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  • New stories on change detection and ERS-2 re-entry in HEDAVI

    Two new stories are now available in ESA’s HEDAVI (HEritage DAta VIsualisation) tool. HEDAVI visualises Earth observation data from satellites in ESA’s Heritage and Third Party Missions programme, and includes some data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites.

  • Space data support Earth’s ecosystems

    ESA’s Earth observation (EO) missions are making a critical contribution to monitoring transformations in our planet’s ecosystems, helping track changes in the vegetation, soil, and ocean that affect these systems.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • Data preservation takes centre stage at Living Planet Symposium

    Against the backdrop of the famed Rhine River, world-class scientists and Earth observation data-users are gathered this week in the historical city of Bonn, at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS).

  • Interviewing Mirko Albani

    ESA’s Heritage Space Programme Manager describes the goals of the programme, some of the challenges involved in preserving and improving 40 years of historical Earth observation data, and his passion for curating this long-term archive.

  • Introducing Mirko Albani

    In this short introduction, ESA's Heritage Missions Programme Manager describes what he likes most about ESA's long term archive of satellite mission data and his role in the programme.

  • Envisat-ERS (A)SAR - Enhanced Dissemination Service

    ESA is pleased to announce the release of several new features as part of the ESA On-The-Fly data processing and dissemination service.

  • EO Summer School 3

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation data.

  • SEASAR 2006

    ESA organised it's first SAR oceanography workshop, SEASAR 2006, entitled "Advances in SAR Oceanography from Envisat and ERS missions"

  • Fringe 2003 Workshop

    The third ESA International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry and its first Workshop on ASAR interferometry: Advances in SAR interferometry from ERS and Envisat missions.

  • 2nd Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing 2009

    This advanced training course focused on ocean remote sensing theory and applications.

  • Heritage Missions app for iOS

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • Heritage Missions app for Android

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • Fringe-2011-workshop-recommendations.pdf

    This document contains the recommendations from the session summaries of the Fringe 2011 Workshop.

  • SEASAR 2012

    The European Space Agency and the Norwegian Space Centre jointly organised the fourth SAR oceanography workshop, 'SEASAR 2012', entitled 'Advances in SAR Oceanography'.

  • Fringe 2011 Workshop

    Fringe 2011 was the 8th International Workshop on "Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry".

  • DRAGON 2 Programme - Brochure 2009

    The Dragon Programme is a cooperation between ESA and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R. China. This brochure presents the activities undertaken since the formal start of the programme in April 2009, its background, objectives, partners and project themes.

  • 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium

    The 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium was held in Salzburg - Austria from 6 to 10 September 2004. The 2004 Envisat and ERS Symposium provided a forum for investigators to present results of ongoing research project activities and assess the development of applications and services.

  • 3rd International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications

    Proceedings of the symposium held on 11-14 September 2001 at the University of Sheffield, UK. This Symposium provided a snapshot of where we currently stand in exploiting SAR data to understand geophysical and biophysical processes. It identified important areas for future research, in terms of specific problems and general trends: in total, 80 papers were presented on Forestry, Agriculture and Land Cover, Hazards and DTM, Soils and Hydrology, Snow and Ice, Process Modelling.

  • FRINGE 2007 Workshop

    Proceedings of the Fringe workshop held from 26-30 November 2007 at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.