is stored in a directory named according to the view ID according to the JAXA naming convention.

  • ALOS African Coverage ESA archive

    ALOS Africa is a dataset of the best available (cloud minimal, below 10%) African coverage acquired by AVNIR-2 in OBS mode and PRISM in OB1 mode (all Backward, Nadir and Forward views, in separated products), two different collections one for each instrument. The processing level for both AVNIR-2 and PRISM products is L1B. This dataset is a subset of the main ALOS AVNIR-2 and ALOS PRISM ESA collections. ALOS AVNIR-2: ALOS PRISM:

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 23 Jul 2007

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 08 Dec 2007

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 23 Oct 2007

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 07 Sep 2007

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 15 Jun 2010

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 15 Mar 2010

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 27 Jan 2010

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 12 Sep 2009

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 28 Oct 2009

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 13 Dec 2009

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 25 Oct 2008

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 10 Dec 2008

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report

  • ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report 09 Sep 2008

    ALOS-1 PRISM Cyclic Report