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    ESA's SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) activity was part of the preparatory study for a proposed ESA Earth Explorer mission called SPECTRA. The objective was to collect a CHRIS/PROBA reference dataset for SPECTRA-related studies.


    ESA's SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) activity was part of the preparatory study for a proposed ESA Earth Explorer mission called SPECTRA. The objective was to collect a CHRIS/PROBA reference dataset for SPECTRA-related studies.

  • Space data support Earth’s ecosystems

    ESA’s Earth observation (EO) missions are making a critical contribution to monitoring transformations in our planet’s ecosystems, helping track changes in the vegetation, soil, and ocean that affect these systems.


    The Solar Induced Fluorescence Experiment (SIFLEX) 2002 campaign was to understand whether solar-induced fluorescence measurements might someday be used to monitor and map the photochemical activity of boreal forests from space.


    SENtinel-2 and FLuorescence EXperiment (SEN2FLEX) campaign combines different activities in support of initiatives related both to fluorescence experiments and Sentinel-2 initiative for prototyping of resolutions to meet mission requirements.


    SENtinel-2 and FLuorescence EXperiment (SEN2FLEX) campaign combines different activities in support of initiatives related both to fluorescence experiments and Sentinel-2 initiative for prototyping of resolutions to meet mission requirements.


    In the SEN2EXP campaign, the data gap for broad leaf forests is addressed as suitable reference datasets of sufficient quality do not exist.


    In the SEN2EXP campaign, the data gap for broad leaf forests is addressed as suitable reference datasets of sufficient quality do not exist.

  • Satellite data boost global understanding of land surface

    Understanding our changing land surface is essential in the study of climate change. Satellites are used to monitor changes to the material that covers Earth’s surface, so-called land cover, such as vegetation and water.


    The HRC Level 1A product is an image with a pixel resolution of 8m. The data are grey scale images, an image contains 1026 x 1026 pixels and covers an area of 25 km2. HRC data is supplied in BMP format. All PROBA-1 passes are systematically acquired according to the current acquisition plan, HRC data are processed every day to Level 1A and made available to ESA users. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • PROBA-1 CHRIS Level 1A

    CHRIS acquired a set of up to five images of each target during each acquisition sequence, these images were acquired when PROBA-1 was pointing at distinct angles with respect to the target. CHRIS Level 1A products (supplied in HDF data files, version 4.1r3) include five formal CHRIS imaging modes, classified as modes 1 to 5: Mode Name Swath Spectral Bands/Ground Resolution Mode 1 Aerosols 13 km 62 at 34 m (773 nm / 1036 nm) Mode 2 Water bands 13 km 18 at 18 m Mode 3 Land channels 13 km 18 at 18 m Mode 4 Chlorophyll band set 13 km 18 at 18 m Mode 5 Land channels 6.5 km 37 at 18 m Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • PROBA-1 CHRIS End of Mission Workshop

    The PROBA-1 CHRIS End of Mission Workshop will take place from 18-19 January 2024 in Ghent, Belgium.

  • PROBA-1 - From technology demonstration to long-term Earth observation

    Learn about ESA's PROBA-1 (Project for On-Board Autonomy) mission in our new infographic.

  • PROBA-1

    PROBA-1 is a technology demonstration satellite that later became an operational Earth observation mission.

  • On-the-Potential-of-CHRIS-PROBA-for-Estimating-Vegetation-Canopy-Properties-from-Space.pdf

    On the Potential of CHRIS/PROBA for Estimating Vegetation Canopy Properties from Space.

  • New FLEX-related campaign datasets released

    New datasets have been released for three campaigns, covering activities supporting the upcoming FLEX mission.

  • Living Planet Symposium 2019

    ESA's Living Planet Symposia are amongst the biggest Earth observation conferences in the world. Scientists present their latest findings on Earth's environment and climate.

  • Leaf-area-index-from-CHRIS-satellite-data-and-applications-in-plant-yield-estimation.pdf

    This paper focuses on the optical remote sensing aspects of the ISIES project.


    This HYFLEX campaign aimed to deliver maps of sun-induced fluorescence recorded from airborne measurements using the approaches of the spaceborne FLEX mission.


    This HYFLEX campaign aimed to deliver maps of sun-induced fluorescence recorded from airborne measurements using the approaches of the spaceborne FLEX mission.